Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 526

For example, the owner of this cosmetics store is an unmarried woman in her forties with a bad temper. She started to open the cosmetics store at the age of 20, and it has been more than 20 years now, but she has hardly accumulated any contacts.

The risk of killing such a person is very low.

In fact, even if the risk is high, Yang Muyan is not afraid. She enjoys the process of killing and the details of fighting wits and bravery with the criminal police, because she can gain valuable experience in these details, which can enable her to deal with the traces of murder more skillfully in the future.

In fact, no one knows that Yang Muyan has been killing people since he was 12 years old.

She killed a servant of the Yang family who secretly ridiculed her appearance. She used drugs to cause the sudden death of the servant. At that time, everyone thought that it was because the servant was in poor health and had been working at night. No one knew that it was Yang Muyan who killed her.

The killing of an adult without bloodshed, without causing anyone's suspicion, greatly encouraged the young Yang Muyan.

She also found her amazing talent and ability in some aspects. From then on, she would kill someone from time to time, sometimes just to vent her anger, sometimes just to practice.

The first person to discover her murder was old lady Yang, who was Yang Muyan's grandmother.

The old lady was surprised, but she covered it.

When she found out that Yang Muyan looked upon human life like grass roots, hundreds of people had died in Yang Muyan's hands. At that time, she was only 16 years old.

From that time on, Mrs. Yang began to let her granddaughter participate in the decision-making of the Yang family. For ordinary people, killing is a serious crime, which is against the law and morality. However, it is a rare talent for Mrs. Yang, a cruel character who comes out of the bloody rain!

Even, she began to teach Yang Muyan what kind of people can be killed and what can't be killed. There are many ways to kill people. The most advanced way is to use other people's hands to kill the target.

Under the guidance of Mrs. Yang, Yang Muyan has made rapid progress. Not only that, but also invited teachers from various fields to teach her. Therefore, her comprehensive ability is very high.

Even she thinks that she is the legendary killer with high EQ, and such a killer is usually the top talent!

This time, although she has the identity of being able to see people outside, Yang Muyan still won't kill herself.

She still uses others to help her.

Zheng Jing is the most powerful criminal police in a city. Yang Muyan knows him, but he doesn't care about him. Although Zheng Jing is an excellent criminal policeman, he is still far from jingyichen. If Jing Yichen solves the case himself, Yang Muyan may seriously deal with all the details. However, when Zheng Jing comes to solve the case, she doesn't have the heart to clean up the mess.

What's more, Yang Muyan knows the weakness of Zheng Jing very well. Now Zheng Lun and Zheng's husband and wife are already under her control. She can take Zheng Lun's life at any time. In the future, Zheng Jing will be obedient.

She doesn't like to have a capable criminal policeman staring at herself day and night.

However, what we have to deal with now is not Zheng Jing, but jingyiran, which has been sent to us.

Yang Muyan, with black wavy hair and white high-heeled shoes, sipped a sip of fragrant coffee and looked down at the scene of walking slowly with a woman in his arms not far away.

She knows fawns and has investigated them. She knew that fawn was good at it, but that was all. She didn't think fawn was so different.

Yang Muyan has investigated, or is investigating, all the assistance that is closely related to the Jing family.

Only when you know your enemy and yourself can you win a hundred battles.

The Jing family is a huge thing. In the heyday of the Yang family, she could not overthrow the Jing family. Now she is only herself. It is no less difficult to kill Jing Tianyuan, Jing Zhongxiu, Jing Yichen and Jing Yiran.

Yang Muyan once wanted to find a top killer to assassinate directly, but her plan failed.

Because all the well-known killers in the industry do not accept the list of killing Jing's family.

Last time, Mrs. Yang hired a killer. The original target was shangguanning, not jingyichen. At that time, shangguanning's identity was not clear. Few people knew that she was the young lady of the Jing family. So the killer took the list without hesitation, and the cost was only 400000 yuan.

Now, even if the price is skyrocketing, there is no list of assassins to assassinate Shangguan Ning.

It took Yang Muyan a lot of effort to find out that Jing Zhongxiu actually cooperated with one of the world's largest killer organizations. Moreover, several leaders of the killer organization seemed to have a good relationship with Jing Zhongxiu. They once said that all the killers against jingzhongxiu were enemies of the whole killer world!

This gimmick is really too scary!

In this case, which killer dares not to go to Jing Zhongxiu's trouble? Not only jingzhongxiu, but also jingtianyuan and jingyichen, no killer dare to move them!Can't find the killer, Yang Muyan can only do it himself.

She doesn't believe it. She can't kill Jing Zhongxiu!

She must be able to let Jing family have no one left, all dead!

Jingyiran is the best sword!

He and jingyichen are not compatible with each other. He always thinks that it is jingyichen who killed his mother. Those who hate jingyichen don't even want to die. It's a pity that she doesn't use such a good helper!

What's more, two months ago, jingyiran also robbed jingyichen's equity and the declaration of giving up the right of inheritance, which is still lying in her safe.

However, Yang Muyan knows that jingyiran was shot to death by jingyichen, but now she appears alive. It's really strange.

It is impossible for Jing Yichen to be merciful. In this way, there may be other reasons that she did not know, so that Jing Yiran survived.

Jing Yi Ran alive in A city. The first person to find him is Jing Yichen, who is covered with eyeliner in A city.

I don't know if Jing Yiran came to meet her today. Is there anyone behind him who follows jingyichen.

Isn't that deer from jingyichen? Isn't she always responsible for protecting the safety of shangguanning? Now how in jingyiran's side?

Yang Muyan looks at the two people nestling together in the bustling pedestrian street, and can't help but smile. If jingyiran dares to bring jingyichen's people to see her, none of the two people who come today can live! , the fastest update of the webnovel!