Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 490

"Let me kill Yang Muyan, isn't it cleaner than you? The success rate of my killing is still very high. It's good to escape one out of a thousand. "

The fawn turned out a dart from his pocket and threw it out with his backhand without looking. The dart fell into the wall more than ten meters away. Then the wall clock hanging on the wall fell down.

It turned out that her dart shot the nail of the wall clock directly. The huge impact force made the nail embedded in the wall deeply. The wall clock lost its support, and then it fell to the ground.

Jing Yiran's body is injured, and his head can still turn. Seeing this scene, his pupil suddenly shrinks!

Fawn, it's so powerful!

The deer showed his hand, but he was not proud. He still said coldly: "besides, you are half dead now. When you come to Yang Muyan, it's hard to say who killed whom. Yang Muyan is not so stupid as you. She is shrewd as a ghost. Seeing your dying appearance, she will surely give you a knife and send you to the West directly. "

The shock in Jing Yiran's eyes has quickly disappeared, and the irony on her face is getting stronger and stronger. She obviously does not believe that Yang Muyan is the murderer of Zhang Rong.

Xiaolu doesn't care whether jingyiran believes it or not. She just needs to convey all the words jingzhongxiu asked her to convey.

"Jing Zhongxiu said that Yang Muyan not only killed your mother, but also killed Jing Yichen who was under the protection of Tang Yun in the United States, and then all put the blame on you to make jingyichen hate you, but jingyichen is much smarter than you, and he doesn't bite at all."

Jing Yiran is a little suspicious about what Xiaolu said.

At that time, he suspected that jingyichen's men were killed by Jibo's people, but later he felt that it should be Yang Muyan's hand. Jibo knew about it, but did not participate.

Jing Yiran has already learned Yang Muyan's mind, so he did not refute what Xiaolu said, but listened in silence.

The fawn saw that he didn't cry and knew that he knew about it.

"Oh, it's not easy. I thought your brain was full of dung. It seems that you still have a good time!"

Jing Yiran didn't speak. He was scolded by fawn, but he was used to it. These days, he really learned fawn's venomous tongue. If he scolded with fawn, the final result would be that he was scolded by fawn bloody, and could not even say a word.

"Oh, and your fiancee, Shen lingbing, was also poisoned by Yang Muyan. Otherwise, you will be married and married for a long time now, and a wife will take care of you. Maybe you will not be so stupid as you are now, and you will find your way to death! However, Shen lingbing's death also has a lot to do with you. If you don't poison her so maliciously, maybe Yang Muyan won't have such a good chance to plan. "

Jing Yiran was stunned and widened his pair of peach blossom eyes and called out: "this is impossible!"

He said it was impossible. In fact, he had already believed it for seven points.

The cause of Shen lingbing's death has not been found out. He also investigated for a long time, trying to clear the suspect for himself, but the clue was directly cut off from the Shen family's servants, and could not be traced down at all.

Although we can't find the killer, Jingyi can be sure that Shen lingbing is not Jingyi Chen's hand.

Because it is not good for him and the Jing family. What's more, Shen lingbing is the one selected by Jing Yichen. Since he has chosen the Shen family, it shows that the Shen family is absolutely loyal to the Jing family. Jing Yichen can control the Shen family. Marriage is only good without harm.

If it is good for anyone to let Shen lingbing die, it is undoubtedly the rival of the Jing family.

Either it's made by the Ji family or Yang Muyan, who has a deep blood feud with the Jing family.

Other people really don't have the ability to poison the eldest lady of the Shen family. They don't even have a clue. They are crafty and sophisticated!

Jibo does not have this ability, and the whole Ji family is not such a cunning and vicious style. Only the neurotic paranoia, Yang Muyan, has this style!

"Tut Tut, the hatred is too deep. The hatred of killing the mother and injuring the wife is not the same as the heaven! Who's her next target? Oh, by the way, her next goal should be shangguanning. Unfortunately, she didn't finish it. Shangguan Ning was very lucky and survived. You are so stupid that you don't have a bottom line. You have been used so thoroughly that you don't know anything about it! "

Xiaolu's cool voice echoes in jingyiran's ears, which makes him suspicious of Zhang Rong's death.

Is it true that mother was killed by Yang Muyan's design?

This is really like the style of Yang Muyan!

Try your best to put the blame on others, leaving no trace!

She can do it easily!

No, no, no, I can't believe Xiaolu's words so easily. She said so many things on purpose today, putting together several things that he didn't care about together. Then she tried to confuse the public and make him suspect Yang Muyan about the thing he cared about most!

He can't be fooled easily!

However, Jingyi does not believe the deer's words, but also has planted the seeds of doubt in her heart.As long as there is a suspicion, jingyiran will not let go. Zhang Rong is his mother. She gave birth to him and raised him. No matter what, she is the one who loves him most except for Moran. She is killed by someone. He, a son, will surely revenge her!

As long as he could escape from the fawn, he immediately went to Yang Muyan to retrieve the statement, and then took a knife to ask her, who killed his mother!

Xiaolu doesn't care about jingyiran's idea at all. She just wants to take back the equity transfer agreement that jingyiran stole!

After all, it was her fault that caused shangguanning to fall into danger and be captured by Jingyi. Although it was the other one who did something wrong, the two of them were originally one person. The deer was naive and simple, but she had the normal thinking ability of adults, so she should be responsible for the mistakes.

"Jing Yiran, if you don't hand over the equity, I will really die. Maybe you can drain all your blood and make a real mummy. What do you think of my idea

Jing Yiran excites the spirit of a cold shiver!

Xiaolu has a face as pure and beautiful as an angel. Her voice is so clear and pleasant to hear, just like spring water. But what she says is a devil!

Why has it been four days in a row, the fawn is still this fawn now, that pure and kind-hearted, innocent and innocent, why doesn't he come out to change shifts?!

There is no threat to his family now. It is a safe environment. The deer should come out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!