Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 517

Her original intention was not to cut off the heads of her parents. Although she hated them for not treating her as a human being, she just wanted to kill them so that she could live on.

However, her body has been transformed by the virus too much, half a year without exerting force, she has no idea how strong her strength is.

She took a knife to cut their throats, but her strength was not under her control. She just exerted a little force, and the two heads rolled down.

Fresh blood splashed all over her face, and she fainted in terror.

When she woke up again, she was at her uncle's house.

With her uncle, there was also a man she didn't know. Later, she learned that the man was her uncle's good friend, named Jing Zhongxiu. He covered up her murder of her parents and didn't let her be taken away by the police.

My uncle is also a researcher. Like her parents, he is also studying viruses that can transform human genes in all aspects.

However, he is different from his parents in that he uses his own body to do experiments instead of his niece's body.

He weakened the virus in her body as much as possible, so that her broken body gradually recovered to health, but a year later, uncle died because of the virus.

Before he died, he entrusted her to the only one he trusted, Jing Zhongxiu.

At that time, she had joined the killer organization. Her uncle could not stop her, so she could only ask Jing Zhongxiu to take care of her in the dark.

She can survive in the killer organization and become the second top killer in the world. On the one hand, because of her excellent physical quality, her physical fitness and intelligence have far exceeded that of all people at a young age; and the other is the protection of Jing Zhongxiu in the dark.

Jing Zhongxiu has protected her for 12 years, just because of her uncle's last wish.

He has done his best.

In the final analysis, she owes it to the Jing family. She failed to protect shangguanning and her children and put her in a dangerous situation. She almost died.

Being used by jingyiran, she will not be too angry. What she is angry at is that jingyiran uses her to hurt shangguanning.

She had owed Jing Zhongxiu too much and was unable to repay her, so she tried her best to protect shangguanning. In the end, she did not protect her, but hurt her.

"The deer's back is not easy to coax, her eyes do not like a little deer lost, no good, not like a little deer's back

Jing Yiran has never coax a person like this, this kind of feeling lets him have some novelty, even the ache of forehead needle prick seems not so tormenting.

Fawn wakes up from the past memories, and her face soon becomes calm. She says in an emotionless voice, "it's OK. I've never regretted killing them. They're damned!"

Jing Yiran stares at the cold and cruel woman in front of her.

He still knows fawn, and knows that she is not without feelings. She just hides her feelings deeply. If her parents are not too much, she can't kill them. Although she is indifferent to people, she will not kill them easily. In fact, she is a very simple woman.

"They were all crazy. They didn't deserve to be parents, so I killed them. At that time, they were too young, their psychological quality was not good, and they were greatly stimulated. So after killing them, I had nightmares every day. A month later, I began to split my personality. One I'll always be 14 years old, forgetting all the dirty things they've done, and forgetting who I really am. The other I, growing up, carrying all the pain and sin, started the dark road of killing people for a living. "

Xiaolu has never told others about her past experience. Maybe it is because she was hurt and vulnerable tonight. Maybe it is because the scenery of tonight is too different, which gives her warmth and allows her to open her heart without any scruples. She briefly told Jing Yiran about the past things, and finally said, "I owe jingzhongxiu. I always want to do something to repay you He, although he may not need my reward at all, but I am different from my perverted parents. I am grateful for it

Jing Yiran has been shocked by the deer's incredible life experience. He doesn't know how the young deer survived!

If it was him, he would have killed his parents!

After the shock, jingyiran is also more clear about what it means to leave Jing's home for fawn.

Jing Yiran is a little confused. He hugs the female killer who lives thousands of times harder than himself. The pain spreads to all his limbs.

If he knew that the use of fawn at the beginning would lead her to leave Jing's house and lead her into endless pursuit now, he would certainly not use her!

The deer was injured and didn't support for a long time, so he went to sleep.

Jing Yiran did not sleep all night.

In the morning, after the deer wake up, he found himself sleeping in jingyiran's arms, and his upper body was not covered with inch thread, only a sheet wrapped around his body.She was slightly uncomfortable, but soon returned to normal. Seeing Jingyi, she looked at her with a kind of eyes she had never seen before. She could not help asking, "what's the matter?"

For the first time in her life, jingyiran took pity on a woman's naked body full of temptation and confusion.

"Fawn," jingyiran's voice was a little hoarse. He didn't sleep all night, which made him look a little haggard, but his tone was firm: "don't be a killer in the future. Go back to Jingjia! Don't worry about me. You should live a simple and stable life

Fawn slightly a Leng, wrapped in the sheet to sit up, some strange way: "what's wrong with you? Why should I go back to Jingjia? It's good now! And even if I want to go back, jingyichen won't let me go back. "

Jing Yiran lay still, looking at the fawn's delicate and beautiful baby face, she said softly, "I don't want you to die. You should live well and live happily."

Lu Jing wants to stay at home for a long time. He is not worthy of the fawn's safety.

The deer was shocked and did not speak for a long time.

There are so many people who want her to die in this world. Even her own parents don't care about her life and death. She was afraid of death before, but now maybe she has experienced too many things. Death is not a thing that scares her any more.

Now, there is a person who doesn't want her to die, but wants her to live happily.

She sighed softly in her heart, looked up and said, "I don't want you to die either." , the fastest update of the webnovel!