Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 492

Outside the window, the sky was overcast, the sun was covered by thick clouds, and the sky was dark, like the night after sunset and the dawn before sunrise.

The drizzle continued, and soon became a water curtain. The rain became more and more intense. In an instant, the drizzle had turned into a rainstorm.

The wind is howling, like singing elegy for whose death.

In the sky, suddenly across a dazzling white lightning, lit up the whole sky, under the sky, is the twigs and shoots ravaged by the storm, all things have gone through the hardships to sprout, but now they are generally destroyed.

The light disappears in an instant, the darkness engulfs the sky, the deafening thunder makes people palpitate, and the whole world trembles for it.

Jing Yichen's eyes looked out of the window. His voice was low and cold. He said, "today is the last day that you live in this world. You've already died. It's my father who won't let me do it. Now, you can say your last words. "

Jing Yiran's face also did not have the relaxed look of the past, some of his narrow peach blossom eyes, showing a light of self-confidence: "you will not kill me, you can not kill me, kill me, the equity will immediately fall into the hands of others, you will never want to get it! Jingsheng will be someone else's in the future. I advise you to treat me better, or you will regret it! "

Jing Yichen takes back his eyes, looks down at Jing Yiran, who is in a state of arrogance: "who dares to take the equity of Jingsheng? That's a dead end. The end will be worse than you! I don't care whose hand Jingsheng falls into. No matter whose hand it is, I can take it back! So, Jingsheng doesn't matter. The important thing is that you can't live any longer. "

Jing Yichen said, from the pocket of the suit jacket took out a pure black pistol, the black muzzle, aimed at Jing Yiran's head.

"Have you finished your last words? Then I'll see you on the road. "

Jingyi ran see jingyichen is really can't wait to kill himself, and surprised and angry, the chest is blocked by jingyichen a word, can't breathe!

He yelled: "I caught shangguanning, but I didn't want to push her down the bridge! It was Yang Muyan's people who decided to retire Shangguan. If you want to kill Yang Muyan, go and kill him! "

Maybe it's because jingyiran is dying today. Jingyichen is more patient than usual and answers all the questions jingyiran asks.

"You don't have to remind me that Yang Muyan will die soon. You can be your companion on the huangquan road. As for the people who push a Ning down the bridge, they are waiting for you in the palace of hell. None of the people who hurt my wife and children will survive! "

Xiaolu stares at the confrontation between the two brothers, and Jing Yichen takes a gun and is ready to shoot jingyiran coldly and coldly. All of a sudden, an unspeakable pain rises in his heart.

However, she knows that Jing Yiran must die today. Even if she has beaten Jing Yiran to a serious injury and the injured can't move, jingyichen doesn't intend to let him go.

She thought that at least jingyiran was hurt like this. Jingyichen would disdain to do it to him. Maybe she would kill Jing Yiran after Jing Yiran was hurt.

It turns out that jingyichen doesn't care about those virtual things. He hates jingyiran and just wants to deal with this dangerous disaster immediately.

He can wait seven days to kill jingyiran, which is the limit!

What equity, what statement, what property, jingyichen does not care, he only cares about his wife and children, for them, he can give everything.

Jingyichen noticed the deer's look, and suddenly opened his mouth to her and said, "your merits and demerits are equal. From today on, leave Jingjia and don't come back again!"

Fawn slightly a Zheng, raised big eyes with Jing Yichen, for a long time, she just lowered her head, with dry voice way: "good, I will leave."

She knows that Jing Yichen is very angry with her behavior of taking shangguanning out. He doesn't do anything to her. One reason is that she has done a lot for the Jing family, and the other is that the two fawns in her body are not under her control.

However, she is a hidden danger in the end, and jingyichen doesn't want to keep her any more.

Perhaps, jingyichen has already found her emotional tendency in her heart. She had taken care of Jing Yiran, but she didn't know it, but she couldn't hide it.

A bodyguard like her is indeed unqualified.

Jingyiran is shocked. He didn't expect that jingyichen would not let go of the deer!

He roared at jingyichen: "you are really cold, heartless! The fawn was forced by me, she didn't help me voluntarily. You drive her away and let her go alone

"I'm not cold for a day or two. I said that all those who hurt my wife and children will not be let go. What did fawn do? She knows best. I didn't kill her, and I've been merciful."

Jingyichen gazed at jingyiran with cold eyes, and said faintly: "you can't keep your life. You still have time to take care of others. How can I never know that you are such a loving and righteous person? You two have such a good relationship, even if the deer is dead, it will not be unjust! "Jing Yiran takes a deep breath and suppresses the anger at the bottom of his heart. He has the last card, so even if jingyichen points the gun at his head, he is not too flustered.

"I have nothing to do with fawn. If I have a good relationship, will she torture me into such an appearance of no man, no ghost or ghost?! If you have the ability, you will kill all of us, ah Hu and your subordinates. You will be satisfied if you are the only one in the world

"How do you know that she didn't beat you up like this for your own good?"

As soon as Jing Yichen said this, fawn's face turned white quickly, but Jing Yiran was full of amazement!

"You're talking nonsense! She killed me because she wanted to force me to hand over the shares! "

Jingyichen took a faint look at the little deer whose face turned white. Then he took back his eyes. In the thunder and lightning, he showed a cold smile: "is it?"

"She may not know how much I want to kill you! Can't I do it if I'm disabled? What a shame on my cruelty and determination! You and your mother are dead, I think my mother should be able to close her eyes! " Jing Yichen said, will pull the trigger.

Jing Yiran suddenly roared: "wait a minute!"

Jingyichen kept shooting and asked coldly, "how, do you still have something to say?"

Jing Yiran looked at him with red eyes. Suddenly, he laughed wildly. When he had enough laugh, he said one word at a time: "I have a person in my hand. You should be interested!"


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