Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 485

Zhao An'an is really OK, but now she has regretted running away secretly.

Because she is now like a prison, every day is locked in a place, with that muscle man, although she has not been any harm, but her lively and active character, has been locked in a place for so long, has nearly suffocated her.

Every two days, she would run away. Although she was caught back without any suspense, Zhao Anle was not tired.

If she couldn't beat that abnormal muscle man, she bit him with her teeth, scratched him with her long nails, punched and kicked him. After two months, her Kung Fu had improved a lot.

Zhao an wanted to break his head and couldn't figure out who was so bored that she was arrested and imprisoned.

It's a loss making business to keep her such an idle person and match such a strong bodyguard!

She knows that jingyichen and MuQing must send people all over the world to look for her now. If she is alone, she must hide in order not to be found by them. Now, she doesn't need to hide at all. She has changed three places with this abnormal muscle man. One place is more secret than another. If we can find her, it needs to be very, very detailed Heart is the only way.

But fortunately, in addition to starvation after every escape, the abnormal muscle man did not treat her well, neither coveted her beauty nor exerted violence on her.

Zhao an can't guess what the purpose of being imprisoned by the people behind him is. If it's to rob money, she should be used to ask Zhao family or Jing Yichen for money. If it's to rob women, it's time to go!

It's neither money nor lust. Why should she be imprisoned as a lazy woman who only eats but doesn't work?

Zhao an an sat on the bed with her chin in her hand and bored watching TV. She thought that if the bodyguard guarding her was a lecherous, at least she could take off her clothes to seduce him and take the opportunity to escape.

But this man's estimate is a gay, no matter how she teases her head, no matter how she seduces her, people are not even interested in her, which makes her feel desperate.

Zhao an's eyes fixed on the man never leave the mobile phone, planning to grab the phone, call her mother.

If she had been locked up here for a lifetime, she might as well have run into it.

No, no, no, before she's been locked up for a lifetime, she estimates she'll have her cancer relapse and die!

"Hello, you pervert. Go tell your master that I have cancer. If you don't treat me, I'll die. I can't get a good price at that time. Please send me to the hospital!"

Muscle man light looked at her, did not pay attention to her, continue to close his eyes.

Bang, still cancer, I still AIDS, cheat who! I'm not a three-year-old boy. I believe what you say!

Zhao an looked at the muscular man and didn't believe in himself. He was very anxious: "why don't you believe me! I said is true, do not believe you let your master son to inquire, I am really sick! I've been dead twice. If I hadn't been sent to the hospital in time, where would you have had the chance to imprison me? "

Muscle man simply turned around, his back to her, closed his eyes and looked like he had gone to sleep.

Seeing that he refused to take care of himself, Zhao An'an sat down beside him and began to persuade him in the style of Tang monk.

She said for more than an hour, and her mouth was dry. She got up and poured herself a large glass of water and drank it. Then she turned back and continued to persuade.

She talked about it for a long time, but there was no response from the muscular man.

Zhao an carefully observed for a while, sure that he was asleep, and then carefully pulled the mobile phone from the muscle man's hand.

Soon, the mobile phone was in her hand, and the muscle man was still snoring, no response.

Zhao an heart secretly happy, immediately pressed the power button of the mobile phone, the screen lit up, and then Zhao An'an froze.

This mobile phone is fingerprint unlock!!

How treacherous!

Zhao an an looked at the two hands of the muscular man holding together. He wanted to find a knife to cut off his ten fingers and try one by one!

She couldn't find any other kind of knife in this house.

She angrily dropped her mobile phone on the muscle man's body and turned back to her sofa, where she watched TV and thought of new ideas.


Mu Qing has been looking for Zhao An'an for so long. She runs outside every day. Her originally white skin has turned into wheat, and her sunny personality has become a bit reticent.

He has lost more than ten kilograms, his facial features are more distinct, his lines are stronger and his hair is very short. His clothes are black stormsuit and black mountain shoes, instead of the light colored clothes he usually likes.

In five months, MuQing has changed a lot. His whole person is like a sword about to be scabbard, sharp but not publicized.

He seems to have changed from a sunny youth to a mature and prudent youth.In the past, Mu Qing, like Zhao An'an, was somewhat out of character. The biggest setback he experienced in his life was that Zhao an broke up with him. His family conditions were excellent, and he was smart and studious. At the age of 31, he had never suffered much.

In the past five months, however, he suffered a lot.

Many of them need to negotiate with the local black forces to negotiate with them.

Although Jing Yichen's subordinates are very capable, in fact, they are willing to listen to Jing Yichen's command and arrangement, but they will not obey his command, and he does often make mistakes in command and cause great losses.

These people are all the forces cultivated by Jing Yichen. They are broken in Mu Qing's hands. He is more distressed than anyone else.

A Hu was called back to China by Jing Yichen. Li duo, who succeeded ah Hu, was more calm and careful than ah Hu. Mu Qing learned a lot from him. Now Li Duo is the leader in the search for Zhao An'an, and he is willing to be an assistant to Li duo.

Because he found that Lido was more professional than he was and had a very amazing intuition.

All the people under Jing Yichen's command also listen to Li duo's words. They cooperate with each other tacitly. In the past two months, no one has been damaged.

According to Li duo's judgment, he felt that Zhao An'an was still in the UK. He divided his staff into two groups: one group searched for places they had never searched, and the other group began to search places they had already searched.

Although this will greatly reduce the speed, but it is more secure.

Mu Qing always felt that he seemed not far away from Zhao An'an. , the fastest update of the webnovel!