Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 501

"Good morning Premature delivery? "

Zhao an was surprised and angry.

Mu Qing comforted her: "it's OK, it's OK. Although it was dangerous at that time, it's all right now. My sister-in-law and children are very good. I heard that your little nephew is not much different from a full-term child. His body has developed well and is very healthy."

Zhao An'an was relieved.

She suddenly felt that she had been imprisoned for half a year. How could it seem that after she came out, many things had changed!

Zhao an was weak and couldn't take a bath for too long. She was soon carried out of the bathroom by MuQing.

Zhao an put on MuQing and asked the servant to buy her good clothes yesterday. Originally, she was going to go downstairs to eat with MuQing, but MuQing held her down.

"You haven't recovered yet. Lie down. I'll bring the food and you'll eat it in bed."

Zhao an thought for a while, but did not refuse.

She does not have any strength now, anyway, she is not an outsider, she is comfortable lying on the bed, nodding: "good, I am going to be tossed to death by you, you should also serve me."

Mu Qing also felt that he was a little crazy today. He doted on Zhao An'an and kissed her ruddy lips. He went downstairs to find food.

MuQing knew that Zhao An'an would wake up today, so she ordered the servants to prepare easy digestible porridge and light dishes. The porridge was hot, and the dishes were cold. MuQing asked the servant to stir fry two dishes, add a soup and a cold dish, and then brought them upstairs.

The two servants in this villa are from city A. they have lived in England for more than ten years. Before returning to city a, jingyichen lived here for a long time. These two servants are specially responsible for taking care of his food, drink and daily life.

Therefore, the dishes they cooked were very suitable for Zhao An'an's taste.

Zhao An'an has had enough English food for a long time! Every day it was bread, potatoes and beef. She had enough.

One of the most simple tomato scrambled eggs, Zhao an like to eat what delicious dishes like, gobble up a plate of scrambled eggs.

She likes to drink millet pumpkin porridge is to drink two bowls, scared Wood Green how also refused to let her eat.

"You haven't eaten for several days. If you eat too much at once, you can't stand it any more!"

Zhao an licked his lips and looked at the dish of green and fresh cucumber with vermicelli. She thought that when she was ready, she would eat cold cucumber every day!

In fact, she didn't like this kind of food before. She liked meat and didn't like vegetarianism. As a result, she ate beef for half a year, and the raw one made her vomit!

She is now extremely fond of cold cucumber, a refreshing and delicious dish!

However, she did have enough to eat. After starving for several days, she felt as if her stomach had become smaller. After eating this little food, she was already full of food.

After Mu Qing finished eating, he cleaned up the things and took them to the kitchen downstairs. When he came up, he found that Zhao An'an was tired and had gone to sleep.

Mu Qing sat beside her, looking at her delicate face, listening to her even breath, the feeling of emptiness in her heart finally disappeared.

He has nothing to do now. He simply takes off his clothes and goes to bed with Zhao An'an in his arms.

At 12:00 noon, Li duo came back to eat. He found that there was still no movement in the bedroom upstairs. After asking the servant, he found that the two people got up and ate a meal and then went to sleep again.

Li duo shook his head helplessly and called jingyichen, reporting the situation here to him.

Two days later, Zhao An'an has returned to her original vigorous state. She never mentions the separation from MuQing, which makes MuQing's heart slightly stable.

Mu Qing also did not say anything, and no longer forced her to stay with her, but quietly accompanied her and took care of her.

On the fourth day, Zhao an can't stay in England. She can't wait to go back to city a to see Guan Ning and Xiao Jingrui, who has just been born for a long time.

She took MuQing around the streets of England and bought many children's clothes and toys. When she returned home, she packed three suitcases full of them.

Zhao an was in a good mood because she wanted to go back to China, but once she got on the plane, she was in a bad mood.

Because, the abnormal muscle man who guards her is also on the plane. He sits next to Li duo, still silent and full of explosive force.

There are not many people on the plane. They are basically Li duo's subordinates. They all know Zhao An'an. When Zhao An'an looks at the muscle man with bad intentions, they all look like they are watching a good play.

Without Mu Qing's hindrance, Zhao an swaggered to the muscle man's seat, stretched out his tender hand, and patted the old bronze cheek of the muscle man. His eyes were filled with indignation: "Hey, why are you the big head here?"?! Who told you to come up? Aren't you jingyiran's son of a bitch? How did you mix up with Li Duo

Li duo has been with Jing Yichen for many years. He knows Zhao an's temperament very well. When she comes to find muscle man's trouble, Li duo immediately gets up."Miss An'an, he is one of our people. He is a rare talent. I have asked the young master for instructions. He will become the young master's subordinate after a period of test. Please don't embarrass him. What he did before was to take money to handle affairs. That is what he has to do. It is not aimed at you intentionally."

Zhao an doesn't care who this muscular man is. She was taken care of by him before. She couldn't escape. She was often hungry. She was about to die of anger by this man. For half a year, she kept swearing that as long as she could leave, she would also imprison this man and starve for the first half of the year!

Zhao an bit his teeth and didn't look at Li duo. He just kept staring at the muscular man. How did he say: "what's his name? Flying knife? Xiao Li's throwing knife? "

Li duo said bravely: "his real name is Li, and his name is flying knife."

Zhao an finally knows the name of the abnormal muscle man who guards himself for half a year.

But what's his name!!

When Zhao an settled down, he laughed wildly. He stretched out his hand to hold Li Feidao's ear and mercilessly laughed at other people's names: "you really call Xiao Li Feidao. Why don't you call Li xunhuan! Or you can just call Jiao en Jun! No, no, no, they are so handsome. If you look at you, if you look so ugly, you will spoil the words "Xiao Li's throwing knife!"

In fact, Li Feidao, in addition to growing stronger, is not ugly. He has a thick eyebrow and big eyes. He looks like a very determined man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!