Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 524

Ah Hu was shocked.

It seems that the young master seldom doubts himself.

Ah Hu scratched his head and said in a simple way: "otherwise, I'll ask people to check again? When they were in the United States, it seemed that they were not as close as they are now. I always feel that the second young master is a little different, but I can't tell what is different. "

Hearing AHU's words, jingyichen suddenly smiles gently.

"He's a man who has died once. It's natural that he will change. But he seems to have changed a little bit this time. "

It is incredible that Jing Yiran is willing to put down the dignity he never gave up for the sake of deer's safety.

Jing Yichen has believed Jing Yiran's words. He really came back for the deer. Xiaolu is quite special to jingyiran. He has discovered this for a long time. Unexpectedly, jingyiran is so special to her.

It seems that in this month or so, something happened that he didn't know.

This is the best, otherwise, he can't believe jingyiran.

"Isn't he short of money? Give him 500000 to use first, wait until he finds out about Yang Muyan, and then give him additional. Just leave two people to pay attention to the movements of him and Xiaolu. The rest of the people will all withdraw back and concentrate on finding the force behind Tang Yun. "

A Hu whispered that he should be, but he listened to jingyichen's light way: "jingyiran's original villa should not be sold for the time being. Give him to live with Xiaolu. The hotel is too cheap, and it is easy to have problems."

Ah Hu thought, you have not been in order to let the second young master have a problem, he put him to death, the whole he not only reduced the price, but also lost the meat!

Of course, he only dares to think about this, absolutely dare not say it, his simple and honest expression on his face is very good to cover up the inner abdominal Fei.

At more than three o'clock in the morning, jingyichen orders all the things, and then leaves the study.

The sweet corner of his baby's lips and feet shows his light sleep.

He bowed his head and kissed his son's smiling face before he went out.

Back in the bedroom, jingyichen takes off her clothes and puts on the dark blue pajamas that shangguanning bought him. She gently lies on the bed and reaches out to hold shangguanning into her arms.

Shangguan Ning opened his eyes and asked: "are you out again? What's the matter? I just wanted to hold you, but you weren't there

Jing Yichen smiles and kisses her forehead: "nothing happened, it's a good thing. Go to sleep. I won't go out. I'll let you hold it. "

Shangguan listened to him in a good mood, and believed what he said was a good thing. He held his waist, buried his head in his chest, and fell asleep in the past.

Even if Jing Yiran is reincarnated and reincarnated, I'm afraid he will come to find Jing Yichen for revenge, but he is still that he, even turned sexual!

Shangguan Ning felt so unbelievable that she could not help frowning and said, "is this his plan to delay the war? He's not lying to you, is he? "

"Just his intelligence quotient, you want to cheat me? Don't worry, your husband will crush him from IQ to Eq! I know if he really bows his head. If he dares to play any tricks, I'll give him another shot. He can't live this time. "

His tone is arrogant. Those who don't know will feel that he is narcissistic after listening to him.

But shangguanning had too much trust in him and even worshipped him. After listening to his arrogant words, he not only did not laugh at him, but nodded seriously: "well, yes, if you can crush him, I will be relieved."

Jing Yichen: "it's just

It seems that his wife's IQ has decreased since she gave birth to a child. If he is so boastful, she even agrees with him. It's really nobody.

After thinking about it, he told shangguanning about the change in the relationship between jingyiran and Xiaolu.

Although it is not sure how deep their feelings are, just from the performance of jingyiran, he has put fawn in the most important position.

All these things, Shangguan Ning should know that she regards fawn as her sister. Even if it was because of fawn that she fell into Jing Yiran's hands last time, she did not blame Xiaolu.

She always said that it was not the deer's fault, but jingyiran's fault.

Shangguan Ning hears jingyichen say that jingyiran and fawn are likely to be together. She is surprised again!

The two of them?!

How could it be!

She never saw that fawn had a special feeling for jingyiran, and jingyiran didn't have it either!

She just gave birth to a child, just a month. It doesn't have to change so much outside, right? , the fastest update of the webnovel!