Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 484

Muxin also said that Jing Rui is rare among seven month old children. She thinks that it should be because shangguanning has been drinking muwensheng's expensive medicinal wine for a long time. Almost all the medicinal liquor is solid, which is full of nutrition and essence. It is easy to be absorbed by the fetus and can promote the growth and development of the fetus. It is not surprising that Jing Rui can grow so well in seven months.

So jingyichen is not worried about his son's health at all.

He followed shangguanning's words and said with a smile: "ah Ning, there is no big difference between our son and a full-term child. After two days, you can get out of bed and go to see other children. It's the same! Ruirui didn't lose at the starting line, but you should prepare more milk. I don't think his son's appetite will be too small in the future. "

Speaking of this, Shangguan Ning also has some helplessness, she took Lan Jie handed her crucian carp soup, some worried asked: "sister LAN, how can I have so little milk, drink crucian soup can work?"

She doesn't want her son to lose his ration. Breast milk is the best for her son. She doesn't want her son to drink milk powder.

Sister LAN and sister Fang both laughed at the same time. You and I said with a smile: "little madam, you have just given birth to a baby. Of course, there is less milk, and more will start tomorrow."

"The crucian carp soup is the most stimulating milk. I'll ask old du to make a peanut pig's hoof Soup for the young lady. That's also very useful. I'm sure the young master can eat enough!"

"It's also effective for the young lady to drink more milk every day. It's not difficult to stimulate milk. Don't worry! What's more, you should keep a good mood. If you get angry, you will not only have less milk, but if you drink this milk, it will also have an impact on his health! "

"Don't be afraid of being fat. When you are in confinement, you should eat more nutritious things, which can not only restore your health, but also ensure that the milk is nutritious. This can't be careless!"

They talked a lot about it. Shangguan Ning didn't think they were wordy at all. Instead, they listened very seriously.

No one has taught her these things, and now there are two experienced and unreservedly told her, she is naturally very grateful.

Jing Yichen also listened to it very seriously, and then waved her hand. Each of them paid an extra month's salary, which made sister LAN and sister Fang happy.

They didn't want anything. They just took care of shangguanning. Seeing that she was easy to give birth to children, they couldn't wait to give her advice and teach her some tips. Now they are rewarded, they are more serious.

In the evening, not only Zhao Zhao came, but also old lady Zhao. The ward was very lively for a time.

When Xiao Jingrui wakes up hungry again and opens his eyes to milk, everyone is very surprised because they think that he is not a full-term child at all.

Zhao Laofu lived for a long time and experienced more things than shangguanning. She knew the situation of her child very well. Seeing Jing Rui, she firmly said, "this child is blessed and strong. It is no different from a full-term child."

She is old, especially like children, what's more, Xiao Jingrui is her great grandson. She is very happy to see him and gives a large amount of red envelope.

She thought, if only the eldest daughter was still alive. She had a grandson and became a grandmother. She didn't know what she would be happy to be!

Zhao Zhao obviously thought of one place with his wife. Her eyes were red and her tears of joy were almost flowing out: "if my sister knew that she had a grandson, she would be happy to show off everywhere. I will go to her grave to burn some paper and tell her the good news."

She was forthright and felt that shangguanning was not an outsider. She didn't have as much scruples as old lady Zhao, so she said what she said in her heart.

Mrs. Zhao didn't stop her, and she became red eyed.

Shangguan Ning knows that they are all happy. Zhao Qing is gone, but they are all happy for Zhao Qing.

Although she had never met her mother-in-law and had no feelings for her, she also felt that she should go to her grave to tell her the good news.

"When I'm out of the month, I'll take Jingrui to kowtow to my mother."

Not only to go to Zhao Qing's grave, but also to Huang Liyu's grave. These two women who died early, one is her mother-in-law, the other is her own mother-in-law, but both of them can see Xiao Jingrui. It's very sad to think about it.

Zhao Zhao immediately wiped his eyes and said with a smile, "it's OK. It's not too late to wait for Ruirui Rui to go again. Don't make your mother and son sick. It's not worthwhile!"

When she saw that Shangguan had a child, she was so happy that she was several years younger. Even the heavy and worried Zhao An'an's disappearance brought to her was dispelled.

The dead girl went out and fooled around again. When she came back, she would not break her leg! I won't give her any money in the future! She wants to cut off all the financial resources of Zhao An'an and let her have no money to run out any more!

She didn't come back to see such a big thing about Shangguan's birth. What a heartless thing!

Zhao Zhao has always been a broad-minded man. After a short time of sadness, she teases Jingrui happily. She holds Jingrui in her arms. Even when Jingrui sleeps, she also holds Jingrui. Her love for Jingrui is beyond words.

Shangguan Ning was filled with emotion.

Zhao Zhao takes care of Jing Rui very carefully, and the pain goes to the bone. In addition, she has experience, and instantly compares her mother to her!It's just that Zhao Zhao looks very young, but she's in her 50s. Shangguanning is afraid that she can't bear to hold Jingrui all the time. She persuades her to put Jingrui down and lie on the couch beside her for a while.

When Shangguan Ning saw Zhao Zhao today, his first reaction was that Zhao an had not been found.

Now that she is a mother, she can understand Zhao Zhao's mood.

If Jing Rui disappeared one day, she would have to cry to death. Zhao Zhao's performance has been very calm and calm.

After thinking about it, she still spoke softly and comforted Zhao Zhao: "Auntie, don't worry. An'an will be OK. MuQing must be able to find her. She is just naughty and hiding. There must be no danger. Maybe she is at ease now! "

Shangguan Ning is not sure about Zhao An'an's situation, but she can only say so. Otherwise Zhao An'an has not been found, Zhao Zhao will be destroyed first.

Zhao Zhao naturally understood her good intentions. She gently laughed and sat up from the sofa and said in a relaxed tone: "good boy, my aunt is OK. I know Ann's character. She is spoiled by me. After my divorce from her father, I always feel that I owe her, and everything depends on her. Later, when she is ill, she dotes on her more. That's why she develops this lawless character

She paused, and her voice was a little firm: "I'm Ann's mother. I can still feel that she has something to do. I always feel that she is safe. I'll understand after you. It's said that mother and son are connected to each other, but it's true. "

Shangguan listened to Zhao Zhao say so, slightly a Leng, but unconsciously believed her words.

Great, Ann is OK! , the fastest update of the webnovel!