Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 503

Several people were talking here, and suddenly the baby's loud cry came from the bedroom.

Shangguan Ning immediately led Zhao An'an to the bedroom: "ouch, wake up my son, go in and have a look at him!"

Zhao an looks very excited into the bedroom, see Shangguan Ning baby bed small pick up, she is happy to pinch his small white face.

Zhao Zhao reprimanded at one side: "don't move your hands. Jingrui has tender skin. How can you stand your pinching so much! You're not used to it. Stay away from him

Zhao An'an didn't listen to her, just went to pinch a small face of Jing Rui, but she did use a very small force.

After pinching her little nephew's face, she turned her eyes toward Zhao Zhao: "Mom, are you my mother! I just came back. You just despise me. Jingrui is my nephew. I have no time to hurt him. How can I pinch him! Thanks to a Ning is not an outsider, otherwise people would really think that I have no importance! You are stirring up trouble

Zhao zhaogen didn't buy her account and slapped her hard on the back.

Zhao an screamed: "my mother, this is to murder my daughter! Your iron sand palm is becoming more and more powerful. My spine will be broken by you! "

"And you know I'm a mother? You know how to come back? "

Zhao Zhao's face was not good-looking, staring at Zhao An'an and scolding her: "I raise you so big, you are so repay me, say to go away, dare to cheat me to say that you want to return to a city with Mu Qing! You are more and more brave! You dare to steal MuQing's money. You can't learn it well at all! I don't have such a carefree girl as you, otherwise I will live a few years less! "

Zhao An'an knew that she had caused her mother to worry. She was a flexible person. She immediately took Zhao Zhao's arm and admitted that she was wrong: "Oh, mom, I'm wrong. I'm not back! You don't know how much I miss you outside! After staying outside for half a year, I finally know that city a is the best, the family is the best, and my mother is the best! "

Zhao an said this, but not all to coax Zhao Zhao happy.

In those days when she was imprisoned, she was really homesick.

She was raised in the palm of Zhao Zhao's hand, and she didn't really suffer. In addition to the forced chemotherapy, her biggest pain was to fight with others and lose, making her face black and blue, which was just humiliating.

Being imprisoned, starving, eating the same thing every day, not going anywhere, is a great mental torture.

At this time, Zhao An'an will Miss Zhao Zhao's love and care for her very much. From small to large, as long as she wants, there is nothing she can't get.

Maybe she really grew up. She was scolded by Zhao zhaoxun when she ran away from home before, but now she only has deep guilt and self blame.

She is so willful and unfilial!

Her mother is more than 50 years old, with white hair on her head and wrinkles on her face, but she is still worried about her all day long, not only to prevent her tumor recurrence at any time, but also to endure the torture of her running away from home.

Zhao Zhao knows her daughter and admits her mistake for the first time. She knows that she thinks she has done something wrong from her heart. Otherwise, this attitude will not be so.

However, she still did not give Zhao an a good face, otherwise Zhao An'an would immediately kick his nose on his face. This time, she should teach her a good lesson.

Zhao an has the cheek to coax Zhao Zhao for a while, and finally makes Zhao Zhaolu smile.

Mu Qing and Jing Yichen do not enter the bedroom. They talk in the living room. After shangguanning closes the bedroom door, she picks up Jingrui again and raises her clothes to feed him.

Zhao an looked at his little nephew's milk with great interest. He thought he was so cute that he wanted to hold him in his arms and have a good time!

Jing Rui finished his milk and fell asleep again. He waved his little hand around in a very energetic way.

He is totally different from the time he was born. He changes every day and looks like he is growing fast.

Zhao an stood next to Shangguan Ning, looking forward to asking, "ah Ning, can I hold him?"

When Shangguan Ning saw her eager to try, she couldn't help laughing: "of course you can, but you're his aunt. You can hold him as you like. He doesn't know who he is now. Anyone can hold it."

Jingrui is very good and obedient. He never cries too much. When a stranger hugs him, he doesn't repel him. He just waits for a pair of big black eyes to stare at others.

Two days ago, jingtianyuan came to see Jingrui. When he held him, he still laughed at him. He was so happy that he gave an industry under his name to Jingrui, saying that he wanted him to buy sugar!

Now Zhao An'an is holding him, and Jingrui is still clever, spitting bubbles and trying to put his fingers into his mouth.

Zhao An'an has never held such a small child. He is very careful for fear of bumping him.

She looked at Jing Rui's facial features similar to jingyichen's eight points. She couldn't help smiling at Zhao Zhao and said, "Mom, is ruiruirui like my brother when he was a child?"

Zhao Zhao also laughed: "that's not true. There are still photos of your brother when he was a child. Father and son are almost carved out of the same mold!"Shangguan Ning has seen the photos of jingyichen when she was a child, which is really very similar to Jing Rui. The father and son look alike. Shangguan Ning is very happy. She thinks that jingyichen is the most handsome man in the world, and his son is naturally the best looking man.

Zhao an an looked at the beautiful and lovely baby in her arms, and suddenly felt that it was really good to have a child.

When he grows up, he begins to falter, he starts to babble, he will call his father, he will call his mother, and his family will certainly become more interesting and warm.

She never thought it was good to raise a child before. She thought the child was too noisy and troublesome.

But now holding Jing Rui, she feels that every child is a little angel, so attractive.

Is it because Jing Rui is her little nephew? Or is Jing Rui so obedient that she thinks she wants to have one?

As soon as this idea came out, Zhao An'an was shocked in his heart!

She had never thought of having children before. First, she did not like children very much. Secondly, her body knew that the possibility of having children was almost zero. What's more, even if she gave birth to a child and her tumor relapsed after her life, wouldn't she just leave the child and live alone in the world!

A child without a mother is the most pitiful and unfortunate. His childhood will be full of shadows, just like jingyichen, who lost his mother since childhood, and shangguanning, who has stepmother and stepfather.

Zhao an put the idea at the bottom of his heart to press down, more carefully holding Jingrui, not willing to let go.

She thought, after the king Rui as her son, pet him from childhood, let him grow up happily! , the fastest update of the webnovel!