Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 525

In June, a city has gradually begun to be a little hot, all the pedestrians on the street changed into cool summer clothes.

Shorts, skirts, suspenders, snow-white thighs, plump hemispheres - it's another season of hormone secretion in the year.

Fuan pedestrian street, the most famous commercial pedestrian street in a city, is crowded with people and is very lively.

June is the peak tourist season in city A. people from all over the country will come here to do a lot of shopping after enjoying the sea water bath and golden beach of city A.

The world is very small. You may encounter old classmates you haven't seen for many years in this pedestrian street. The world is very big. You may lose your boyfriend by accident. You can't find it. What's worse, your wallet and mobile phone are also taken away by thieves fishing in troubled waters.

Fawn doesn't like this kind of crowded place. It has no sense of security, because it doesn't know when it may be killed by someone coming in the face!

She has been concentrating on guarding against anyone suspicious.

But there were so many people here that she didn't look like a good person.

At 12 o'clock in front of her, there was a dull looking 20-year-old woman with a bamboo stick of eating sugar gourd. It was thin and long. If the angle and strength of this thing were well grasped, it could be directly inserted into the heart and could be killed in an instant!

At eight o'clock, there was a man in black sportswear, with a duck cap and half of his face covered. The lighter in his hand was thrown one after another. If he had an accomplice and was ready to pour a bucket of gasoline at any time, the lighter would immediately become a powerful bomb. No one could live within 10 meters around.

After walking for a short time, the deer felt that he was already weak.

How can she go on like this? She is a killer, suitable for killing in the dark, rather than being a living target in the light!

As if he knew her pain, the beautiful man who attracted countless women's eyes around her hugged her waist and whispered in her ear: "bear with me again, pretend to be a little more curious. Yang Muyan is so smart, you are too alert to her and run away!"

"Next time, don't call me such a thing. What I'm good at is killing people, not acting!"

"I didn't bring you here just in case. Yang Muyan is a paranoid. If she doesn't like me, you can improve your chances of living by my side, isn't it?"

Jing Yiran's tone is relaxed, and her expression is full of evil smile. In fact, she is very cautious in her heart.

In the past, he and Yang Muyan were grasshoppers on the same rope. Their common goal was to get rid of jingyichen, so they were very close.

Yang Muyan also asked Jibo to exchange equity with him, allowing him to enter Jishi group and control part of the strength of Jijia. She also used strong means to secretly push him to the position of vice president of Jishi group, and supported him to use the power of Jijia to fight with Jingjia.

Later, he also gave Yang Muyan the statement that Jing Yichen gave up the inheritance right of Jing family, and let her keep it for her.

This kind of cooperation can also be regarded as cooperation with a high degree of trust.

Therefore, Yang Muyan and jingyiran have contact information of each other.

This is why jingyiran told jingyichen that he could find Yang Muyan.

However, Yang Muyan is not easy to fool, she not only has a high IQ and mind, but also very careful, very cherish life. In the past, she never came forward directly for every plot of jingyichen, but all of them were controlled by remote control.

Jing Yiran has already sent a signal to Yang Muyan for more than half a month. She finally has a reply. They make an appointment to meet in Fu'an pedestrian street.

It is usually a terrible choice to meet in such a crowded place, but for Yang Muyan's situation, choosing this kind of place is the safest and most unlikely to expose himself.

Although she has cooperated with Jing Yiran several times, she doesn't believe anyone except herself. Jingyiran is jingyichen's younger brother, Jing family, and her enemy. She is doomed to kill jingyiran. How can she trust him without reservation and expose herself.

Even if jingyiran is trustworthy, but jingyichen is so smart, Yang Muyan thinks that jingyiran will send someone to monitor where jingyiran is, so jingyiran still can't be trusted.

Wearing a white lace dress and a cup of steaming coffee, Yang Muyan stood in front of the window and looked at the pedestrian street.

Her skirt is tailor-made, just as long as her hips, showing her long and straight thighs. Moreover, she has stayed at home since childhood, and her skin is very white. Just looking at her legs will make people fantasize.

She put on a very delicate make-up. If Jingyi ran saw her, she would be surprised, because the present Yang Muyan is only three points like the former Yang Muyan!

This is partly due to make-up, but more, it is Yang Muyan who did micro cosmetic surgery.

Her eyes are bigger, her nose is higher, her chin is sharper, her apple muscles are plump, and there are two more lovely dimples on both sides of her cheek. Even her lips become sexy and full.This kind of Yang Muyan is more beautiful than the original, with red lips and white teeth. The skin is good, like being able to pinch out water. With a smile, one can feel incomparably amazing!

People who don't know will regard her as a kind and gentle beauty.

Yang Muyan is a very confident person. In fact, she is very satisfied with her original appearance. However, in order to survive for a long time, she has done micro plastic surgery and slightly changed her appearance. With makeup, most people have not recognized her.

Moreover, in order to avoid future trouble, the doctor who did the micro plastic surgery for her was killed by her quietly and cruelly, and then she cleared the doctor's computer of the records of her cosmetic projects.

Now, she is the general manager of a cosmetics store on Fuan pedestrian street. The first floor is the store and the second floor is her office.

This cosmetics shop is an old shop on Fu'an street. It is not big. It mainly deals in several kinds of high-grade cosmetics, with most of its regular customers. Yang Muyan bought all her cosmetics from this store. Later, she thought it was too inconvenient to buy from here, so she simply bought this store.

However, in order to prevent leakage, the original owner of the shop has also evaporated from the world.

Killing people is a trivial matter for Yang Muyan. Her whole Yang family was destroyed overnight. She killed only a few people. Compared with the Jing family, she felt that she was a little bit of a witch.

However, although some secrets will be kept after killing people, they will also involve a lot of trouble. Therefore, Yang Muyan generally seeks those people with simple interpersonal relationship and eccentric personality. , the fastest update of the webnovel!