Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 498

Zhao an is bitten by Mu Qing, rather caught off guard.

Because she hasn't figured out whether it's a dream or a reality!

Obviously, she was still in that house before, and was imprisoned by a perverted muscle man, unable to run out of that space. But as soon as she woke up, she found that her daily prayer had become a reality. The man she loved most, lying beside her, looked at her with the most affectionate eyes!

It's not a dream. What is it?

Is she crazy about Mu Qing?

The reaction speed of her body far exceeds that of Zhao An'an's brain. In other words, her body is honest and has the deepest attachment and admiration for Mu Qing.

She subconsciously hugs Mu Qing's waist, subconsciously responds to his kiss.

The lips and tongues are entangled, and the breath mingles with each other.

Such familiar breath and action made Zhao An'an want to cry.

She is not a girl who shed tears easily, but at the moment, she only feels that her nose is very sour, and her heart's emotion fills her chest, making her unable to breathe.

Mu Qing has missed Zhao An'an for so long, and has been looking for her for such a long time. Her love has been unable to be controlled.

He held his beloved woman and put his big hand around her waist to make her closely stick with himself.

Zhao An'an hasn't been in such close contact with Mu Qing for half a year, and her body has become extremely sensitive

Zhao an can't help but emit a soft, broken, repressed shallow chant.

She felt that she was ignited by MuQing in an instant! She wants to burn wantonly with MuQing and let the flame rise higher and higher!

So close contact, so real touch, so gushing feelings, let Zhao An'an know that she is not in a dream, this is the reality!

She did not dream, Mu Qing really found her!

She finally got out of the cage that had trapped her for half a year!

She's free!

Zhao An'an doesn't know how Mu Qing found her. Maybe it was the man who guarded her that showed his flaws, or Xu MuQing accidentally found the pig she painted on the instant noodle box. Anyway, he found her!

He must have suffered a lot. The wood in front of him was black and thin. I don't know how long he looked for her to become this kind of appearance.

He should not be so embarrassed, he should be clean and handsome, is sunny and happy, is respected and admired by all people of the noble hospital president!

Zhao gave up, I'm afraid that she was upset when she came to England!

This fool, she is so willful, so disobedient, is it worth his effort?

Zhao An'an suddenly hated herself, and even more hated the malignant tumor that had tormented her for 11 years! If only she was healthy!

She had never been so eager to live!

Mu Qing is sensitive to the change of Zhao An'an's mood. He tries to control himself from going to the next step. He just gently kisses her cheek, kisses her nose tip, caresses her back, and comforts her with his tenderness.

Zhao An'an soon felt Mu Qing's restraint and care. She relaxed herself and temporarily forgot all her unhappiness and worries. She held MuQing's face and kissed him casually.

Mu Qing was repressed and restrained. When Zhao An'an kisses him, his mind is shocked and his breath is completely disordered. As soon as he takes off Zhao'an's pajamas and sees her beautiful figure, he only feels that the blood in his body is like a place under him.

Without the barrier of clothes, MuQing caresses and kisses the beloved woman like a fish in water.

Zhao An'an just felt that he had no strength to kiss him all over. He lay on the bed and let him do mischief.

Her heart filled with a happy sense of happiness, subconsciously reached out to take off MuQing's coat, but she didn't have any strength in her hand. She tried several times without taking it off.

She simply did not take off, directly put her hand into his clothes, there is no way to touch his strong and straight back.

"Green..." The soft voice came from Zhao An'an's mouth. Although there was only one word, it still made mu Qinggu crisp. This was the first time Zhao an called him that way, and his heart trembled.

Zhao an did not expect that such a soft voice came from her, but she was only slightly shy for a moment, and then boldly raised her face and kissed MuQing's chin, MuQing's neck and MuQing's chest as before.

"I'm here, Ann..." Mu Qing's voice is a little hoarse, with obvious feelings.

"I miss you..."

Zhao an's voice, with a trace of grievance, but more, is endless missing and love.

At this moment, they seemed to return to the summer eleven years ago, when they were together for the first time, nervous and shy, flustered and expecting.

They gave each other's first time, without reservation, to each other. Looking at the ocean sink, floating.

Mu Qing has always regarded her as a treasureShe never knew that it was so happy to do such a thing with her beloved man, and it was so overwhelming.

Today's MuQing, it seems to be back 11 years ago, like a hairy boy who just contacted women, fierce, crazy, can't wait!

"I miss you too, Ann. I miss you very much..."

After two crazy times, Mu Qing finally calmed down. He pitifully looked at Zhao an, who had never been so delicate, leaning against his arms and whispered, "An'an, I'm sorry, I can't help it, I miss you so much..."

Zhao an was very weak at first. Although he lost the nutrient solution, he didn't get it back after only one night.

Wood green tossed her two times, although still very want her, but dare not to again.

Zhao An'an only felt that her whole body was so sour and soft that she had no strength to move her fingers. She did not know where her strength was when she was just crazy. Now she remembered her initiative and her cheek was a little hot with her thick skin.

Mu Qing is really rare to see Zhao An'an blush, can't help but lower his head to kiss her.

Zhao An'an felt that he couldn't bear the third time. He couldn't help looking up at him in Mu Qing's arms: "no more..."

Her voice, different from the past, with a trace of charm, a trace of languor, hook wood green heart is a burst of fire. , the fastest update of the webnovel!