Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 486

After living in the hospital for two days, shangguanning and xiaojingrui are in very good condition.

Muxin finished the general examination for mother and son and said with a smile, "Shangguan, you can go home with the young master. You can't use our hospital any more!"

Shangguan Ning was very happy, holding his son who was spitting bubbles with big eyes. He said gratefully: "thanks to you, my heart, or we can't be here well."

Muxin teased Jingrui, and his face was gentle: "where do you say, I'm a doctor. I'm in charge of protecting children and mothers. This is my duty and should be. I just like your little baby so much. Now I look so beautiful. When I grow up, I must be a handsome boy! "

She thinks that Jing Rui must be another jingyichen when he grows up. The child looks so much like his father!

Moreover, he is not like a child born after seven months in the mother's body. He is full of spirit and can eat milk very well. Thanks to shangguanning, the milk is gradually sufficient in these two days, otherwise it will not be enough for him to eat.

Muxin is very clear that the reason why Jingrui is so strong is closely related to shangguanning's constitution.

Before and during her pregnancy, she had been drinking golden medicinal wine. Not only did she have a good constitution, but also fundamentally optimized Jing Rui's constitution. Otherwise, Jing Rui would not have been so strong.

Muxin decided that when she was pregnant, she must ask her grandfather for more medicinal wine.

Jing Yichen didn't go anywhere these two days and didn't care about anything. He spent all his energy and time with his wife and son.

At this moment, Muxin said that he could go home. He held his son with a smile and gave him a kiss on his small face: "son, you can go home!"

Sister LAN and sister Fang cleaned up. Zhao Zhao took his hat and scarf and covered Shangguan tightly before allowing her to go out.

Shangguan Ning looked at himself wrapped into a zongzi, crying and laughing: "little aunt, this is too exaggerated, it's spring now, it's not so cold outside! I remember that when the British princess gave birth to a child, she directly wore a skirt to meet the crowd. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it

Zhao Zhao regarded her as his daughter, and looked at her: "where is the exaggeration? It should be like this, foreign countries do not understand, this confinement is the most reasonable, if you do not pay attention to this first month, you will certainly fall ill in the future! Now of course, you can't feel it when you are young. When you are old, you will suffer! Now the wind outside is cold, and you have to wrap your whole body up and down. If the cold wind blows, your bones will ache for months! "

Aunt Lan also followed: "yes, young lady, this is our tradition, which has been passed down for so many years. It must be reasonable. You don't have to wear so much at home, just keep warm, but you can't go out. Your head can't see the wind, otherwise it's easy to get headache in the future."

"Well, wear it." Shangguan Ning had no choice but to compromise. In any case, it's no harm to pack tightly. Besides being inconvenient and hot, it's nothing.

AHU drives shangguanning and his party to Lijing community. Jingyichen hugs his son tightly all the way. Shangguanning refuses to hold him. After returning home, he has been talking with his son all the time. Shangguanning and Zhao Zhao can't laugh at each other.

Shangguan Ning is OK. When jingyichen is usually with her, she still talks a lot, but she is not too surprised.

Zhao Zhao was shocked.

She never knew that her nephew could speak so much!

She clearly remembers that Jing Yichen didn't like to talk since she was a child. When people asked him 10 questions, it was very good that he could reply one word. Now that she is a father, she likes children so much and talks to children so much. It's just not like him!

Jing Yichen has no idea that Shangguan Ning and Zhao Zhao are laughing at him, but even if he knows, he doesn't care.

He really loves his son and likes to talk to him.

"Ruiruirui, call dad, Dad Dad. Ruiruirui must be as smart as Dad. He will talk soon. The first one to call must be dad..."

Jingyichen lengthens the ending, and takes the trouble to teach his son to call his father.

The little guy stares at him with a pair of big eyes. He puts his small fist in his mouth and rubs his feet on jingyichen's face.

Jingyichen grabs his son's little foot and takes a bite. He coaxes him: "are you going to give your father foot Ya son to eat? If you call dad, dad will eat, OK

Zhao Zhao was amused by his nephew, and soon he had a stomachache.

She pointed to jingyichen and said to Shangguan Ning with a smile: "if I hadn't seen his appearance with my own eyes, I would never have imagined that he loved his children so much. This is definitely the scene that the sun comes out from the West!"

Shangguan Ning also smiles, but it is not too unexpected.

When she was pregnant, jingyichen often held her stomach and talked to her son. Now she just said more.

In fact, she knows why jingyichen is so fond of talking to her son. First, this is the child jingyichen has been expecting for a long time. Secondly, he wants to give his son enough father love.Jing Yichen himself has not been spoiled by Jing Zhongxiu, who is a father. The father and the son almost don't speak because of Zhao Qing's death. He doesn't want Jing Rui to feel his father's warmth like him.

So from the moment Jingrui was born, jingyichen was very fond of him, and did not cover it up. Everyone can see how much he loves his son.

Shangguan Ning lies on the bed, looking at jingyichen carefully lying on the edge of Jingrui's bed, grabbing his little feet to tease him, his heart can't help but be soft.

With these two treasures, she has been content all her life.

The next day after returning home, jingzhongxiu came.

This is the first time that Jing Zhongxiu came to their home. Shangguan wanted to get up and get out of bed, but Zhao Zhao held it down: "this person surnamed Jing is not an outsider. Please lie down quickly and get out of bed in two days. Now when you get out of bed too much, your legs and feet will hurt."

Shangguan wanted to say that he was not so delicate, but when he saw Zhao Zhao's appearance, he swallowed the words to his mouth. He just laughed and called out "Dad" from jingzhongxiu.

She can see that Zhao Zhao is angry with jingzhongxiu!

It's also true that Zhao Qing is her only sister, but she's not angry because another woman died with Jing Zhongxiu's son.

Jing Zhongxiu is more aware of Zhao Zhao's attitude towards him than Shangguan Ning. He is ashamed of himself. Naturally, he will not quarrel with Zhao Zhao, nor with Shangguan Ning, who has just given birth to a child for a few days.

He knew that Zhao Zhao was here, but he didn't want to meet Zhao Zhao. He was scared to death every time he met.

But he can't help it. His grandson has been born for four days, and he hasn't seen his appearance yet! , the fastest update of the webnovel!