Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 493

"Zhao an" three words, let jingyichen slightly a Zheng, but his gun still did not put down.

He had a cold look, a cool tone, and a leisurely tone: "it turns out that you are the one who took Zhao An'an away. That's good. You have another reason to die."

"Jingyichen! If you dare to kill me, Zhao An'an will be buried with me! You have to think about it before you shoot! "

Jing Yiran's voice was fierce. He was afraid that jingyichen didn't hear his words clearly. He kept repeating: "Zhao An'an has always been in my hand. I offered her delicious food and drink, but I didn't move her finger. I don't believe you can call Zhao An'an now and ask her about her situation! If you kill me now, I promise, Zhao An'an will not only die miserably, but also get the biggest bullying before he dies. Shame

"I want to live, you must guarantee my safety, as long as I am safe, your people all withdraw, no longer monitor me, I will put Zhao an back! This is my condition. If you still want your cousin, you'd better do as I say! "

Jingyichen's expression did not change, just looked at jingyiran coldly: "you are not qualified to talk with me about conditions, I said, today is the last day you live in this world, in any case, it will not change!"

Jing Yiran was surprised and angry, and couldn't believe it: "don't you care about Zhao An'an's life or death at all?"?! If I die, she will die too. How can you tell your aunt! "

"What does Zhao an's life and death have to do with me?" Jingyichen's lips show a trace of sarcastic smile, and her tone is full of careless disdain: "she killed herself. Since she is willing to run away from home, she deserves to be caught and killed alive. Why should I save such an idiot? Besides, isn't it just right that she died? Don't all the Zhao's property belong to me? "

Jing Yiran suddenly widened his eyes, as if he didn't know jingyichen. He held out his still intact finger and pointed to jingyichen "you, you and you" for a long time, but he didn't say a word!

"I want to thank you for telling me such a big secret before I die, otherwise, I really don't know who took the evil away. Now, it's very easy. I can kill you without any psychological burden. I can also bury Zhao an's waste with your hand. It's a good deal! After that, even if Zhao Zhao wanted to find someone to revenge, he couldn't find me. Thank you for doing good to me when you are dying

This time, jingyiran looks at jingyichen in surprise. Even the fawn's face is shocked. She always thinks that there is something wrong with jingyichen, but she can't find out what is wrong!

Although Jing Yichen is not as good to Zhao an as she is to Shangguan Ning, Zhao an is his only cousin and has always taken good care of her. Zhao An'an had a relapse of cancer last year. He also took great pains to find a hospital to contact a doctor for her. He attached great importance to her. She was no different from her sister. How could he suddenly become so indifferent!

"Jingyichen, you are crazy!" Jing Yiran lost her voice and roared.

How can this happen? It's impossible. It's impossible! Jingyichen should attach great importance to Zhao An'an. How can he watch Zhao An'an die!

Jing Yiran is shaking all over!

He lost his last card!

When did jingyichen become so cruel?!

He would rather give up the right of inheritance, give up the equity of Jingsheng group, give up his cousin Zhao An'an, and kill him too?!

Is he really going to die today?!

However, with such great efforts, shangguanning was born prematurely and fawn was expelled. Instead of getting the equity and inheritance rights he wanted, he had to put his own life into it!

He is not reconciled!

I'm not willing to die!

The air is filled with a breath of death, as if the next moment, jingyichen's gun, bullets will fly out, take jingyiran's life.

Jing Yiran's face was as pale as paper. The suffering and fear brought by this death made him feel suffocated.

Waiting is long and painful. Waiting for death is to enlarge and prolong the pain of every second.

Jing Yiran even felt that his wounds, blood gushing out of the speed of speeding up, his blood loss more and more serious, he just healed the wound seems to be all split in an instant.

Maybe you don't need jingyichen to shoot. He just bleeds and dries up.

He did not know how long, time in his life seems to have completely lost its meaning, perhaps only a few minutes, perhaps longer, the scene has been unable to distinguish.

The focal length of his pupils had become blurred, and he saw a bullet coming towards his brow.

The next moment, the eyebrow is hit, the mountain of pain will quickly annihilate him, the sharp hot feeling in the head will destroy his consciousness.

The deafening sound of thunder covered the piercing sound of guns, but it could not cover up the smell of blood and death in the air.

Jing Yichen takes back the gun and stands in place, waiting for Jing Yiran's heartbeat to stop.

Ten minutes later, Jing Yiran has no breath at all. Jing Yichen takes his eyes away from his beautiful but pale face and looks at the storm outside the window. He says coldly to the equally pale fawn: "angel, you don't owe the Jing family any more, and the Jing family doesn't owe you either. I'll convey his words for my father. From today on, you're going to leave city a and leave this The State shall not enter this land again in its lifetime. "The deer was shocked and stood up slowly. His voice was dry and said, "angel is obedient."

Jing Yichen heard her response, looked at her lightly, then turned around and strode out.

Outside the villa, torrential rain, lightning and thunder, the wind raging, the trees in the garden were all broken, a mess.

Jing Yichen's tall and straight figure gradually disappeared in the storm. Even though he was wet by the rain, he still did not stop, and he was still firmly moving forward in the rain.

A Hu sees jingyichen coming out of the villa from a distance in the car. He opens the door immediately and rushes to him with an umbrella.

"Young master, it's raining heavily. Don't catch cold!"

Jingyichen light way: "never mind, get on the bus, go home."

Go to the car, not sit in, jingyichen pocket mobile phone will ring up.

He didn't get into the car in a hurry, but took out his mobile phone from his pocket, pressed the answer button and put it in his ear.

From the mobile phone came Li duosha dumb but excited voice: "young master, Miss Biao has been placed in place, not injured, just hungry dizzy, doctor Mu is giving her infusion!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!