Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 504

The gentle breeze, blowing the white curtain, let it dance like a fairy happily, and like a graceful fairy.

There is sunlight shining in from the window, dazzling and warm, awakened a long sleeping soul.

His consciousness is a little chaotic and his memory is fragmentary. He can't remember who he is for a while.

He vaguely felt that he had been sleepy for a long time, but he could not wake up and was always haunted by a nightmare.

In that nightmare, there were torrential rains, lightning and thunder, a beautiful baby face, and a bullet that quickly shot into his eyebrow.

The memory fragment exploded, and the pain made him fall into a deep confusion.

There was a familiar sweet smell floating around him, and a familiar gentle sigh was floating in his ears.

Who is it?

Why can't he remember?

He felt the sweet smell of candy around him was leaving him. He tried his best to catch it. He yelled at the bottom of his heart: don't go, don't go! Stay with me!

But that familiar breath did not seem to hear his hysterical cry, she, in the end, left.

Surrounded by endless loneliness and cold, the sun on his body, does not seem to let his body feel a trace of warmth.

He calmed down.

At a certain moment, the memory came like a tide, and the fragmentary pictures were quickly stitched together one by one, which finally reminded him of what was the past in this life.

The tingling on his forehead was still there, but it could not stop him from waking up.

Compared with forgetting oneself, forgetting all the people and things, this pain is nothing.

Jingyi opened his eyes, the glare of the sun immediately let him subconsciously close his eyes.

He held out his hand, covered his eyes, and then opened them slowly.

Fresh air came into his lungs and made him feel the joy of life.

He's still alive?

He's still alive!

He's not dead!

Jing Yiran tried to get up, slow and stiff, so he was in a coma for a long time.

His body is soft and has no strength, but he doesn't feel any hunger. Maybe he hasn't eaten for a long time, so he can't feel hungry!

It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. As long as he is alive, everything is not a problem. Everything can be done again!

The moment the bullet hit his brow, he will never forget it!

He was killed by jingyichen!

Although I don't know how to get away with it, the former jingyiran has already died!

The pain coming from the eyebrows makes Jingyi unable to think.

He relaxed himself and looked around and out of the window.

The house is simple and tidy, with white walls, white curtains and white bedding. It looks like a hospital, but it doesn't have the smell of disinfection water.

Outside the window, green grass, flowers are quietly blooming, attracting countless butterflies and bees dancing.

Jing Yiran some weak against the wall, looking at the back of his hand inserted with the needle, looking at the medicine along the needle drop by drop into his body, suddenly gently smile.

Who else in the world would want him to live? Who else will try to save him?

That sweet sweet sweet smell of candy still seems to be around the tip of his nose, let him smooth!

Deer, you are a silly girl!

Don't you hate me?

I used you, but you still pulled me back from death. What should I do to repay you?

I don't think it's enough.

Jingyiran closes her eyes gently, breathes fresh air, bathes in the bright warm sunshine, and looks like a new life.

How long has it been since Xiaolong opened the door.

The petite figure saw the man sitting on the bed whose appearance was enough to invert all living beings, and his steps suddenly stopped.

After a long time, she seems to recover calm, went to the bed, with her unique baby voice, light way: "you wake up."

Jingyi ran opened that pair of long and narrow peach blossom eyes, and her enchanting eyes made the figure standing in front of the bed slightly stunned.

His light mouth, hoarse voice, but with a strange Charm: "my baby, long time no see! Do you miss me

Intimate address, unique tone, sexy voice, as long as it is a woman, will be in this moment by this man's incomparable charm killed!

The deer's heart leaped slightly, then he was pressed down, and still used the light language airway: "no, I see you every day."

Jing Yiran looked up and down at the little woman who saved her life.

Instead of wearing sportswear, she wore a black tights, highlighting her exquisite and sexy figure. Her long hair was simply tied in the back of her head, and her white face was not painted with pink and white. She looked as if she was only 18 years old.However, the gun in her hand with black leather gloves and the faint murderous air on her body make people can't ignore her danger. Such calm bearing and indifferent eyes are not what an 18-year-old girl can have.

Pure, just her appearance, killing is the deepest brand of her soul.

Jing Yiran's pupils shrank, and then she said with a smile: "you are dressed very well today. It's better than that kind of loose sportswear before. It's very suitable for you."

Fawn looks at him without expression, and spits out two words with clear baby voice: "is it?"

Jing Yiran nodded: "of course!"

"Now that you're awake, I'll get you something to eat. What would you like to eat?"

Fawn pinned the gun in her hand on the belt around her waist. The simple action made her do it smoothly and naturally. Obviously, she often did this action, that is to say, she often held the gun.

Jing Yiran leaned against the wall, lazy and casual: "since it is brain injury, then eat some brain tonic bar, I want to eat tofu brain!"

The deer's lips showed a faint smile. As he turned to the outside, he said faintly: "I thought you wanted to eat human brain, but it's not in China. There's no tofu bean curd, but there's soybean milk. You can make do with it."

Jing Yiran was dissatisfied: "please, the difference between bean curd and soybean milk is a little far, OK? You can't treat seriously injured patients so casually

"They are close relatives. They are made of beans. They have the same effect. They should be able to replenish your pig brain."

Jing Yiran suddenly laughed. He looked at the fawn's slender back and whispered, "thank you, fawn."

"You're welcome," he said quietly

Jing Yiran gazed at her, and at the moment when she was about to go out, she said in a casual way: "or, I should say, thank you, angel." , the fastest update of the webnovel!