Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 522

She hugs very hard, the scenery of Le is somewhat breathless.

Jing Yiran has just been swept away by the humiliation that jingyichen is stepping on. She laughs frivolously: "I haven't seen you for a few hours. Do you think of me like this? It seems that my charm index is still high. Laurie and the ripe girl are all killed

What he means is that two distinct fawns like him.

The fawn didn't retort and didn't release his hand, so he always held his waist.

After a while, the deer whispered, "thank you."

Jing Yiran turns and picks up the fawn.

She is petite and small, and he forms a strong contrast with tall, so that after being picked up by jingyiran, her feet leave the ground, and the whole person is buried in jingyiran's arms.

Jing Yiran held her flexible waist in one hand and her elastic little buttocks in the other. Her beautiful peach blossom eyes were full of banter and banter: "is it too hasty to just thank you orally? I want something more practical! For example, a French tongue - Kiss or something. "

Fawn has never had any special feelings about people's appearance before. In her eyes, everyone looks the same, and doesn't distinguish between beauty and ugliness. Everyone is just one nose and two eyes. As for what kind of single eyelid, double eyelid, high nose or collapsed nose, in her opinion, it is equally difficult to see. To describe with more accurate words, it is that fawn's aesthetic outlook is a little bit problematic!

However, she now looked at the face of jingyiran, but really felt the beauty of a person.

His forehead is smooth and wide, eyelashes are very long, and his eyes are slightly narrow. He is the most standard peach blossom eyes. His nose is straight, his lips are ruddy, and his lips are slightly raised. With his white skin and his eyes like water waves, his whole person is perfect like a man in animation.

He is as beautiful as a demon. It's hard to distinguish men and women by looking at his face. He doesn't look like Jing Zhongxiu. He's like Zhang Rong eight times. Zhang Rong was originally a beautiful woman. When she was young, she used to pursue many men, but her vision was too high. She felt that only Jing Zhongxiu, who had a very outstanding family background, appearance and ability, was worthy of her.

But his whole person is absolutely not a trace of feminine, his beauty is fascinating, intoxicating, but will not really make people think that he is a woman.

What he said is not accurate enough. He is not loli and a mature woman. He is a man and a woman!

The fawn looked for a while, but could not help reaching out to touch jingyiran's delicate eyebrows and eyes, and whispered, "you are very beautiful."

Jing Yiran heard his words, his face suddenly black down.

His teasing is so obvious that fawn is not on the road at all!

He said he was beautiful!

Is the word beautiful used to describe men?!

Deer is really the biggest killer in his life!

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of her, but he couldn't even talk about her.

However, jingyiran knows that Xiaolu is really slow to the love between men and women. She is very slow not only in the love between men and women, but also in everything related to feelings, family and friendship.

This may have a lot to do with the great harm she has suffered, or it may be because the virus in her body makes her very insensitive to feelings.

In either case, this is not what jingyiran wants to see.

A person, a lifetime can meet a few people who are willing to follow their own recklessly?

Most people have a lot of concerns, women always worry about whether men will change their minds and become poor.

Of course, he is also a man who is easy to change his mind. The women he has provoked can go around city a three times, and he has indeed become a pauper overnight.

Only a single minded man like fawn will take him to the end of the world without knowing his own mind!

Jingyiran's heart suddenly became a little soft. When fawn said that he was "beautiful", he did not care. He put her on the ground, reached out to rub her soft long hair, and then squatted down in front of her.

"Come on, I'll carry you."

Xiaolu is stupefied. Her quick thinking and reaction ability have always been in trouble recently, because many of jingyiran's behaviors have never been encountered by her, which is beyond her understanding ability.

No one ever carried her back.

It has always been her back to others, because she has great strength, everyone will feel that it is reasonable for her to carry others behind her back.

She thinks so herself. She never thinks she needs to be memorized.

Because she was injected with genetically modified virus since she was born, she may be the most physically competent person in the world. Even the boxing master who is several times stronger than her is not her opponent at all.

The world's No.1 killer, Shashen, is a Mexican. The reason why he ranks in front of fawn is not that his comprehensive strength is higher than that of fawn, but that he is very bloodthirsty. The number of people killed is dozens of times that of fawn, and there are few mistakes. Therefore, he is considered to be more dangerous and ranked higher than fawn.

She is so strong that she doesn't know how to be a little woman, a little woman who depends on men.Jingyi ran squatted down for a long time, but there was no movement behind her. When she turned her head and looked at it, the deer was dazzled and stood there, looking lovely and angry. Jingyiran was tickled by a cat, but still with a trace of pain.

He stood up and gently hugged the deer: "no one carried you?"

The fawn didn't know what he meant. He just shook his head subconsciously.

Jing Yiran suddenly laughed: "that's right, I have never recited others, it's the first time, even."

"Do you like me to hold you?"


The deer suddenly widened his eyes. What's the problem! This topic is changing too fast!

Jing Yiran stretched out her slender fingers, pinched the delicate perfect chin of the fawn, and whispered in her ear: "answer me, do you like it?"

Maybe Jing Yiran has been suffering from a low fever recently. Her fingers are hotter than before, and her heart is beating slightly.

Maybe I like it, she thought?

Because she doesn't reject it.

She hesitated for a moment and nodded, "it's quite comfortable."

Jing Yiran's beautiful face showed a brilliant smile. His teeth were white and neat. In the moonlight, it was like a beautiful white shell in the bottom of the sea, which made him more and more beautiful.

Although he is always unscrupulous and never responsible for women, his appearance is just as good as Jing Yichen's half brother. They are just two different styles.

"Since you feel comfortable, then Honey, let's fall in love , the fastest update of the webnovel!