Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 500

Mu Qing originally heard Zhao an's words in front of her, but she was very distressed. After hearing those words, she almost choked to death by her own saliva!

This dead girl, dare to seduce that muscle man! I'm not afraid to start a fire!

Although Zhao an is a bit boyish, her face is not masculine at all. On the contrary, her face is a standard melon seed face, with beautiful facial features, fair skin, good figure, long legs, thin waist and big chest. She is a real beauty!

How many men can sit still when she seduces men!

Wood green is simply angry and hate, open his mouth to bite her lip, hand also suddenly force, "pa" a crisp ring, give her small buttocks a slap.

"Nonsense, how can you hit yourself in the muzzle of a gun! What if he thinks of you

In the end, if you don't put him at ease, the hook man is even if he still complains with him and doesn't seduce him!

Zhao An'an, do you dare to be a little more nervous!

Zhao an was bitten by Mu Qing and slapped by him. He was not angry. He took the flower sprinkling to Mu Qing's strong chest muscles with a smile. The dense vapor obscured the handsome outline of MuQing, but made Zhao an feel very down-to-earth.

"I must be trying to seduce him. How can it be true?"

Zhao an is bad hearted to pinch the two red beans on Mu Qing's chest. When he hears his low hum, he smiles triumphantly.

"You see, I'm bad to you and seduce you. I won't do this to others. What a loss! I just want to seduce that muscle man and run away when he is fascinated by my girl

Wood green eye color deep looking at in front of the whole body naked small woman, wish to have her now.

He clenched his teeth and said, "that's not good. You are mine. You can't seduce anyone! Whatever the reason

"Don't worry, I feel that except you think I'm good, other men will not be interested in me, and my seducing skills are not good enough, and I won't put them out to shame in the future."

Zhao an is in a good mood. He looks up and kisses MuQing. He has a stubble chin.

She seldom takes the initiative, rarely leans up to him, which makes Mu Qing have a strong desire for protection.

His voice softened again, took her hands and said softly, "no, you are beautiful. You are the most beautiful in my heart. No woman can match you."

Mu Qing took the flower shower in Zhao Anan's hands, gently washed her off the foam of her shower gel, and embraced her into the bathtub full of hot water, so that she could sit on her body and help her to wash her body.

This is not the first time Mu Qing has done this, but Zhao An'an still blushes: "I wash myself..."

Mu Qing firmly took away her hand: "I'll wash it for you."

Zhao an could not resist him, so she had to let him wash it. It was not the first time anyway. She soon let go.

She leaned against Mu Qing's arms and sat in the warm water. She felt no discomfort in her whole body.

She hasn't had a good bath for half a year.

Although the muscular man didn't seem to be interested in her at all, Zhao an was frightened every time he took a bath. He was afraid that he would rush in.

Thinking of that muscular man, Zhao An'an suddenly said, "what about the pervert who imprisoned me? Are you dead? "

Mu Qing didn't reflect that Zhao An'an was talking about which abnormal prisoner she was. Subconsciously, she said, "jingyiran? He's dead. Jingshao has avenged you. "

Zhao an almost jumped out of the water, put his arm around Mu Qing and said, "what's the relationship between this and jingyiran? He he he Dead? "

What a shock!

She thought that Jing Yiran could not die in any case.

Mu Qing then reflected that Zhao An'an asked about the perversity of her imprisonment, referring to the strong man who guarded her, just like Xiaoshan, rather than Jing Yiran, the master behind her imprisonment.

But it doesn't matter. He was going to tell her about jingyiran.

"That muscular man is a man of serenity. He let people take you away and guard you. The purpose is to find an extra talisman for himself."

Zhao an was still a little unbelievable. He said in surprise, "what did he want to do to keep me in prison? Can I save his life? If my brother wants his life... "

When she said this, she suddenly understood it and said with wide eyes: "did he know that my brother is going to kill him?"

Otherwise, he doesn't have to catch her as a talisman.

"Yes, he did a more heartless thing than imprisoning you. He knew that he would not live in the future, so he began to lay out the layout a long time ago."

When Mu Qing talks about jingyiran, his face is very ugly. He really hates this man. Fortunately, he is dead, otherwise he would like to kill people when he thinks about it.

Zhao Anqi said: "he has imprisoned me for half a year. What can be more heartless than this?"

Mu Qing took a look at her, originally did not want to tell her shangguanning, but thought that she had such a good relationship with shangguanning, she finally told the truth."In order to seize the equity of Jingsheng group and the inheritance right of Jing family, Jing Yiran takes guanning as a threat and takes her to the cross sea bridge to force jingshao to hand over the equity and inheritance rights."

When Zhao An'an heard this, his mouth was opened into an O-shape.

Her big eyes and wide mouth look like a beautiful little goldfish, plus because of bathing in hot water, her face is red, looks very lovely.

Mu Qing's anger at the bottom of her heart has long disappeared, leaving only a piece of softness.

Jing Yiran has paid the heaviest price for his behavior. He doesn't need to hate a dead man.

Zhao an was too shocked. It took a long time to react. Shangguan Ning was pregnant. She said in a hurry, "is a Ning OK? Jingyiran, this bastard, should be skinned and boned! "

Mu Qing gently shook his head: "it's all right now, and you've got a little nephew named Jingrui. It's said that it's very cute and strong. When you have a few days' rest and have a good health, I'll take you back to see him, OK?"

Zhao an was so happy that he patted the water with his hand: "really? Excellent! I have a little nephew. I'm an aunt! "

She was happy for a second, and suddenly felt wrong. She broke her fingers and calculated. She looked up and said, "no, ah Ning's due date is not this month. It's June at the fastest. What's the matter?"

Mu Qing, with a bitter smile, said in a low voice: "my sister-in-law was pushed from the bridge to the sea by the people with jingyiran. You know, the bridge is so high that she has been pregnant for more than seven months. She can't bear the impact, so she gave birth prematurely." , the fastest update of the webnovel!