Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 495

In fact, shangguanning knows all of Jing Yichen's remarks. She also hates jingyiran for being too unscrupulous. He can bully her at ordinary times, but she can't tolerate jingyiran, even her children.

She just felt that a fresh human life was gone, and it was because she had lost it. She felt a little uncomfortable.

Jingyichen hugs shangguanning's slender waist, which gradually recovers to the prenatal state. She looks a little cold: "moreover, you should not know that An'an was taken away by Jingyi ran and imprisoned!"


Shangguan Ning was so shocked that she almost cried out.

She looked at her son who was asleep. Seeing that he didn't wake up, she took jingyichen's arm and said, "what's going on? How can Jing Yiran imprison An'an! He is so cruel that Ann has not offended him

This time, Shangguan Ning didn't even have the last sense of guilt in his heart!

Jingyiran is too hateful, too chilling!

They have gone crazy to find Zhao An'an. In the past six months, they have searched the whole city a and the whole UK. They have used all the resources and manpower they can use. Zheng Jing has even used his power to send a request to the criminal police of the whole country to search for Zhao An'an. Now, the criminal police in the whole country are looking for Zhao An'an's photo and information Whereabouts!

It turns out that Zhao an was imprisoned by Jingyi ran!

Shangguan Ning only felt pain in his chest!

He's a man who can't even have a little affection for him!

Jing Yichen knew that Shangguan Ning would be angry at the news, so before killing Jing Yiran, he didn't tell Shangguan Ning Zhao an an that he was imprisoned.

Of course, before today, he did not know that Jing Yiran was the prisoner of Zhao An'an.

Jing Yichen patted Guan Ning's back gently and comforted her in a low voice: "it's OK, An'an has not been hurt in any substantial way. Maybe it's just that she hasn't eaten for several days in a row and is hungry and dizzy. Although Jing Yiran's methods are very cruel sometimes, he usually doesn't do any useless work to torture An'an, and he doesn't get any benefits. Moreover, he doesn't have the abnormal hobby of torturing people. Therefore, although An'an is imprisoned, his personal freedom is only limited and there is no physical injury. "

"I can't do it without being hurt." Shangguan Ning was still a little angry, "who would not be crazy if he was imprisoned for six months without any reason? She was also dizzy with hunger. Who knows if she often goes hungry? And Ann's body She needs to go to the hospital regularly! Fortunately, if you want to kill Jing Yiran, he can tell the whereabouts of Zhao An'an. Otherwise, he will be imprisoned for life! "

Shangguan Ning thinks about this and feels scared. Zhao An'an has malignant tumor disease, and her cancer may recur at any time. She usually goes to the hospital for examination every three months. Now it has been half a year. In case of an attack during this period, it will not directly kill her!

"It's OK. Even if Jingyi doesn't say anything, An'an will be rescued by Mu Qing."

Seeing that Shangguan Ning was still angry, jingyichen could not help kissing her smooth forehead and whispered: "MuQing had been guarding the house where An'an was imprisoned three days ago. I don't know if he has some telepathy with An'an. He said last month that he always felt Zhao An'an around him and begged Li duo to search the area again And it turned out that they really found the problem. "

Li duo searched the place where Zhao An'an was imprisoned. Li duo also searched the house twice with people. However, Mu Qing always felt that there was something wrong with him. So he dragged Li duo back to search again. This time, they found the life trace of Zhao An'an and the muscular man.

The reason why Mu Qing believes that Zhao An'an lives here is that he accidentally finds a simple pig with fingernails at the bottom of a bubble noodle box in a garbage can.

Nail scratches are not clear in the dark, but in the sun, the marks are obvious.

Mu Qing recognized at a glance that the pig was written by Zhao An'an!

No one but her can draw such an ugly pig!

Besides, she painted it with her nails at the bottom of the bubble noodle box. Obviously, she didn't have a pen on her hand. Even if she did, she would not be able to send any news. She was imprisoned! She was restricted in her personal freedom!

The people who imprisoned her were very careful to prevent her from passing on any message. Zhao An'an, I'm afraid, had to spend all his brain cells to figure out how to draw on the instant noodles box with her nails.

Mu Qing was very happy at that time. He was glad that he had abandoned everything and came to England alone to look for Zhao An'an. If he did not come, Li duo and others would never find her.

no one has such a soul instinct for Zhao Anan, nor will he know the ugly piglets painted by Zhao Anan, or even nobody cares about the foam box in the trash bin.

However, with the instant noodle box, it is still not sure which house Zhao An'an lives in, so Mu Qing and Li duo take people door to door to search carefully.

Two days later, they formally determined the specific location of Zhao An'an's imprisonment.Jing Yichen waited a few days to kill Jing Yiran. One of the important reasons is that Mu Qing said that he had found Zhao an's hiding place, but he did not dare to frighten the snake, for fear that Zhao An'an would be killed directly by the other party.

Until Mu Qing and Li duo confirm that there is only one person in each other and there is no other helper, they dare to start and rescue Zhao An'an.

Jing Yichen doesn't know that it is Jing Yiran's imprisoned Zhao an. He just wants to make sure that Zhao An'an is safe before doing other things.

Fortunately, Mu Qing found Zhao an in advance, otherwise Jingyi ran took Zhao An'an as a threat, and jingyichen would not have killed him.

He said Zhao an was unimportant and didn't care about her life and death. He just wanted Jingyi ran to despair.

"An'an has been implicated by me this time, and has suffered a disaster without misdemeanor. Otherwise, she will not have to suffer these hardships. Jing Yiran imprisons her, is to take her as the amulet. However, it's all due to her own willfulness. If she follows Mu Qing honestly, how can she have such a torture. "

Shangguan listens to jingyichen's story, and he can't help but love his good friend.

But she was distressed for a moment, her eyes were full of doubts, and then she said to jingyichen with a bad tone: "Jing Da Shao, you already know that An'an has been imprisoned! Why don't you tell me! "

Jingyichen can't help laughing bitterly. He just comforted Shangguan Ning, but he even said something out of his mouth. She heard that he had known Zhao an's imprisonment for a long time.

Jingyichen was afraid that his wife would not let her go. She immediately got up and got out of bed. She took her mobile phone and walked out: "well, I'll call my aunt and tell her that An'an has been found..." , the fastest update of the webnovel!