Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 497

Zhao An'an didn't know how long she hadn't taken a bath. Her hair was messy, her clothes were dirty and old, her body was covered with mud, and her hands and feet were all covered with ash.

Mu Qing got up and brought a basin of hot water, wrung the towel, gently wiped Zhao An'an's face, her short hair, carefully and patiently wiped her dirty hands and feet, changed her into a clean and comfortable cotton pajamas, and then sat by the bed to cut her nails.

Zhao An'an's hands have been wiped clean by wood green, revealing the original delicate white color.

Her fingers are long, she has never done any housework. Her hands are well maintained. Her nails are light pink, showing a healthy luster.

She is a boy oriented character, so she doesn't care as much about many things as girls, such as nails.

she never keeps that sharp nail, and she doesn't paint those brightly coloured nail polish. Her nails are very short and clean, and are the most natural and concise.

It's just that she hasn't cut her nails for a long time, so her fingernails of ten fingers have grown very long.

Mu Qing gently cut her nails, but she couldn't stop heartache.

I don't know what kind of life Zhao An'an had during his imprisonment. He didn't even cut his nails or take a bath. She is a real lady. When did she live such a life from childhood to adulthood!

Mu Qing and Li duo watched the house for two days before formally rescuing Zhao An'an.

These two days are the most difficult two days for MuQing.

Because, he watched Zhao an an eat and live with a rough muscle man every day!

Although the man was very polite and did not even look at Zhao An'an more, even so, when he remembered that Zhao an had lived with such a man for half a year, Mu Qing's heart was like a volcanic eruption, which made him lose his sense.

If it wasn't for Li duo's straight stop, Mu Qing would rush in directly and snatch Zhao An'an who was starving all the time!

Fortunately, the man did not have a bad heart for Zhao An'an, nor did he punch and kick her. He just starved her and made her have no strength to escape.

Mu Qing learns from jingyichen that Zhao an was actually imprisoned by jingyiran, so she wants to fly back to a city immediately and poke Jing Yiran's head with her own hands!

Fortunately, he is dead. If he doesn't die, MuQing is not sure what cruel things he will do.

How can this person have no moral bottom line! In order to get what you want, do whatever you want!

Mu Qing resented in her heart. Looking at her neat nails trimmed with Zhao An'an, she could not help but kiss her green and white fingers.

After cutting her fingernails, MuQing sits at the end of the bed and cuts her toenails.

Before meeting Zhao An'an, Mu Qing was also a noble son of a family who wanted wind and rain. Because Mu Wensheng, the miracle doctor of Mu family, had a great position in city a, so Mu Qing was held up and grew up.

He did not have the bias of male chauvinism, but he never thought that one day he would cut a woman's nails, and he was so willing or even happy.

Zhao An'an's teaching has been wiped clean by MuQing. Her white feet are held by MuQing's big hands. Her toes are round and beautiful, and they are lovely and attractive like pearls.

Mu Qing stayed by Zhao An'an until the sky was light.

He watched as the last drop of nutrient solution entered Zhao An'an's body, got up and pulled the needle from Zhao An'an's hand, packed up the needle tube and the plastic bag of nutrient solution, took off his coat, opened the quilt and got into the bed, stretched out his hand to hold Zhao An'an, held her in his arms and fell asleep contentedly against her forehead.

This villa is the private property of jingyichen. Zhao an is unconscious. After asking jingyichen for instructions, Li duo brings MuQing and Zhao An'an to settle down here temporarily.

More than nine o'clock in London time, Li duo saw that there was no movement in his bedroom, so he could not help shaking his head. He went to the restaurant to have dinner, no longer waiting for Mu Qing and Zhao An'an.

He originally wanted to go back to China today, but Mu Qing refused to let him go, and Jing Yichen asked him to stay to protect them for a few days. He had to bear with him and accompany them to wander in England.

Li duo has not been as leisurely as he is now for many years. He feels that he gets a large salary from jingyichen every month, but he doesn't seem to do anything. He is not at ease and always wants to find something to do.

He felt that the tough muscular man who had been responsible for guarding Zhao An'an had a firm heart and good Kung Fu. He was a very good seedling. He washed his brain and then trained him. Maybe he could become another effective arm of the young master!

After breakfast, Li duo excitedly went to the muscle man with his hands. He was placed in the house where he and Zhao An'an lived, but now the prisoner is replaced by himself.

At more than ten o'clock, Zhao An'an woke up from her restless sleep.

She woke up, but she didn't open her eyes.She thought she was still in the house, so she was not in a hurry to get up.

Anyway, it's no use getting up. It's better to lie down for a while and nourish the spirit to wait for an opportunity to escape.

However, when her arm moved, she immediately found that she was held in her arms by a person!

Zhao an's sleepiness suddenly disappeared!

She screamed and subconsciously kicked her feet to the person beside her. It was too late for her to see clearly the appearance of the people around her!

MuQing is unprepared by Zhao An'an, and hears her scream of panic, and the whole person wakes up immediately.

The thigh was kicked by Zhao An'an, and the expression on Mu Qingjun's face was distorted.

But he didn't care about his pain. He put out his hand and hugged Zhao An'an and called her, "An'an, it's me. Don't make trouble!"

Zhao an looked at the man lying with her in disbelief. She raised her hand and rubbed her eyes vigorously. Then she opened it again. She found that the handsome face was still in front of her eyes.

She raised her hand in a trance to touch the face she was very familiar with, and murmured, "Mu Qing? I'm not dreaming... "

Mu Qing felt a pang of heartache. She held her sharp chin and reached her eyes. The love and affection in her eyes did not hide. He said in a low voice: "An'an, you are not a dream. I am Mu Qing. I'm sorry that I came so late, which made you suffer so much..."

He said, the lips will stick Zhao an's lips, and then desperately suck, fierce entanglement, plunder belongs to her every inch of fragrance and sweetness. , the fastest update of the webnovel!