Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 483

However, jingyichen feels deprived of a father's right to name his son by his father, and he ignores jingtianyuan for many days.

Jingtianyuan doesn't care whether jingyichen takes care of himself or not. Anyway, he has a great grandson and his grandson is dispensable! Therefore, he did not agree with Jing Yichen's naming of his second grandchild. When the great grandson was born, he immediately calculated it according to the time when the child was born. After more than four hours of calculation, he decided on the word "Rui".

But when the old man took a good name, Shangguan Ning was still in a coma, and she naturally did not know.

Jingyichen smiles and says in a soft voice: "take it. The single name is" Rui ". Wisdom is wise. The nickname is Rui Rui. It's very good."

Jingtianyuan took the name Jing Yichen is still very satisfied, after all, it is not that kind of messy and obstinate name, the implication is also very good, he also accepted.

Shangguan Ning tasted it carefully and thought it was very good. He couldn't help but say, "good name! As expected, my grandfather is well-educated, which is much better than what I chose! "

Jingyichen can't help laughing, the eyes of stars are full of smile: "so you know you don't take a name so much!"

Even if Jing Tianyuan is no longer reliable, he can't be as casual as shangguanning. What kind of jingdabao and jingxiaobao can't bear to look directly at!

When a child is young, it doesn't matter if he is called Dabao. On the contrary, it makes people feel cute. But when his son grows up, the tall and handsome young man is called "Dabao", which is too cheap.

Shangguan Ning doesn't care about being teased and ridiculed by jingyichen. She kisses her son's little face happily and calls him affectionately: "little Ruirui, darling, you have a name. My grandfather gave you a very nice name. Ruiruirui must be very smart in the future."

I don't know if Xiao Jingrui heard shangguanning's voice. His eyes didn't open, but his hands and feet moved. Then he cried loudly and loud, which scared the couple who had just been promoted to mom and dad.

Both of them had no experience of taking care of children, and they were at a loss.

Shangguan Ning just with instinct, gently took his son into his arms, some anxious and some happy coax him: "darling, ruiruirui, my mother is here..."

The little guy is crying so loud, it sounds full of air!

Shangguan Ning felt that her son was very strong, not as weak as she imagined, and naturally he was very happy.

Jing Yichen saw his son crying. He was just flustered for a moment. He remembered Muxin's warning that the child might wake up hungry before he was born. He immediately said, "ah Ning, my son should be hungry. You can feed him."

"Ah?" Shangguan Ning was slightly stunned, and immediately untied his own button, regardless of anything else, some flustered put the slightly swollen milk into his son's small mouth.

Xiaojingrui has something to eat. As expected, he doesn't cry. He sucks milk.

It's a pity that Shangguan's milk is not enough. Xiaojingrui is not full. Shangguan Ning has to change another one and send it into his son's mouth.

Fortunately, Jing Rui has just been born, and his appetite is not very big. He eats on both sides and is finally full.

The little guy burps and sleeps sweetly in the past. During the whole process, he only cries for a little while and his eyes are not open. He will wake up when he is hungry.

Shangguan Ning held his son in his arms and watched him eat and sleep. His heart was soft and happy.

Jing Yichen did not let her hold more: "put the child down, let him sleep by himself, you hold him for a long time, the arm is easy to sour, easy to fall ill."

Shangguan Ning took a surprised look at him, put his son back into his little quilt, and said with a smile, "how can you even understand this?"

She and Jing Yichen's mothers are all gone. There is no female elder to teach Guan Ning how to sit in confinement and how to take care of the baby.

Originally, Moran would have come to take care of shangguanning, but for one thing, she didn't know shangguanning had given birth, and she was knocked unconscious by fawn, and she is still dizzy now; secondly, jingyichen doesn't like Moran, so she won't let her take care of shangguanning.

He has called Zhao Zhao and asked her to take care of shangguanning and her children.

Of course, although Jing Yichen has no practical experience, his long-time parenting classics and other books are not for nothing. He is rich in theoretical experience. He is very clear about the taboo of women's childbirth. Of course, he knows that Shangguan can't hold the baby for a long time.

Jingyichen smiles, takes a look at Shangguan Ning's shameful abundance, holds her hand, and roughly says some taboos in the month. Then she says, "I ask my aunt to help. Today she will come. Then you can ask her if you have any questions. These are all from the book, not necessarily accurate. Sister LAN and sister Fang will also come. They have both had children. Sister Lan also has two, and she has a lot of experience. With their help, you won't be tired. After two days of observation, you and your son are all right, we will go home. "

He had arranged everything in order and considered all that should be considered. He was meticulous and comprehensive, and Shangguan was warm in his heart.

She said with a smile, "OK, it's up to you."At noon, sister LAN and sister Fang came. Both of them were jubilant. It was said that Shangguan had given birth to a young master. He was very happy.

They have two months to go before the due date of delivery. I don't know why she gave birth prematurely, but this does not hinder their happiness.

As the old saying goes, live seven not live eight, which means that if a premature baby is born in seven months, it is generally able to live, but it is not easy to live after eight months.

Sister LAN specially brought the rich crucian carp soup that can stimulate milk. While laying rice with elder sister Fang, she said happily: "young lady, I see that the young master is not small, and his hair is so thick. It is rare that such a good child is born in seven months. The young master looks like it was born full-term. You don't need to worry about it. The young master must be healthy and healthy!"

Shangguan Ning has never seen another newborn baby. Naturally, she has no way to compare with her. She is very happy to hear sister LAN say so.

She was afraid that the baby would be born less than a month, which would have an impact on Jingrui's health. She was so sure that sister Lan said that her smile was brilliant.

"This is the best. I also think ruiruirui is very energetic. Today, he cried with a loud voice. He is a strong little guy."

When a mother doesn't feel that her son is not good, shangguanning is even more so. She feels that Jingrui can't see how well.

Jing Yichen also felt that sister Lan was right. He saw several newborn babies in the hospital this morning. They were all full-term babies. They all looked like little Jingrui. He felt that those children were not as loud as their own sons! , the fastest update of the webnovel!