Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 508

Jing Yiran didn't have any strength, so she simply leaned on the fawn directly and said shamelessly, "you look thin, but you still have meat on your body. It's soft and comfortable to hold it! I can hold you to sleep at night

Fawn was molested by him, but not moved, a face indifferent to push him: "go back to bed and lie down, clearly weak and vulnerable, you have to hit a swollen face full of fat, pretend to attack."

She said, then turned to go straight out of the room, leaving jingyiran a person in it angry and angry.

"Who says this young master is a little suffer?! I am a strong attack! Pooh, Pooh, Pooh. I like women, not men! Dead girl, it's great to kill people? If you are so shameless, you will never get married in the future

Jing Yiran angrily scolded, but could not resist the body's weakness and headache to crack the torture, quickly lay down on the bed.

More than half an hour later, the deer came back with food in his hand.

Besides soybean milk, they are the simplest fast food.

The fawn basically has no requirements for food, as long as it can fill its stomach.

Jing Yiran was used to the fine dishes. He took up the soybean milk and drank it. Then he frowned and said, "Miss Lu, do you give this to the patient?"? Isn't it too hasty? "

Which knows the deer light way: "no, these are all mine, your only cup of soybean milk."

Jingyi glared at a large number of hamburgers, chicken wings, French fries and other things on the table. She was surprised and said, "you have a big stomach! How can you eat so much! Why don't I remember the other one, you can eat so much, don't you just eat sugar and chocolate? "

"Those are snacks. If I don't eat, I will be hungry, so I She would have been eating sugar all the time. Sugar can provide energy as quickly as possible. Otherwise, where did I come from with so much strength? "

Jing Yiran looked at the deer's rapid elimination of the hamburger one by one, and suddenly felt that the hamburger seemed to become delicious.

He reached out his hand to take one, but was patted off by the deer's hand: "you've been in a coma for a week, and now you just wake up. A cup of soybean milk is enough. You can't eat anything else, or your stomach will not be able to stand it."

Jing Yiran is very unhappy. He wants a hamburger, too.

"You didn't eat so much when you were in my house. Why do you eat so much now?"

"And you and I have eaten so much sugar all the time at home

"You, you, you..." Jing Yiran reached out and pointed at the fawn, almost speechless.

This is absolutely the best food in the world! How delicious!

How can she hold so many things in her petite body!

It's a great pain to watch others eat while you can only stare.

Jing Yiran had to go back to bed and refused to see the deer again.

He was still very weak, lying on the bed and soon went to sleep again.

Wake up in the middle of the night, but see fawn sitting by his bed, staring at him.

When Jingyi wakes up, the fawn immediately stops looking and gets up to go.

Jing Yiran immediately held her soft hand: "don't go."

After a pause, the fawn finally sat back.

Jing Yi Ran held her hand and asked in a low voice, "where have you been since your hands are so cold?"

"It's not going anywhere."

If she really didn't go anywhere, fawn would not speak at all. In fact, she would not lie. Jingyi ran had already found out.

"To kill?"

The deer was stunned and then admitted, "yes. After receiving the order, you should have one-third of the operation cost. "

Jing Yiran suddenly became very angry. She clenched the deer's hand and fiercely said, "I don't mean you don't have to take care of the money? You can die if you stay honest?! I'll make money myself. I don't want the money you've got with your life! "

The deer was shocked in his heart, but the expression on his face did not change at all: "killing is my specialty. It doesn't need to be wasted. I can't die. As soon as possible to save enough money, give you surgery, and so on, you can live a normal life. Although I have saved a lot of money before, I can't move it, so as not to be discovered by jingyichen. "

Jing Yiran's anger could not be suppressed: "I live a normal life of fart! I haven't revenged my revenge, and jingyichen hasn't died yet. Am I supposed to live like an idiot if nothing happened?! Jingyichen, you must die

"Jingyiran, I think you should know how to live after you die once." Xiaolu's voice was a little cold. "The past things are over. You almost killed shangguanning and her child, and imprisoned Zhao An'an, gave the equity of Jingsheng to others, and jingyichen gave you a shot, and you were even."

She took her hand out of jingyiran's hand, stood up and said coldly, "you are not jingyichen's opponent. This has been proved once. If you're still stubborn, I won't help you any more. "Jing Yiran's voice also cooled down: "how do you know I'm not jingyichen's opponent! Last time, it was a mistake. This time, he was afraid of more. I'm sure I can kill him! "

The fawn closed his eyes a little tired. When he opened it again, it was calm.

"I won't let you kill him, nor will I allow you to move on to guanning and her children again. Kill Jing Yichen, will your life become better? No, your life will only get worse. Unless you can kill Jing Zhongxiu and Jing Tianyuan, you won't be able to live for a few days. "

"Why don't you stop him from killing me? If I kill him, you have to stop it!" In the daytime, there is only a warm and cool atmosphere between the two people.

"First, I am employed by Jing Zhongxiu to protect Jing Yichen and shangguanning. Second, I am not Jing Yichen's opponent. Third, you should pay your life for what you have done."

Jing Yiran is choked by Xiaolu's 123 words, but he is not convinced. His face shows a trace of ferocious expression and grits his teeth and says: "then you'd better kill me now, or as soon as I recover, I'll find Jing Yichen to avenge! I will never die with him

Xiaolu lowered his head and looked at jingyiran lying on the bed. He said faintly: "you have been living for others. You have spent your whole life fighting with jingyichen. In fact, you are not even an opponent in jingyichen's eyes. You make a mess of your life, but he lives a safe and happy life. Just look at this and you lose! "

"He's safe? Is he happy? It doesn't matter. I'll just destroy it! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!