Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 487

Jing Zhongxiu doesn't care about the eyes that Zhao Zhao shoots at him like a knife. He goes to Jingrui's bedside. When he sees Jing Yichen, he coughs heavily.

"Yi Chen, go aside and I'll talk to my grandson."

Jingyichen has not had enough to play with her son, but is interrupted by Jing Zhongxiu, so she has to get out of the way.

In the scene, Xiugen didn't notice his son's face. At the moment, he only saw the little guy lying in the crib.

as like as two peas, big eyes, long eyelashes, thick hair, white skin, and jade carving, it is exactly the same as Jingyi Chen when he was little.

Look, this is his grandson. How beautiful!

After looking at it for a long time, jingzhongxiu took his grandson's little hand and bit it gently.

Xiao Jingrui's big black eyes follow jingzhongxiu. He seems to know that the person in front of him is his grandfather. He smiles at jingzhongxiu's happy eyes.

Jing Zhongxiu carefully lifts xiaojingrui from the crib. His movements are somewhat astringent, but he is extremely gentle, and his posture is very standard. Even though his arms look stiff, he can feel that he is trying his best to make his grandson lie more comfortable.

Jingyichen sees that her son is picked up by jingzhongxiu, and the whole person is not good.

Really, just have a look. What do you do when you pick it up? In case Jingrui falls down, what can I do! Jing Zhongxiu doesn't look like a baby Hugger at all. His action is stiff, even he can't match him. Jing Rui must be uncomfortable in his arms!

Jingyichen is very distressed for her son. She can't help coming to Jingzhong to cultivate herself. She says faintly: "Dad, you'd better give Jingrui to me. I'm more comfortable holding than you are. This is my son's good. Otherwise, if you hold it like this, another child would have cried."

In the scene, Xiuli was not happy and glared at him: "I hold it very comfortable. Am I glad I didn't see my grandson? You guard Jingrui every day. When you can't hold it, you have to fight with me. It's not promising! "

Shangguan Ning looks at Jing Zhongxiu holding Jingrui up. Instead, he feels very happy. Jing Zhongxiu obviously loves this little guy and wants to hold him so much.

What's more, although his movements are very crude, his posture is standard.

Shangguan Ning guessed that he must have held jingyichen many times when he was a child. He knew how to hold a baby, but more than 30 years later, he never held the baby again, and his movements were naturally unskilled.

She is very happy to let Jing Rui and Jing Zhongxiu get close to each other. This is the little baby's grandfather. Who do you want to kiss him?

She doesn't want to have any estrangement between jingzhongxiu and Jingrui in the future. She doesn't want jingzhongxiu to talk with Jingrui with a straight face in the future. The best way for her to have a happy life is for her father and grandson. It's no doubt that he loves his grandson.

On the other hand, Zhao Zhao is very nervous, for fear that Jing Rui will be thrown or touched by Jing Zhongxiu.

But in fact, she has the same idea as shangguanning. She also hopes that Jing Zhongxiu can get in touch with Jing Rui and that he can love him more. At least, she can't be too cruel and harsh as he treats jingyichen.

Therefore, Zhao Zhao did not stop Jingzhong from embracing Jingrui.

Jing Yichen was Jing Zhongxiu to train a few words, suddenly more unconvinced.

In addition, he may not be as experienced as jingzhongxiu and can handle all kinds of affairs, but he thinks he is much better than jingzhongxiu in terms of raising children.

"It's wrong for you to hold your arms like this. You can't hold your arms like this. You have to hold them around. My son is too small now and his body is soft. You should hold it along his body..."

Jingyichen said a lot of long and wordy words. It was obvious that he didn't know how to hold a child in jingzhongxiu's mind. Jingzhongxiugang wanted to say, "I can hold a baby. I didn't know how much when you were a child." however, he felt that this was not in line with the image of a strict father, so he swallowed his words.

Shangguan Ning looks at the two people getting together. From the beginning of competing for Jing Rui, and then praising the little guy who was born for four days without any bottom line, she suddenly laughs.

Really, although she thought her son was the best child in the world, she felt a little blush after listening to the praise of the father and son.

"My son looks like me. When he grows up, he must be as handsome as me!"

Jing Yichen has never known what modesty is before. He is really very handsome, and he has always called himself "the most handsome husband in the world" in front of shangguanning.

Change shangguanning, must be very give him face, will follow him to say, yes, his son will be as handsome as you.

But Jing Zhongxiu was used to attacking his son. He couldn't see his arrogance. He said directly: "my grandson is much better than you. When he grows up, he will be more handsome than you. It is estimated that he will be almost as handsome as I was when I was young. In the future, he will not worry about marrying a good daughter-in-law! Maybe even the princess of the royal family will ask to marry my grandson

Jingyichen suddenly collapsed!

He has never seen jingzhongxiu as arrogant as he is now!

However, Jing Yichen is very happy to say that Jing Rui is good. He also agrees that Jing Rui will be more handsome than him in the future.He wants to snatch his son from Jing Zhongxiu's hand, but Jing Zhongxiu dodges quickly, takes Jingrui back two steps, and then bows his head to kiss his grandson's lovely and fresh face.

"Dad, you have so many beards. Don't prick Jingrui into pain!"

"Nonsense. I shaved my beard carefully when I came here today. Where is the beard?"

"Jing Rui's face is so tender that it's easy to cut it if you touch it. You'd better not break his face."

"I don't have time to hurt my grandson. How can I make a fool of him? You are too unlucky to speak. Shut up!"

Jing Zhongxiu said, and took his chin to rub Jingrui's small face.

Maybe it's a little itchy. Jingrui grins at jingzhongxiu all of a sudden, revealing his pink gums. It looks very cute.

When xiudun in the scene was overjoyed, he immediately held Jingrui and jingyichen to show off: "look, my grandson is laughing! He likes me

Jingyichen a look, really is!

He didn't care to argue with Jing Zhongxiu. His son laughed. He was very happy and didn't care about Jing Zhongxiu robbing his son.

"Dear son, come and hug your father, and your father will make you laugh..." Jingyichen claps his hands gently towards Jingrui. Seeing Jingrui look at him, he can't help but take a look at the king.

Shangguan Ning looks at ye and ye, both of whom are rarely childish. Jing Yichen, in particular, looks after her son as carefully as her eyes. The whole person feels extremely happy.

My husband has become a super father, which is what shangguanning didn't expect before. , the fastest update of the webnovel!