Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 494

Jing Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief, light admonished: "take good care of her, don't let her run again, it's best to tie her up directly. If Mu Qing is not willing to give up, you can start directly."

Li duo agreed with a smile and asked, "young master, do we need to return home immediately?"

"Yes, return home at once!"

As soon as jingyichen's voice dropped, the voice of Mu Qing was replaced on the phone. He was a little discontented and said, "jingshao, you're too inhumane. An'an is starving. She needs to take good care of herself for a while."

Jing Yichen was upset by Mu Qing. He opened the door and sat in the car. He took the towel AHU handed him to wipe his hair. He said coldly, "she deserves it! Did I let her run? Did I put her in jail? Did I starve her?! What do you think I want her back home for? I'm asking her to come back quickly to get the certificate from you! Do you dare to say that I am inhuman? "

Mu Qing on the other end of the phone obviously didn't think of this reason. He was slightly stunned, but he whispered: "jingshao, I want to understand. I will not force an an any more. Every time I force her too hard, she will run away. I am afraid and dare not force her any more. In the future, just let it be. As long as she is good, anything will do. If I don't get married, I will accompany her all my life. If she can live a few years, I will accompany her for a few years. "

Jing Yichen has been wood green gas don't know what to say.

He also thought that after this incident, MuQing would immediately take care of Zhao An'an, or get married immediately, or try to make her pregnant with a child and firmly keep her by his side.

Unexpectedly, Mu Qing is such an attitude!

What is he going to do with Zhao An'an!

Jing Yichen thinks that his beloved wife has already been spoiled. He has already gone to heaven. Unexpectedly, Mu Qing is even more ridiculous than him!

This is really a thing to drop one thing. How could Zhao An'an have such a good luck? When Mu Qing was so infatuated and soft hearted, no matter how she tossed about it, Mu Qing was willing to tolerate her, even connive at her.

Zhao An'an is even more lawless!

"Have you had a Mediterranean blister in your brain these months?! Take Zhao An'an back home immediately after two days' rest. If you want to follow her, my little aunt and I will not agree! This girl is a donkey. She has to hurry to move forward. If you don't force her, she won't marry you until she dies

Jingyichen wiped the rain on his face and head with a towel, and gave Mu Qing a lecture.

"Do you think you're doing it for her? You're hurting her! Anyway, you've thought it out for yourself. If you don't get the certificate from Zhao An'an and wait for her to come back, I'll arrange for her to go on a blind date and find her a friend to marry. In this way, both of them have no psychological barrier. They can live for a few years, and no one will despise who died early! "

Mu Qing almost choked by jingyichen's words!

This kind of bad move can only be thought out by Jing Yichen, and can really be done!

Mu Qing immediately compromised: "good, good, I will take An'an back home as soon as possible, and I will marry her as soon as I return home!"

Jing Yichen nodded with satisfaction: "come back quickly, but it's just a plane ride. She must have no problem. If she was so delicate, she would have been tossed to death by herself! Her mother is still waiting for her to return home. If you don't come, my little aunt will fly directly to England! "

Mu Qing Lianlian promised, he now feels that jingyichen has become more and more domineering, and the overbearing people simply can not produce the idea of resistance.

hung up as like as two peas. Chen Yi Chen changed his clothes in the car. When he returned to Lijing District, he had no trace of rain on his body. It was just like when he was just out of the house.

Otherwise, he will go home wet, and shangguanning will surely blame him for not taking good care of himself.

Thinking of shangguanning and his lively and lovely son who was only born a week ago, jingyichen's heart is soft.

A few minutes later, jingyichen opens the door of the house, and Shangguan Ning meets him.

Jing Yichen frowned slightly, and then she held her up in a horizontal way: "Auntie said, you had better lie in bed these two days? Why are you out of bed again

Shangguan Ning smile, Du mouth way: "I am lying in bed moldy, down to walk is also very good, activity activities, even if the confinement can not always lie in bed, this is not conducive to recovery!"

Jing Yichen put her back on the bed, but she did not force her to lie on the bed. It was not good to lie down all the time. It was OK and necessary to walk a little.

He put down shangguanning and went to the crib and gently carried his sleeping son to their big bed.

Shangguan Ning looked at a day like a more and more energetic son. He could not help but lower his head and kiss his son's red face. He said happily, "my son is more and more like you!"

Jing Yichen looks at a big and a small two of his favorite people lying side by side, his heart filled with a strong sense of satisfaction.

This kind of life, he once did not even dare to think, he thought that he would walk alone in the vast sea of people.Now, his wife and son are around him, and he has just dealt with a huge threat. After shangguanning and Jingrui, they are more safe and less dangerous. She can take Jingrui everywhere to play, to amusement parks, to the seaside, and not to worry about being caught or poisoned inexplicably.

Jing Yichen first kisses his son Bai Nen's little face, and then kisses his wife's cheek.

He took off his coat and lay on his side beside shangguanning. He supported his head with his hands and looked at Shangguan Ning's clear eyes. He said in a low voice: "jingyiran will never threaten you and your son again. I have sent someone to deal with it. You and my son will be very safe in the future."

Shangguan Ning was slightly stunned.

She understood what jingyichen meant. He meant that he had killed Jing Yiran.

An inexplicable emotion, some happy and some sad, suddenly rose in her heart.

At first, she hated jingyiran very much. She really wanted to let him go to hell for eighteen times. But now she heard that he was dead, but she was not very happy.

Jing Yichen is very familiar with her. Seeing her expression, she knows that she is uncomfortable.

He took Shangguan Ning into his arms, smelling the faint smell of milk on her body, and whispered, "don't feel sorry for him. He deserves to die! This time, if you and your son are not lucky, he will probably hurt you. I can't let this happen again. He will be more and more ruthless, more and more aggressive plunder, this is a time bomb, do not know when it will explode , the fastest update of the webnovel!