Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 499

Seeing the flash of fire in Mu Qing's eyes, Zhao an was frightened and quickly wrapped himself in a quilt. He said in a low voice: "it's really not possible..."

Mu Qing is drunk by her little daughter's flattery. She wants to hold her in her arms again, but she is not willing to let her too tired.

He bowed his head and bit Zhao An'an's snow-white delicate shoulder, and then in her exclamation, he lifted her horizontally and strode into the bathroom.

After entering the bathroom, Zhao An'an didn't even have the strength to stand.

Her whole person hangs on Mu Qing's body, lets him twist the flower to sprinkle, daub bath lotion to her whole body, help her clean body.

Zhao An'an found that her body is very clean. She hasn't bathed for half a month. Her hands and feet should be covered with dust. How can she look like she has already taken a bath?

She raised her eyes to Mu Qing and asked him softly, "did you bathe me yesterday?"

Mu Qing looked at her charming appearance, and pushed her against the wall and gave her a hard kiss. Until her lips were red and swollen, he let her go and put her arms around her soft waist. She doted and said, "I gave you nutrition solution yesterday. It's inconvenient to take a bath. I took a towel to wipe your whole body up and down. It's not very different from bathing."

Zhao an's breath was slightly disordered by his kiss, and her lips were in pain, but she directly ignored the pain. She was surrounded by wood green, and felt that the heaven was just like this! She is so sweet, so happy!

She raised her arm, took a look, and then looked at her hands and feet. To her surprise, all her long nails were gone, and her favorite short nails were restored.

She put her arms around the broad waist of MuQing, with a rare coquettish tone: "did you cut my nails for me? Who told you to cut them off? I'll keep them for good

Mu Qing's heart, out of control of a jump, bow his head and kiss her.

He seemed not to kiss enough. He was greedy for her sweet lips and squeezed her to his body as if to rub her into his body.

Zhao an didn't expect to be kissed by Mu Qing again. She wanted to laugh, but felt heartache.

She can feel Mu Qing's deep love for her and how much he cherishes her now. That kind of love makes her feel willing even if she dies now.

In this world, no one will love her as much as MuQing!

Where is she good, can let such an excellent man, to her heart and soul, to her obedience.

Zhao an has a drop of crystal clear tears from the corner of her eye. She closes her eyes and kisses MuQing. She indulges in the joy and passionate love that MuQing brings to her.

After a long time, Mu Qing tried to control himself to stop.

Zhao an opened her eyes and her eyes were flowing. She was a little puzzled: "what's the matter?"

Mu Qingming wants it very much, and she has acquiesced. Why did she stop suddenly?

Mu Qing looks at her beloved woman affectionately and reaches out to touch her short hair. Her hoarse voice is filled with suppressed desire. "You are too weak. I'm afraid you can't stand it. Wait for you I want you again, every day, OK? "

It was pity that she was weak.

Zhao an's heart is soft, sweet, like eating sweet rock sugar, Zizi Runrun.

Wood green see she did not answer, just stare at him with clear bright eyes, his heart is also soft a mess.

He took Zhao an's hand, clasped her ten fingers, and said in a gentle tone, "what do you keep your fingernails so long? What if you scratch yourself? Don't you always like short nails? I cut your fingernails and toenails last night. So long, haven't you cut your nails in a month? "

Mu Qing's gentle voice, gently fell in Zhao An'an's heart, like a feather, tickling her heart.

She nestled in the strong arms of MuQing, and her voice returned to the original crisp and lively: "I don't remember how long I didn't cut it. I kept it on purpose. There is no other weapon. Ten sharp and sharp nails can be used as weapons at critical times."

In fact, she likes MuQing to cut her nails, but unfortunately she didn't see it when she did. It should be a very happy scene.

She has never heard of a man who loves women so much and cuts her nails himself.

After being imprisoned for half a year, Zhao an thought about Mu Qing for half a year.

Usually, when she encounters an unsolvable problem or major crisis, her first thought is not Mu Qing, but jingyichen.

Jing Yichen is her elder brother. Although she is a cousin, she is no different from her own brother. She is a sister. She loves to find her brother to solve all kinds of messy matters. What's more, her brother can do anything. Let him go to Yan Wangye to bring someone back. She is used to calling jingyichen to do things, which is very efficient and convenient. So she would like to ask her not to To MuQing.

However, it may be because of the substantial progress in the relationship with MuQing some time ago, or because she has kept Mu Qingzang in her heart for too long. In the past six months, she has opened her eyes and her first thought is Mu Qing.I will think when I wake up, I will think when I fall asleep. My dream is full of wood green!

She has been looking forward to this Mu Qing will come to save her, as a result, it is Mu Qing who came to save her!

Do not know how to return a responsibility, Zhao an in the heart that omnipotent elder brother has been completely replaced by the elegant wood Qing.

Perhaps, only she knows how important she is in MuQing's heart, so she firmly believes that MuQing will come to her, so she will try every means to send the message.

She has long nails, not to guard against that muscular man, because she is not someone else's opponent. Even if her ten nails are made with a knife, I'm afraid she can't beat the man with explosive strength. Besides, muscle man did not intend to move her at all. She was not afraid of the silent man.

Her long nails are used to draw pigs.

Mu Qing looked at Zhao an an's face happy and brilliant, but was very distressed.

Although he had learned from the man who guarded Zhao An'an that he had never touched Zhao An'an, he still asked anxiously, "is that man not difficult for you? Did you hit you and hurt you? "

Zhao an shook his head and nodded suddenly. He said angrily, "he is so bad! As soon as I run away, he won't give me food! And how I seduce him, he is not deceived, I look not ugly, he does not like women at all! Otherwise, I might have taken the opportunity to escape , the fastest update of the webnovel!