Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 507

"Then why did you let me know who you were? You're not afraid I'll turn around and betray you? You are worth hundreds of millions of dollars now. As long as you give us some clues to the FBI, I can get a lot of money! "

"Oh, you're going to get a lot of money, but you can't spend a cent of it."

The fawn looks the same, as if to say a most trivial matter: "because, I will certainly kill you at the moment you get the money! I have received the harshest training, and I am one of the best killers in the world. It's easy to kill you

Although the fact is true, but it is needless to say that it is so true?

Jing Yiran has self-knowledge. Of course, he is not the opponent of fawn, and he can't report fawn.

"You can believe me. Although I have a bad character and mean means, I know that I will not betray you, but I will protect you."

The deer didn't have any psychological fluctuation because of jingyiran's words.

In this world, the most touching is the commitment of men, and the most unreliable is the commitment of men.

The reason why she did not deliberately hide her identity in front of jingyiran is that she did not put Jing Yiran in the eye, not because of trust or other feelings.

"Did you tell jingzhongxiu and jingyichen their identity because you trusted them?" Jing Yiran was still a little unconvinced. He felt that he was more reliable than the two of them!

"Of course not!" "The reason why I became a killer has a lot to do with Jing Zhongxiu. That's why I've always stayed at Jing's house. I owe him a lot of gratitude."

Jing Yi was shocked: "is it Jing Zhongxiu who turned you into a killer? How could you owe him that?! Do you like to be a killer

"It has nothing to do with Jing Zhongxiu to become a killer. I owe him other favors. I chose the way to kill him. I have nothing to do with others. I have never regretted choosing this road."

Only killing people can make her normal!

Only blood can keep her sane!

She has been escaping from the past, has been afraid to face her own, only keep killing, can let her soul get comfort!

The breath of blood, can give her strength, can make her awake, without the stimulation of blood, she will become the only 14-year-old, simple and ignorant child!

She can only find herself in the killing, she has an extremely keen intuition about guns!

During her training with the killers, she was in a normal state and was never suppressed by the naive fawn.

Killer, is the most suitable occupation for her!

Jing Yiran stares at the calm and persistent woman in front of her, and suddenly feels that maybe his life is very happy.

He didn't know what fawn had gone through to become so loyal to the killing that even caused her personality to split.

Obviously, she has no family.

If the rumor is true, then the deer's parents were killed by her own hands!

Jingyi ran knows Xiaolu. Although she is a killer, she will never kill easily. She only kills her own target. No matter how many other people do, it has nothing to do with her.

Jing Yiran feels vaguely that the reason why fawn has split personality and embarked on the road of killing is probably related to the death of her parents.

But this kind of thing, is the deer's deepest and most painful secret, Jing Yi Ran did not ask.

He just whispered to her, "what's your name?"

The deer did not look at him, but looked out of the window and said faintly, "Oh, yes, what's my name? It's been too long for me to remember. It's good to call Xiaolu, and Shangguan Xiaolu is also very good. At least the name is very clean and beautiful, suitable for her. "

Jing Yiran knows that when fawn says "suitable for her", it refers to another fawn in her body.

He didn't know what was going on, and suddenly he felt some pain.

He has always felt that the world is too unfair to him, and his birth is not his choice. Why is he doomed to be disgusted from the very beginning?

If he could, he would rather not be born!

He seems so redundant at Jing's!

The king family already has such an excellent jingyichen. Why should we have him!

Most of the time, Jing Yiran hates Moran, because if it wasn't for her, he would not have been born and would not be held down by jingyichen forever. What can he do? He can't get a little bit of father's love from Jing Zhongxiu!

All the things of Jing family belong to jingyichen. He can't think of any assets and glory!

In Jing's family, he and Jing Yichen are far and far apart in status. Everyone calls Jing Yichen "young master". Only when they can't distinguish the two of them, they can't help but call him "big young master", as if there is no such two young masters in the family.Jing Yiran thought that his life had been enough tragedy and embarrassment, and he felt that he had suffered a lot of grievances.

However, compared with the girl Xiaolu, he is obviously too happy!

He believed that fawn must remember her original name, and she just didn't want to say it.

Her real name, representing her previous painful experience, should not be willing to remember that experience.

He is the same bad luck as fawn. Maybe it is because of his miserable life that fawn has compassion for him.

Jing Yiran took a look at the potion which was almost finished. She suddenly pulled out the needle inserted in the back of her hand, got up and got out of bed. She walked to the deer and took her into her arms.

The deer is stiff all over, subconsciously, she has to throw Jing Yiran over her shoulder.

Jing Yiran hugged her and yelled: "don't move! I hold you for a while, not taking advantage of you, is to comfort you. When I am sad, you should hold me and give me some warmth. Do you hear me

The fawn did not speak, but did not move again.

She is not used to this kind of embrace, her body has always been rigid.

Jingyi ran helplessly taught her: "you want to relax, have been tight for what? Can I still eat you? Put your head on my chest, all the strength is on me, and your arms are relaxed. Why are you holding your hands so tight? Why do you want to fight! Stretch out your hands and put your arms around my waist... "

Finally, the fawn couldn't stand it and pushed Jingyi away.

Her strength is too big, but jingyiran is too weak. As a result, jingyiran falls back straight.

The fawn was afraid that he might hit his hard to stabilize head, so he immediately reached out to pull him.

After that, they held each other full. , the fastest update of the webnovel!