Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 489

However, jingyichen and jingyiran are obviously different in their positions in jingzhongxiu's mind.

This has a lot to do with their mothers. From the beginning to the end, Jing Zhongxiu admitted that Zhao Qing was the only wife. He and Zhang Rong had no real name. He has been able to tolerate Zhang Rong for so many years, and has made a great concession in the face of jingyiran.

Jing Zhongxiu once wanted to kill Zhang Rong himself to avenge his wife. However, after killing Zhang Rong, Zhao Qing could not survive. On the contrary, Jing Yiran had to lose her mother since childhood. When she grew up, she knew that her mother had been killed by her father. It was strange that he did not hate the Jing family.

However, even if Jing Zhongxiu lets Zhang Rong live, jingyiran still hates the Jing family.

This hatred reached its peak at the time of Zhang Rong's death.

Thinking of Zhang Rong, Jing Zhongxiu said coldly: "I have found out that Zhang Rong's death was a trap set by Yang Muyan himself. This woman's heart can't be underestimated. She is very good at using people's heart to create misunderstandings. She doesn't have to worry about the Ji family any more. Even if we go to war with the Ji family, we have to kill this person to avoid future trouble."

Jing Yichen nodded: "OK, I know."

He didn't want to let Yang Muyan live. Even if he killed Yang Muyan, he would not cause any conflict with the Ji family, because Jibo had already joined him.

"I have asked Xiaolu to guard jingyiran, and the cause of Zhang Rong's death has been told to him. If you want to get the equity back, you can find Xiaolu."

"Well, I'll go back in two days."

Jingyichen is not worried about the equity. Anyway, jingyiran can not intervene in the daily operation of Jingsheng group through equity right now. He can let jingyiran live for two more days.

In recent days, he wants to accompany shangguanning and his children. After the birth, shangguanning is very weak, which can be said to be very weak. He needs to take good care of them. He wants to stay with their mother and son every day.

Jing Yiran, in any case, can not escape.


In Jing Yiran's villa, Xiaolu conveys the words jingzhongxiu asked her to convey word for word to jingyiran.

, as like as two peas, former friends become enemies with each other. Yang Muyan, your mother killed you. She deliberately killed your mother's process in exactly the same way as Mrs. Jing's death. It made you misunderstand the hand under the Jingyi Chen and let your brothers turn their back on their enemies. She's smart enough to take advantage of your greatest weakness

Xiaolu's voice is very flat. No matter Zhang Rong or Zhao Qing has anything to do with her, she is just doing things for jingzhongxiu. Naturally, she is indifferent.

"Of course, although you two have long wanted to kill each other, Yang Muyan adds a fire to you. Otherwise, how could you break up with the Jing family so soon. I have always known that you are more idiotic, no brain, but I did not expect that you have been idiotic to this extent, by a woman playing around! After her intrigue, like a mad dog, she wants to bite Jing Yichen and fight against Jing's family. You'll have a good life, but you have to toss yourself to death

"You fart Jingyiran lies on the bed like a mummy, hissing and roaring.

He was beaten all over by fawn, covered with layers of gauze, and it was difficult to even move his fingers. Because he refused to go to the bank to get the equity transfer agreement, fawn mercilessly tortured him.

It has to be said that jingyiran is really a cockroach. It can't fight to death. Its vitality is amazing.

The deer took a look at Jingyi's blue veins on his forehead, sneered and said coldly, "what's the use of me to cheat you? I'm going to die anyway. Don't you think you're ridiculous? You have become an alliance with Yang Muyan and become a running dog for her. She has a deep blood feud with Jing family. You dare to cooperate with her. You are so stupid! If your mother knew you and Yang Muyan were so good, she would run out of the coffin and strangle you

Jingyi ran can't bear it. His fingers are tightly held together and his knuckles click, indicating that his anger has reached its peak.

If he could move now, he would beat the fawn directly on the ground!

"Did jingyichen ask you to wash the white for him?! If he kills my mother, don't let him down! Yang Muyan and I have no enmity, my mother and she have no hatred, they do not even know each other! If you want to find a decent person for the dead, or someone who has no relationship with him, are you mentally retarded? Do you think others are mentally retarded? "

Of course, Jing Yiran doesn't believe that Zhang Rong's death was the work of Yang Muyan. Zhang Rong knows very few people. Since she married Jing Zhongxiu, she has almost no way out of the gate. She has been living at home every day, and is almost out of her mind. Her social circle is so narrow that even if she turns ten corners, she has nothing to do with Yang Muyan.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Jingyiran lies there and laughs wildly. The laughter is full of ridicule and pain. His voice is hoarse, and then he says coldly:

"did jingzhongxiu let you say these words, or jingyichen asked you to say them? You are also a real idiot. When people use you as a gunslinger and a worthless bodyguard, you will work hard for others! I don't know how my mother died? Jing Yichen is to use my hand to kill Yang Muyan, this difficult opponent? The abacus is really loud, but I'm not fooled! "The fawn listened to his angry scream, and looked at the scene in surprise.

It's like looking at an idiot.

"You really overestimate yourself. Oh, of course, I overestimate you, too. I work as a bodyguard, a thug and a gunner for the Jing family. That's because I owe Jing Zhongxiu a great favor. This is of my own free will. You don't have to worry about it. "

The deer took a bright knife and sat down beside jingyiran's bed. He took the tip of the knife and scratched it gently on his beautiful face.

Although there was no bloodstain, the cold and sharp touch on the blade still made jingyiran shiver involuntarily.

"I thought you were an idiot, but now I'm insulting the word idiot. You are all dying people. Is it interesting to cheat you? Jing Zhongxiu just wants to make you understand. He doesn't care to tell such a lie! You look down on him, too

Thinking of Jing Zhongxiu's ability, a trace of admiration flashed in his heart, but he asked in a sarcastic tone: "what's more, you just said, let you kill Yang Muyan? This is the biggest joke of the century

She is the happiest thing in her life to torture jingyiran these two days. Seeing his distorted face, she can't help but feel very good. Her words are much more than usual. , the fastest update of the webnovel!