Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 515

Jing Yiran soon learned from Xiaolu that his remaining equity and large amount of assets were all taken away by jingyichen.

His aching heart is bleeding!

He has worked so hard for so many years to accumulate a large amount of assets, painstakingly get the shares of Jingsheng and Jishi group, and it is so cheap that jingyichen is so cheap!

He is not reconciled!

With all his efforts, he not only got nothing, but almost lost his life!

Now he can't live in his original identity. He doesn't have any money. He lives in this high-level private hospital, and his medical expenses are all paid by fawn every day!

He felt that no one was more bent and incompetent than him!

Fawn won't have other ways to make money. She can only kill people. Her money is all her life. How can jingyiran use her money with ease!

Moreover, it is impossible for fawn to receive homicide business every day. She is the second top killer in the world. If you ask her, you need to pay a high price. Not everyone can afford to hire her. It is a very dangerous task.

Jing Yiran thinks that she is not a good man, but she doesn't want fawn to go on like this all the time.

He wanted to make his own money and raise deer.

He wants to get all his things back from jingyichen!

The night is very deep, the air is filled with a faint smell of blood, this disturbing breath, forcing Jing Yiran to wake up from sleep.

In the moonlight, he saw the fawn dressed himself naked.

This is the second time jingyiran saw the deer's naked body, but at the moment, there is nothing beautiful in his heart, only heartache and uneasiness.

He got up, went to the deer, took the gauze in her hand, and whispered, "I'll come."

Deer slightly stiff, then relaxed, let jingyiran bandage himself.

She was injured in the ribs, wearing underwear bandage is not convenient, so simply take off all the coat, she did not expect Jingyi will wake up.

Fawn is used to both men and women's bodies, and doesn't think it's embarrassing to be naked. However, during jingyiran's dressing process, it is inevitable that there will be skin contact, and jingyiran's hand even accidentally touches her soft chest.

The strange feeling swept the deer who had never been through the personnel.

She took a few deep breaths before she controlled herself not to break Jing Yiran's wrist!

Jing Yiran skillfully wrapped the wound for the fawn, then frowned and pulled the sheet to cover her whole body: "are you an exhibitionist? Don't you know that men and women are different. Don't take off clothes in front of men! A girl should have a girl's reserve. Why don't you blush in front of me

"I have been trained as a killer for six years. In the killer organization, there is no gender distinction. Men and women are the same. Everyone will take off their clothes and fight. If they blush, they will surely die the fastest. I'm one of the ten people who survived thousands of killers, and I've long forgotten the difference between men and women. "

The deer's voice was faint, and his expression in the moonlight was very calm, as if he were talking about other people's affairs.

Jing Yiran was slightly stunned, and then felt a burst of unspeakable heartache.

He gently took the deer into his arms, smelling the sweet sweetness on her body, and said in a low voice, "where have you been? Didn't I stop you from taking up the task? "

"I didn't take the task."

The deer was held by jingyiran and suddenly felt a little comfortable. She subconsciously put her head on his strong chest.

She was a little surprised that she didn't reject Jingyi and hugged her.

You know, almost every killer doesn't like being touched or hugged, because it's likely to be killed.

The killer's training and blood lessons over the years have made fawn reluctant to have physical contact with others. Not all killers use guns. Some killers are very good at using poison. Once contacted, they will soon be poisoned and die.

Fawn is good at sniping and shooting, but she is also proficient in poison. Sometimes when she can't use a gun for a task, she will choose to kill with poison.

A few years ago, her first reaction to anyone who had close contact with her was to kill people - a complete reflex of six years of killer training.

In the past two years, I have been living an ordinary life for a long time in the king's family. I almost have not taken up the task, so I gradually changed that kind of conditioned reflex.

But she still doesn't like to be touched in her heart. Of course, being touched by someone is just a little uncomfortable, and she won't want to kill people easily.

She clearly knows that Jingyi is not a good person. She has been used by him once, but she can't help but take off her guard against him.

Jingyi is aware that the deer's head is leaning on his body, and his heart is slightly warm.

Perhaps, only this cold but simple no heart of the girl will be so reckless near him!"Why did you get hurt when you didn't take the task?"

The wound of fawn is very deep. The person who can hurt her must be very skilled. In addition to accepting the task to assassinate the target, what other reasons can make her hurt.

"I've got a lot of hired killers in the past, so I've got too many enemies."

Jing Yiran frowned tightly: "your enemy?"

The deer nodded softly, "yes."

"Why didn't your enemy bother you before? Is it because they are in America now?" Jing Yiran's heart suddenly had a bad premonition, even the voice was heavy.

"They didn't dare to trouble me before, because youjingzhongxiu has been protecting me. I told you that I owe him a great debt of gratitude, which is his protection. "

"Besides his protection, it's not so easy for the killer to leave the killer organization. The reason why I am so free now is that Jing Zhongxiu paid a high ransom for me, and guaranteed by the reputation of Jing family, I would not be unfavorable to the killer organization. As for my enemy, he paid a very high price and reached an agreement with my enemy. As long as I don't leave the Jing family, the other party will not attack me. If I leave the Jing family in a city, the other party can do it to me. "

"What?" Jing Yiran was shocked beyond the limit!

How could this happen! How could he never know these things!

He never thought that the deer would have such serious consequences when he left the Jing family!

Is it not to say that the fawn will not even want his own life for his sake!

From now on, I will be pursued by my enemies until I die!

He made the fawn want to hide all the time. He is really desperate! , the fastest update of the webnovel!