Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 491

The devil in front of you should sleep fast and never wake up!

In fact, jingyiran doesn't know the specific situation of deer's personality split. Most of the time, as long as the environment is stable and there is no threat of death, the deer is the child who is not familiar with the world. As long as there is a threat of death and the environment is full of threats, the ruthless and adult thinking deer will wake up.

However, there is another situation, the naive and lively deer will always sleep, that is, when the blood around is strong.

The deer with mental defect is bloodsick.

Blood is one of the causes of the split personality of fawn at the beginning, so as long as there is blood, the adult deer will always be awake. Because of the smell of blood, she is too familiar with it, and her memory is too deep. Although she rejects it from the bottom of her heart, she has already buried this disgusting taste into her subconscious.

So these days, fawn has been making jingyiran hurt and bleeding. Otherwise, in this comfortable environment, she will be suppressed by another fawn. She will fall into a deep sleep, and then she will be used by Jingyi.

Jing Yiran did not know that the blood could stimulate the fawn to stay awake all the time, and he did not know when another fawn would come out. He did not dare to put all his hopes on the naive fawn.

Otherwise, he can't give his own shares.

Fortunately, he had done a lot of preparation before, otherwise he might be killed directly now!

Jing Yiran understands Jing Yichen. Since he can think of using shangguanning to force jingyichen to hand over his equity and inheritance rights, he naturally understands the position of shangguanning in jingyichen's mind.

This time, shangguanning suffered such a big loss that she almost lost her child with Jing Yichen, and Jing Yichen would certainly not let him go.

Moran, the only one who can protect him, doesn't know where she went. She hasn't been here these days. She doesn't know whether she was hurt by a fawn and is in a coma all the time, or she is caught by jingyichen looking for something.

"If you torture me, you'd better torture me to death! I'm dead. Jingyichen can't get any shares or statements! I have already written all my wills. As long as I die, the equity will be automatically transferred to someone else. At that time, that person can go to the bank to take out the equity transfer agreement by virtue of the will, and then Jingsheng will be completely owned by others! If you don't believe it, you can try to kill me! "

Fawn stares at jingyiran, as if he doesn't know him.

When she doesn't speak, she only stares at a pair of water smart eyes. Her small mouth is pink, and she looks very cute. In addition, she has delicate, baby white skin and a small face as big as palms. When she looks at her eyes, she is a beautiful little Lori.

Jing Yiran has been cheated by her face too many times. Now she has enough resistance to her face. Otherwise, just looking at the fawn's face will make people want to hold her in his arms, love her well, and never let her suffer any injustice.

Being gazed at by the deer, Jingyi can't help but feel numb, for fear that she will come up with some vicious idea to torture him.

"What are you doing looking at me like that? Stay away from me. If you don't treat yourself as a woman, I'll treat myself as a man. "

At first, the deer thought that jingyiran still had a little brain. Before he could poke a hole in the sky, he should find a protective umbrella for himself. Now he heard what he said about men and women, and immediately looked down at some part of him.

The knife in her hand went down slowly from jingyichen's face. When she reached a protruding part, she poked it with the tip of the knife, and said calmly, "if I go down, you should not be a man!"

Sharp stabbing pain came from his lower body, which scared Jingyi out of a cold sweat. He was really afraid of the female devil head!

She can always give him a very special "surprise"!

"No, no, no, I'm wrong, I'm wrong! You are a woman, the most beautiful woman in the world! I'm not a man. Don't be impulsive. It's all my fault! "

Jingyi is flexible and flexible. When she looks at the wrong form, she quickly admits her mistake.

Xiaolu also wants to cut jingyiran twice, and then let him give some blood, so as to keep her awake all the time.

But the mobile phone in the pocket rang. She took it out to have a look. It was jingyichen calling.

She immediately got up and went to the place where Jingyi couldn't hear, then picked up the phone.

Just said a few words, she hung up the phone and went back to jingyiran, holding a knife to guard him.

Xiaolu now reports to Jing Zhongxiu every day. Jing Yichen is just the first time to call. She knows that this shows that jingyiran has been handed over to jingyichen, that is to say, jingyiran's life is now in jingyichen's hands.

She looked at Jingyi ran, suddenly light mouth: "you may really die this time."

Deer's tone is too special, which hides a bit of sadness and pain, which makes jingyiran feel uncomfortable.

"The disaster has been passed on for thousands of years. How could this kind of disaster die young?"

Jingyi ran roared, with the maximum volume, to cover up his inner uneasiness.……

After two days, in a continuous spring rain afternoon, jingyichen came.

He is a top-grade black handmade suit, white shirt, black leather shoes, black leather gloves, cold face, eyes.

Obviously, they are the simplest and most common clothes, but they seem to be very noble and elegant like a prince who comes to a party.

Jing Yiran saw this kind of jingyichen, and her anger could not be contained!

His fight with jingyichen has never stopped since he was sensible. He refused to admit defeat everywhere, but he lost everywhere!

Jing Zhongxiu's preference for Jing Yichen is too hard to match because of his family background. His ability is not comparable to that of Jing Yichen. That's because he has not been trained by zhengbajing since childhood, and he has recognized it. However, why should he even lose his appearance and temperament to Jing Yichen!

Obviously, his temperament is more charming and more attractive to women. Obviously, his appearance is demon level. Why is Jing Yichen just a black and white suit? If you go there casually, you can immediately attract other people's attention!

God is also too partial to jingyichen!

Jing Yiran hates that she is now like a mummy, wrapped in a mess of gauze, lying here like a corpse!

He should stand in front of jingyichen, not lie down!

he should wear a jujube tailored suit, shiny shoes and a perfume of fragrant perfume. He is always holding up with Jingyi Chen instead of wearing underwear. Body on the jingyichen disdain eyes!

Even if he wants to die, he can't die in such a mess!

Jingyichen only lightly looked at jingyiran, then walked out slowly from the shadow of the door, and went to his bedside. , the fastest update of the webnovel!