Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 509

Moran spent a week in hospital after being knocked unconscious by the fawn.

In fact, she had nothing to do the next day, but in order not to let her follow the blind involvement, jingtianyuan forced her to stay in the hospital for a week. Anyway, people like them who are 70 years old and 80 years old, no matter how well they are, they will inevitably have all kinds of diseases.

What's more, Moran worried too much about jingyiran some time ago, his body was too tired, and his liver fire was a little vigorous. Many indexes of his body were beyond the normal value.

Jing Yiran died, no one told her, even the matter of Shangguan Ning production, Moran is also in the hospital after knowing.

During her stay in hospital, Jing Yichen did not go to the hospital to see her once. However, the relationship between mother and son has dropped to freezing point. Jing Zhongxiu only said "take a good rest" and left.

Jingtianyuan has been with his wife for several days, but every day two people have to quarrel many times. It's just that Moran wants Jingyi to return to Jingjia, but jingtianyuan doesn't agree.

Until jingtianyuan said that jingyiran used shangguanning to force jingyichen to hand over the equity and inheritance rights, Moran did not speak again.

Moran is very concerned about her son. She hopes to see Ding Xingwang, the younger generation. The more brothers and sisters, the better.

So when she knew that jingyiran pushed shangguanning down the bridge, causing shangguanning to give birth prematurely, she still blamed jingyiran very much.

However, after she was discharged from hospital, she wanted to talk about her grandson and ask him to apologize to shangguanning, but she found that she couldn't find jingyiran!

She was afraid that Jingyi would be killed by jingyichen! This is not impossible. In the past, jingyichen often beat Jing Yiran's younger brother out of bed. Now jingyiran has made such a big accident. Jingyichen can't even say that he has not killed him!

But Moran did not directly go to jingyichen to ask, but directly went to wood asked where to find jingtianyuan, questioned him.

"How about my grandson? Have you killed him already? "

Moran thinks that with Jing Yiran's character, it is impossible to run so quietly. He and jingyichen have never been afraid from each other and can't hide unless they are Dead!

She didn't go to the hospital once! Usually even if she has a headache, jingyiran will certainly notice for the first time and take good care of her.

Moran can't remember how she passed out. She only remembered that she took a lot of food to see jingyiran. As a result, she fainted in his home and was already in the hospital when she woke up. From that day on, Moran never saw jingyiran again.

She has a very bad premonition in her heart. This kind of premonition makes her even neglect to look at her newly born great grandson. She just wants to find jingtianyuan to find out whether Jing Yiran is really killed by their masters!

Jing Tianyuan certainly won't say that Jing Yiran has been shot to death by jingyichen. He is also very angry and angry. His voice is even higher than that of Moran: "dead old woman, your grandson almost killed my great grandson. I'd better not go to him for trouble. What's your attitude now?"

"That's what he did wrong. You can fight or scold him, but you can't let him die! He has no mother now, and his father doesn't take him as his son at all. I don't love him. Who else will love him? "

Moran see jingtianyuan's attitude is even stronger than her, the original heart of firmness suddenly began to shake, is Jingyi ran really his own steal run? This is not his style!

Jingtianyuan and Moran's husband and wife for decades know her temper very well. Listening to her tone, she is shaken. He blows his beard and stares and roars: "your good grandson is just a white eyed wolf! Are we short of food or clothing?! He takes all the shares of Yichen and points a gun at the pregnant a Ning, forcing Yichen to write a statement that he can no longer inherit the Jing family! Is this a human thing?! You'd better keep him tight, or I'll skin him if I find him! "

He all of a sudden, the reason for the disappearance of Jing Yiran was attributed to Moran.

Moran was really surrounded by him, thinking that jingyiran was really afraid of being cleaned up by jingtianyuan and jingzhongxiu, so he would hide himself.

She and jingtianyuan scolded for a while, then angrily left.

Mu Wensheng was watching the drama all the time. When Moran left, he immediately looked up and down with a smile: "jingtianyuan, so you can lie! That old woman was completely cheated by you! I'll be more careful in the future, so that I won't be sold by you. I don't know. You king family members are more than one monkey spirit! "

Jingtianyuan couldn't laugh. He was really angry just now.

In his opinion, jingyiran did those abominable things, which is damned! death is not to be regretted! Otherwise, the Jing family will be destroyed in Jing Yiran's hands in the future!

If Moran knew that jingyiran was really killed by jingyichen, she would find jingyichen to make a big fuss, and would be heartbroken, and would directly faint. So he can only lie, in that way to make Moran believe that jingyiran is his own fleeing.Jingtianyuan has spent so many years with Moran. Although they are old and confused, they are old companions. He can't let Moran have an accident because of jingyiran's evil barrier.

Moran from wood asked where to go, then took the servants to Lijing district.

She had not seen her great grandson Zhang. Now she was convinced that Jingyi ran had escaped by herself. A big stone in her heart fell to the ground. She immediately went to see Jing Rui.

After Moran arrived, jingyichen was very indifferent to her and didn't say a word.

Shangguanning should smile and be filial. After all, Moran is an elder, and it can be seen that she loves Jingrui very much and brings a lot of children's food and play to Jingrui.

In particular, many small clothes and shoes are very delicate and comfortable. To be sure, Moran should have prepared these things for a long time.

Moran is holding her great grandson, who was born prematurely by jingyiran for seven months. She also has some guilt in her heart. She wants to apologize to Guan Ning for her unreasonable Jing Yiran, but she is afraid that the atmosphere will be embarrassed by the mention of jingyiran, so she hesitates and doesn't speak.

Shangguan Ning never mentioned jingyiran. People died as if the lights were off. Since he had paid the price for his behavior, she would not have been unhappy with the old lady about it.

Jing Yichen didn't give her a good face. Her expression was indifferent as if she was looking at a stranger, which made her feel uncomfortable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!