Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 516

Jing Yiran was shocked by the deer's words for a long time before returning to her mind.

He can't help hugging the deer, but he is afraid to encounter the wound on her body, so he releases it carefully.

"How can jingzhongxiu protect you

Jing Yiran's voice is a little bitter. Now he finds out that he and fawn may not be able to survive without Jing's family.

Fawn did not feel how, she was very indifferent.

"I know more about jingzhongxiu's ability than you. Although you are surnamed Jing, you have no idea how powerful the Jings are. The reason why he is willing to pay a great price to help me is not because I am of great use to him, but because he has some friendship with my uncle. My uncle asked him to take care of me for several years before he died, and he agreed

"Your uncle?"

Jing Yiran is a little surprised. This is the first time that he has heard Xiaolu talk about his family. She used to be very secretive about her family and would never say a word.

"Yes, I have an uncle who raised me for a year after I killed both my parents. He didn't allow me to join the killer organization, so I had a hard time with him."

She said "I killed both my parents." it seemed that this was not a big deal at all, but Jingyi was shocked and the whole person became stiff.

The fawn looked at him faintly: "scared?"

Jingyiran saw her clear eyes, and her heart couldn't help but soften. He made a magic kiss on the deer's full forehead and said in a soft voice: "why killed your parents? Is it true that you killed them when you were 14? "

The deer is not comfortable with the kiss.

Jingyiran's lips are warm and soft, with a unique male flavor, which makes her feel indescribable.

However, she soon put that feeling out of her mind.

Because of the problem of jingyiran, she recalled the painful memories in the past.

Before the age of 14, her life was full of sunshine and happiness. She was simple, lively, with loving parents and lived a carefree life.

There was nothing wrong with her except the occasional bone and muscle pain, and her strength was much greater than others. She goes to school like any other child and likes new clothes and shoes.

But since her fourteenth birthday, the bone pain has rapidly intensified, and the frequency of muscle pain is also increasing. Strangely, her parents will not panic and will not send her to the hospital. Instead, they will "cure" her at home by injecting a light blue drug.

The medicine was very effective at first, but the sequelae was too much for her.

She not only fell into a deep hallucination, but also her muscles were convulsing and convulsing, and pain tormented her night and night. At the same time, her strength grew rapidly, and her parents were no longer her rivals at all.

Gradually, she has been unable to distinguish between illusion and reality.

But one day, she suddenly became sober, she was lying on a cold table, watching her blood slowly pulled away by her father, and heard him talking to his mother in a low voice.

"Lulu's body can't bear those viruses any more. I said you injected her too much and were too eager to succeed. You don't believe it. Now, you'll kill her daughter."

"It can't all depend on me. You injected her with the virus when she was just born, and almost died at that time. Moreover, you injected too early and the sequelae appeared early. You were more eager than me to succeed!"

"OK, don't blame each other. The virus has been kept in Lulu's body for so long, and has evolved into a new species, which can comprehensively improve the physical quality of human beings! We are on the verge of success

"That is! This is the most powerful virus in the organization. Our daughter can resist it for such a long time, even I didn't expect it! She is not only amazing in strength, but also has more than twice the normal hearing and vision. I want to try this virus quickly

"No, we have to wait. The virus is not mature yet. I need to take more blood for analysis. It is estimated that in another month, our achievements will be put into production and benefit all mankind! By then, both of us will be the most famous scientists in the world

"Ha ha, this daughter has not been born in vain. It took me a lot of effort to raise her! Her death is a reward for me, but I don't know if she can survive for a month

"Continue to inject virus certainly can't last, these two days don't inject first, managed to raise 14 years, not short of this time, wait for my analysis results come out again."


Her parents' words were heard by her.

As they said, her hearing and eyesight are far beyond ordinary people, and her memory is much stronger than ordinary people. She has been able to remember things for the past two years.

So, although their voices were very low and low, she could hear them clearly, and after so many years, she still remembered them all!Her body has been transformed by virus since childhood, and her genes have undergone great changes. In addition to life span, all functions of her body have broken through the limits of human beings. Her eyesight, hearing, smell, physical strength, brain power and touch have almost become a human monster!

She finally understood why she often fainted at home for no reason. Originally, they deliberately made her dizzy and injected with virus!

It turns out that her parents hold her as a baby in their hands. They really treat her as a baby, a baby to cultivate virus!

It turns out that there is a reason for her severe pain from small to large!

But why?

Why treat her like this?

She is clearly their own daughter. Why do they use her to cultivate the virus? Why don't they care about her pain or her death?!

She has always been proud that her parents are scientists, but now, she only feels extremely disgusting and hateful!

Her parents have also been injected with a small amount of virus, and their physical fitness has been improved. However, compared with her, they are not a star and a half worse.

She fell from the paradise of happiness to the dark and cruel hell.

But she didn't want to die, or, she didn't want to die so easily. She wanted that pair of vicious parents to die before her!

The virus brought her unbearable pain, but also gave her a strong ability, killing people is easy for her.

Before her blood was drained by the couple, she cut off all their heads. , the fastest update of the webnovel!