Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 502

Of course, there is no way to compare Li Feidao with Jiao Enjun, a male god level star.

Li duo's subordinates are laughing, even Mu Qing is helpless to shake his head, Li Duo is a little embarrassed, but Li Feidao himself seems to be used to ridicule, there is no expression on his face, as if Zhao an an said is not him at all.

The other people on the plane had not been in touch with Li Feidao for a few days, and they didn't know him. Seeing his stable appearance, they were somewhat surprised.

Zhao an was not surprised at all. She would be surprised if Li Feidao had a reaction.

She had been with Li Feidao for half a year. She knew that he was not much different from a piece of wood. No matter how she teased or angered Li Feidao, he had no reaction at all. When she was forced to hurry up, he would only look at her coldly, without saying a word.

He is really reticent.

However, Zhao An'an really thinks that the name "Li Feidao" is too funny. On the one hand, he is out of breath with laughter, and on the other hand, he pinches people's arms and ears.

But Li Feidao has strong muscles all over his body. Zhao an pinches his fingers for a while, but he looks at Zhao An'an faintly, just like a normal person!

Mu Qing couldn't see it any more. She pulled her back and pressed her on her seat: "don't be silly. Although the Throwing Knife offended you before, he didn't do anything too much. Moreover, Li duo had already revenged for you, but he was beaten seriously. Now you're old and young, you're a real man! "

This woman is really. He is still sitting next to him. How could he run to Li Feidao, touching and pinching? Li Feidao is a man! Thanks to him, Mu Qing is not a careful man. If Jing Yichen is replaced by shangguanning, he would have thrown that man off the plane!

Zhao an was indignant and sat on his seat: "how can I let him go easily? I have been guarded by him for half a year. This man is hard and soft, and he can't do it before. Now I can finally do it. How can I get revenge?"

Mu Qing took a look at the silent Li Feidao, but felt that this man was not simple.

He secretly asked Li duo and learned that Li Feidao's sexual orientation was completely normal. He didn't dislike women. He just had strong self-control and his own moral bottom line. Therefore, Zhao An'an could stay alone with him safely for half a year.

In the past six months, not only was Zhao an trapped in that small area, but Li Feidao would not go anywhere to guard her.

For another man, he has been facing a beautiful woman for half a year. It's impossible to get along with him day and night. Li Feidao, however, abides by his duty. His eyes at Zhao An'an are very indifferent, and there is no desire to read at all.

Mu Qing is very lucky, thanks to Li Feidao to guard Zhao An'an. If he is someone else, Zhao an may not be able to retreat.

I don't know where Jing Yiran found Li Feidao, but according to Li duo, Li Feidao is not jingyiran's person, but is only employed by him. He takes Jing Yiran's money to work for Jing Yiran, rather than the people he can control at will.

Now, Li Feidao is accepted by jingyichen's people, and jingyichen undoubtedly has a very good helper.

In the more than ten hours from England to city a, Zhao an has been constantly challenging Li Feidao and finding fault. Li Feidao can sit still. He is neither angry nor angry, nor apologizes to her. She is silent and even Zhao An'an loses interest in integration.

To a city, Zhao an was so happy that he forgot Li Feidao.

She heard that Zhao Zhao took care of her and Xiao Jingrui in shangguanning, and rushed to Lijing district.

Jing Yichen knows that Mu Qing has come back with Zhao An'an, but she deliberately doesn't tell Shangguan Ning that she wants to be surprised.

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao An'an entered the door, Shangguan Ning was stunned and happily went forward to hold Zhao An'an together, crying and laughing: "An'an, you are finally back. I miss you so much!"

Zhao Zhao on one side quietly wipes tears when she sees her daughter coming back intact. However, she does not know what Zhao An'an has experienced. Jing Yichen tells her that Zhao An'an has been hiding from MuQing outside, so she can't find her. Zhao Zhao herself always feels that her daughter is OK, so she is not as excited as shangguanning.

And Zhao an ran away from home several times, Zhao Zhao has some habits.

Zhao an didn't care about her mother. Seeing Shangguan Ning crying and laughing, she was scared to wipe her tears: "my sister-in-law, don't cry. This is still in confinement. I can't afford to cry if my eyes are broken! I can't dig out my eyeballs for you. It's estimated that even if I want to, the model doesn't match well, but your eyes are one size bigger than me

Shangguan Ning's sentimental mood was suddenly swept away by Zhao An'an's words!

How can you talk like that!

Shangguan grinned and pinched Zhao An'an's face. There were tears on his face, crying and laughing. It looked funny.

"You're a woman with a heart and a dog's heart. You just walk away and don't even say hello. Do you know that?"Zhao an knew that he was in the wrong, so he had to let Shangguan pinch his face.

"OK, OK. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm wrong. I'm so wrong. I'm so sad that I don't dare to do it again, OK?"

Shangguanning immediately forced her to promise: "this is what you said. You are not allowed to run away from home in the future. You must tell me where to go! Promise quickly

Zhao an said helplessly, "OK, I'll give you a promise. No matter where I go next time, I'll report to my sister-in-law. I'll never run away from home again, OK? Housekeeper

Shangguan Ning felt satisfied and hugged her with a smile: "this is just like words!"

Zhao an promised so easily that he would not be fooled. Mu Qing was surprised and pleased. He was ready to accompany Zhao An'an everywhere. Unexpectedly, Zhao An'an had the mind to settle down!

This is the best news he has ever heard!

Zhao Zhao is also very happy. She has always felt that her daughter has a friend like shangguanning. She is much better. Now she has become more and more sensible. In the past, where Zhao An'an would care about other people's ideas, shangguanning could persuade her. Even Zhao An'an couldn't listen to her mother's words. Every time she talks too much, Zhao An'an still dislikes her for being too boring and wordy.

Only jingyichen doesn't feel too much. As long as it's not Shangguan Ning Nao and running away from home, he can live steadily.

As for Zhao an's fearless character, let her suffer more, so that she can know the good of her family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!