Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 506

Jing Yiran was slightly stunned and then said, "I will never make such a mistake without your help."

"If you don't want to be smart, you won't get killed. Your biggest enemy now is the bullet in your brain. It will always oppress your nerves. Pain is secondary. The main thing is that over time, you will become a vegetable. "

Jing Yi was startled: "vegetable people?"

"So, you need to find a way to make money, and it can make a lot of money. I know a doctor who is good at craniotomy. He once took bullets out of the heads of three people, and now only two of them have died. The success rate of his operation is still very high. Of course, the asking price is also very high."

Three dead, two?! That is to say, only 30% can make him live! This is also called a high success rate?!

Jing Yiran thinks that the deer is standing and talking without backache. Her tone is so relaxed. She is not the one who has bullets in her head!

"How can I remember that Mu Qing's success rate of craniotomy is more than 90%. What kind of doctor are you looking for? Is it reliable?"

Although jingyiran is not satisfied with Mu Qing, his medical skills are beyond doubt. On this point, jingyiran is very clear. Medical skills are not only related to experience, but also to talent. Although Mu Qing is young, he has a high talent, and he has begun to practice with him since he was very young. His experience is beyond the ordinary doctor's ability.

Fawn looked at him faintly: "OK, I think the doctor I'm looking for is unreliable. Then you can go to MuQing to get you a bullet. You have imprisoned Zhao an for half a year. I guess he will dig out all your brains by the way when he takes the bullets for you. "

Jing Yiran just needs to think about it, and she thinks that the scene will be extremely bloody!

MuQing can do it!

But jingyiran did not want to find MuQing to do surgery for him at all. He just compared MuQing.

Mu Qing has a bad stomach. He was stabbed by MuQing with a silver needle. As a result, he has no way to do bad things for a year!

Fortunately, he has recovered now, otherwise he would really go to Mu Qing again!

Jing Yiran thinks of Mu Qing's long and thin silver needles, and she shivers all over her body, and her hair stands up.

"I'm sure I won't go to MuQing to get me a bullet!" Jing Yiran's voice was very firm, but she quickly said, "but is 30% sure it's too low? Only one of them can live. I'd better not take the bullet and wait for me to become a vegetable. Maybe I can live two more years! "

Fawn didn't look at him angrily: "do you think craniotomy is so easy to do?! MuQing do craniotomy surgery are brain tumor and blood clot surgery, of course, the success rate is high! You are a bullet, not a tumor, not a blood clot, of course, the success rate is low! This is the most successful doctor I can find. You can also choose not to have surgery and wait to become a vegetable

"It's impossible. Bullets must be better taken out than tumors! Tumor that is full of the whole brain, to complete the dissection of tumor cells, very high difficulty! The bullet is just that big. Just take it out. There's no need to peel it off! "

Jing Yiran doesn't believe it. As far as he knows, brain tumor surgery is one of the most difficult operations in medicine. Because the brain structure is complex, carelessness may lead to brain paralysis and atrophy. The operator must have high medical attainments and rich and exquisite craniotomy experience!

"Do you know medicine?" The deer was slightly surprised, and then said with disdain: "you are more powerful on paper. If you have the ability, you can take it for yourself! It's so simple, as if you could do an operation! "

Jingyi ran out of words.

He is really just talking on paper, but it is related to his own life, how can he easily give his life to a doctor he does not trust!

"Well, I'll talk about it later. In any case, I can't become a vegetable for a while. I'll try to make money first."

One night, she became a poor man. Jingyi was angry and wanted to scratch her head. But she thought that her head could not be touched easily. She immediately took back her hand and clenched it into a fist.

You can't walk without money!

He can't let fawn keep him by a woman, which he can't accept at all.

What's more, he knows that fawn is actually a killer, that is to say, she kills people for a living!

Killers can make a lot of money, but with high returns, it's a very high risk.

From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want the fawn to take risks.

In this situation, he and fawn are a little bit dependent on each other. If something happens to fawn, he will be left alone in the world.

This feeling of loneliness is too terrible. Jingyiran's subconscious rejection.

What's more, he already owes the fawn a lot, can't owe any more.

"It's up to me to make money. You don't have to kill again."

"Why, don't you think my money is clean? Or do you think I'm too cold and bloody? " The deer's voice is a little cold, which is different from her just now.Jing Yiran had a headache and wanted to crack. He didn't find her strange at all, but he immediately retorted: "you're in the brain?! When do I think your money is not clean? It's not the first day that I know you are cold and bloody. Don't talk about this kind of hurtful words in the future. I'm upset

The deer choked at him and looked at him for a long time. After all, he didn't speak any more, but the chill on her face slowly dissipated.

Jing Yiran this is the first time that she has known Xiaolu for so long that she has been overwhelmed by momentum and language, and her spirit suddenly comes.

Is that what fawns eat?

It seems that he has to be more fierce in the future!

"You can live a safe and stable life in the future, and you are not allowed to do that kind of desperate things! Is it fun to be wanted all over the world?! I can find out who you are, and so can others! "

"You look down on me." "I don't want others to find out, then no one will find out. Even if I do, I can let him not leak any information. There are only three people I know. "

Jing Yiran knows which three are Jing Zhongxiu and Jing Yichen, but now he is added.

"Do you trust me so much?" Jing Yiran was slightly excited.

"No, I don't trust you."

The deer's words, Jing Yiran's excitement was all flattened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!