Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 510

Shangguan gave birth to a child, and many people came to see her. In addition to Molan, who often came to visit Jingyi Chen Leng, Huang Lihan came twice, and Zheng Jing and Zheng Lun also came several times.

Zheng Lun sees a little bit big small Jing Rui, the mother's love immediately overflows, hugs him not to give up.

She likes children very much, and Jing Rui's skin is very white, small hands and feet, pink and tender, especially lovely.

Shangguan Ning took a look at Zheng Jing and laughed at Zheng Lun: "if you like it, please give birth to one!"

In fact, this is just an ordinary joke. Unexpectedly, Zheng Lun's face suddenly turned red and he could not speak.

Zheng Jing is also a little embarrassed, but his face is much thicker than Zheng Lun. He soon returns to normal and laughs to amuse Jingrui.

Shangguan Ning looked at the subtle ambiguity and tacit understanding between the two of them, but felt that they kept a little distance. The relationship between the two people made people feel a little strange. They were obviously very close but insisted on not being close.

Shangguan Ning shook his head and felt that it was difficult for outsiders to interfere in the affairs of brother and sister.

Zheng Lun is a rare good girl with a kind and pure heart. In addition to being not good at social intercourse, she is actually a talented woman and beautiful woman worthy of the name. She is gentle and virtuous. She will certainly be a good wife in the future.

It's no wonder that Zheng Jing will be moved.

However, they are now estimated to be in a delicate balance. Both of them are keeping the responsibilities of brother and sister, which seems to be far from being dependent on life and death.

Shangguanning has no energy to intervene in the affairs of these two people. What she worries most is Zhao An'an.

When she couldn't go out at will, she called Zhao An'an to her house every day. Every day, she tried Zhao an's attitude quietly. All the words were Mu Qing.

Although Zhao an is not willing to accept the tune, but it is not as careless as before that she will not marry Mu Qing.

If she doesn't mention not marrying, does that mean she is willing to marry?

Only with the precedent of Zhao An'an running away from home, Shangguan Ning didn't dare to press too hard, so as not to arouse her rebellious mentality and force her to run away again.

However, to deal with Zhao An'an, shangguanning still has a way, although not very sure, but there are eight points.

But her method needs Mu Qing's cooperation, also needs more people's help, she plans to hit Zhao an an out of the blue!

Shangguan Ning thought of her own way, she felt very happy to be able to deal with Zhao An'an! This girl can toss others to death all day long, but she herself is alive and kicking, living so moistened, what kind of thin Mu Qing is for her!

Moreover, since Mu Qing came back, he has been called home for training by master Mu every day. Even Mu's hospital does not allow him to take over. Mu Tong has always been the president of the hospital. When Mu Qing goes, he can only give Mu Tong a hand. This makes Mu Qing, who was once the president of the hospital, look at him with doubts and explorations.

The former president disappeared for half a year. When he came back, he became black and thin, and was deprived of the power of the president. Everyone wondered whether Mu Qing, the former president, had made a big mistake and was punished by the Mu family!

Shangguan Ning thinks it's too easy for MuQing to marry a daughter-in-law. Now she is in the same camp as MuQing, dealing with Zhao An'an.

Jing Yichen knows that shangguanning has always wanted to match Zhao An'an and Mu Qing to get married quickly.

He didn't care much about it.

In other words, except for Shangguan Ning and Jing Rui, he is not very concerned about other people's affairs. Zhao An'an and Mu Qing, Zheng Lun and Zheng Jing are basically indifferent to their feelings. He does not interfere with their feelings, nor does he interfere with them, nor does he spare time to promote them.

He is cold in character and indifferent in feeling. He never gossip and has no interest in being a matchmaker. This kind of thing is usually the exclusive right of women.

In addition to focusing on shangguanning's physical recovery and Jing Rui's growth every day, he puts the rest of his energy into his work.

He is not only a man, but also the successor of the Jing family. The important task of the Jing family is all on his shoulders. He must take back the equity of Jingsheng group and try his best to get back the declaration of giving up the right to inherit!

Not only need to do these very difficult things, jingyichen is still trying to search for Yang Muyan!

Because Yang Muyan disappeared with the statement!

This is not good news for jingyichen.

She should have sensed the change of Jibo, knew that they had joined hands, and that Ji family would no longer protect her.

For so many years, jingyichen has never seen a woman with deep mind, skillful means and extraordinary dexterity like Yang Muyan. No, even men can't compare with her!

Yang Muyan has been called a genius since she was a child. It is said that she can never forget her memory and her IQ is very high. Among the rumors about her in a city, besides her ugliness, she is smart.

Once a person like a poisonous snake hides in the dark and makes a fatal blow, the consequences are unimaginable.There is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days.

The contradiction between Yang Muyan and Jing family is irreconcilable. One of them is bound to die out, and the person who dies must be Yang Muyan!

Jing Yichen did not find Yang Muyan for half a month, but in the process of looking for Yang Muyan, she accidentally found another shocking news: Jing Yiran, not dead!

"What are you talking about?! Say it again

Jing Yichen is rarely so shocked and unbelievable as she is now. She seldom doubts the information AHU has found, but now she can't believe it at all!

He stood by jingyiran's side, personally opened the gun and watched him stop breathing!

How could it be alive!

The probability of survival is less than one in ten thousand when a bullet hits the brow!

Ah Hu himself is a little unbelievable, but after getting the report from the people at the bottom of his hand, he went to see it in person, so even if he could not believe it, he still described what he saw truthfully.

"Young master, I do see the second young master. He is in America now. In the first few days when our people were looking for Yang Muyan, they saw fawn boarding the ship with a big black box. She changed several times, but she didn't pay special attention to her, but several of her subordinates saw her and reported to me. I found it strange that she was changing boats all the time, and she didn't take a plane. Moreover, the length of the black box was similar to that of a person, I became suspicious. "

Ah Hu said, simple and honest face also has some dignified, how he also can't understand, jingyiran in the end is how to survive.

"I sent someone to the place where Xiaolu buried the second young master and took out his ashes. But after identification, those ashes were not the second young master's at all!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!