Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 523

Even if the deer's feelings are dull, they know what love means.

Although she has never been in love, she also knows the general matters of love between men and women. She looks up at jingyiran's face and asks with uncertainty: "do you want to go to bed with me?"

Jing Yiran felt that the bullet in his head seemed to prick the brain more painful!

Damn it, he wanted to fall in love with a woman for the first time in so many years, but he swore to God that for the first time he didn't want to have sex with a woman he liked!

For the first time, he didn't have that dirty idea, but he was misunderstood by the dead girl!

Did God send you to punish me?!

Sure enough, he is a natural killer. He always conquers him!

Jing Yiran's big hand pressed the white chin of the fawn and clenched his teeth and said, "I'm so anxious in your heart?"

Fawn blinked innocently: "isn't love always like this? Why else would you fall in love with a woman

"Well, you know a lot! I'm in love with a woman just to have sex with her? Who told you that? Can't I just want to hold hands with her? " Jing Yiran continued to bite her teeth.

He suddenly remembered that a few days before jingyichen killed him, Xiaolu held his place without blushing and wanted him to become a eunuch!

This girl is more generous than him, more open than him!

Jing Yiran is suddenly a little unhappy. Xiaolu is a woman with a few tendons in her mind. She doesn't know what it means to be different between men and women. She also doesn't know whether she treats other men like this!

This can't be, absolutely not, can't let her do such a thing again!

Xiaolu thought carefully about what jingyiran had done before, and said seriously: "I remember that you used to hold hands with your girlfriends, kiss, touch your chest, undress and dance, go Well... "

Before she finished, she was covered with jingyiran's mouth.

Jing Yiran was completely defeated by her.

Well, he was really bad before, but should she give an example so seriously!

It's too unfair to be naive. His passion and tenderness, love experience and coax women's experience are unmatched. However, he meets a woman who knows nothing about feelings. All his means of flirting are defeated!

Forget it, who made him more experienced and lived a few years longer than fawn!

Teach her slowly, he will not believe, with his invincible appearance and gentle offensive, even if it is a stone, he can cover, just a deer, no matter!

Love can't be forced to wait for fawn to really understand what feelings are.

Her dullness was not her wish, but the limitation of her life experience and her physical condition.

In fact, jingyiran is not sure whether her feelings for fawn are love.

He remembered that when he was very interested in shangguanning, he wanted to get her very much. He always thought of her appearance and voice, and always wanted to provoke her.

But it's not the case with fawns.

He would be very comfortable with fawn, but he did not have that kind of urgent desire - hope, and would not always want to provoke the deer, just want to protect her, let those bloody rain away from her.

He has had a lot of women, but he has never been able to make his heart.

Perhaps, Shangguan Ning is one.

Fawn, do you count?

Jing Yiran finally found that he was so confused about his feelings!

He doesn't laugh at fawn anymore.

He bowed his head and gently kisses her soft hair. He squatted down again in front of her: "come on, I'll carry you back."

Fawn is now getting used to the leisurely kisses. When she was young, she lived with her parents in the United States. For kissing, she felt that it was just a kind of friendly etiquette.

Although she always felt that the etiquette of jingyiran seemed a little different in her heart, she thought for a long time and didn't understand the difference.

All she knew was that she liked him kissing her, which made her feel as if she had returned to the carefree life when she was a child, and she felt a little happy.

However, this does not mean that she wants to let Jingyi carry her back.

It's the talent of women who are sentimental and weak.

She did not move, the light way: "no, I am not can't walk."

Jingyi ran good temper coax her: "the wound on your body is not good, I carry you, you will hurt a little lighter, I want to carry you, obedient, come up quickly."

Deer also want to refuse, but Jing Yiran can't help but directly put her on his back, and then hold her small buttocks, separate her legs on his waist side, and stood up.

Fawn was very stiff at first. She didn't know how to deal with this situation. She had never been carried by a man. This feeling was strange.

However, after a while, she relaxed and slowly leaned on Jing Yiran's back.His back is very wide, very strong, even let the deer inexplicably give birth to a sense of security.

Her injuries are not good, but she has a special constitution. Her wound healing ability is much stronger than ordinary people. Even her scars are weaker than ordinary people. Moreover, her hematopoietic function is also very strong. In fact, she does not pay much attention to the bleeding when she is injured.

In fact, she felt that Jingyi had to take care of her wounded, which made a fuss.

However, how can I feel very happy at the bottom of my heart?

Xiaolu doesn't understand, but she thinks it's very good. Someone loves her. It's a happy thing.

She was obediently lying on jingyiran's back, her hands subconsciously around his neck, was taken by him, in the silent night, slowly forward.

The sea breeze is cool, blowing across the sea, setting off white spray, leaving a string of shallow footprints on the clean beach.

In the moonlight, the petite figure falls on the tall figure, behind them, the shadow drags very long.

All over the world, it seems that only these two homeless people are left, slowly looking for their way home in the dark.

Jingyichen stands in front of the large French window in the study, looking at the two indistinct figures by the sea from afar, and frowns slightly.

Is it true that Jing Yiran came back for the sake of fawn?

"Young master, they have left."

A Hu enters the study and reports in a low voice behind jingyichen.

"The second young master left with the fawn on his back. They looked very close and felt They seem to be together

Ah Hu hesitated slightly, but he still said what he felt in his heart.

Anyway, whether they are together or not, the young master will have his own judgment. He just needs to tell the truth what he sees and feels.

Unexpectedly, jingyichen was a little surprised: "do you have such a feeling? I didn't think it was wrong , the fastest update of the webnovel!