Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 482

In the ward of Mu's Hospital, a large and a small two people were lying on the bed, beside which sat a handsome and noble man.

Shangguanning did not know how long he had slept. In his dream, he was full of fear of falling from a high place, and then he was suffocated by the cold sea water.

She wanted to, but she didn't want to scream.

From far to near, it seems that step by step from the horizon to her.

"Ah Ning, ah Ning! You wake up, you're dreaming, wake up! "

Shangguan Ning hears this familiar voice, the whole person suddenly sobers up.

When she opened her eyes, the familiar and handsome face appeared in her sight.


She spoke gently, but the voice of her mouth was very hoarse, as if she had not drunk water for many days.

Jing Yichen took her hand in pain and said in a low voice, "have you had a nightmare? Don't be afraid. I'm here

Shangguan Ning smile, just to speak, the lower body came to severe pain, remind her what happened.

She immediately turned her head and saw that her little baby was sleeping quietly. A gentle smile appeared on her face.

She reached for her son's lovely little hand and asked softly, "is the child OK?"

Jing Yichen looked at his son's sleeping appearance, and his tired face also showed joy: "don't worry, master Mu came to see him, and said that although he was born two months earlier, he is still strong, five Jin and nine taels, nearly six Jin, just like normal children."

Children of more than seven months, close to six pounds, is indeed very good, many full-term children are also this weight.

Mr. Mu said that the child is developing well and has absorbed enough nutrition from the mother's body. It is enough to be born in more than seven months.

Although he has been staying in front of the bed all night, jingyichen doesn't feel tired. He just feels extremely satisfied.

His wife and son all lie in front of him peacefully, and jingyichen's heart is filled with.

He has made a good plan for the worst. If the child can't be saved, he won't suffer too much. As long as shangguanning is all right, they are still young and will have children in the future.

Unexpectedly, Muxin's medical skills really got the true biography of master mu. She saved both mother and son, which was not easy.

Seeing a little older son, lying beside his wife with his eyes closed, sleeping sweetly, small hands and feet, lovely and unreasonable, jingyichen's heart melted.

Such a good son, if there is any accident this time, he will certainly cut Jingyi into pieces!

However, as far as he knows, jingyiran is not as good as death.

Fall into the hands of fawn, he will certainly regret being born in this world!

Shangguan Ning was relieved to hear that the child was OK.

She took her son's tender hand, put it to her lips and gave it a kiss.

What she was most afraid of didn't happen. She was very lucky to have her son born healthy!

Looking at the little baby around her, she felt soft in a mess, and felt that it was worthwhile to suffer more crimes. What sustained her to the last moment was her deepest love for her son.

Maternal love is great, full of strength, or shangguanning feel sure that they can not survive.

She took a look at jingyichen, and then looked at the child and said with a smile, "is the baby like you?"

Jing Yichen stroked Shangguan's pale face, and his voice showed infinite tenderness and Indulgence: "well, it's very similar to you. Our son is very beautiful. You have suffered so much to give birth to him, and your son will certainly be filial to you in the future. "

He loved his son very much, but he was more distressed by his wife who had suffered so much for his son.

Shangguan grinned, his face brimming with happiness. Although his voice was still hoarse, it could also make people feel that kind of pleasure and tenderness: "it doesn't matter if you have a little bitter. It's all like this if you have a child. I'm not so delicate. As long as my son is healthy, everything is worth it."

She thought of the moment when she was pushed off the bridge and fell into the water.

Originally, her son could stay in her stomach for two more months, but she was brought into the world ahead of time. Shangguanning felt sorry for her son.

Now she would not consider whether her son would be filial to her. She would be satisfied if she only hoped that his son would be healthy and healthy.

Shangguan Ning's remorse and remorse in his eyes did not escape jingyichen's eyes.

He took Shangguan Ning's hand and said in a low voice, "ah Ning, you don't need to blame yourself. It's me who should blame yourself. You can rest assured that this revenge must be revenged. I will not let Jingyi live any more. "

Although Jing Yichen's voice is very light, it is full of murderous spirit.

Shangguanning knows that he is really angry. She also wants Jing Yiran to die quickly, but she is worried that Jing Yichen will be separated from Jing Zhongxiu because of this.

After all, Jing Yiran's blood is his son.Jing Yichen saw Guan Ning's expression and knew what she was thinking. He said faintly: "don't worry about Dad. This time, dad and grandfather will not let him off easily. He has stepped on the warning line."

Jingzhongxiu and jingtianyuan would not have killed jingyiran if he only took the equity or inheritance rights. However, he used shangguanning and almost killed shangguanning and her children in her stomach. This is related to the inheritance of the Jing family. Jing Zhongxiu and jingtianyuan could not tolerate such a thing.

Shangguan sighs with relief. As long as jingyichen doesn't get into trouble with jingzhongxiu, it doesn't take long for the father and son to make up, but it's not worth the loss because of one Jingyi.

Shangguan Ning relaxed and stared at her son. The smile on her lips could not be hidden. After a long time, she suddenly remembered that the little baby had not yet been named. She immediately looked up at jingyichen. In her eyes, she asked: "did grandfather name the little guy?"

Previously, the couple took several names for their children, but all of them were rejected by Jing Tianyuan and Jing Zhongxiu. The couple were rather depressed.

Jingtian is far from worried about Sun Tzu's displeasure. He is worried that shangguanning has an opinion on this, and he has explained it to her carefully. According to the time of his birth, that is to say, according to the time of his birth.

Shangguanning didn't study these things and didn't believe it before. But it's very important to have a good name and a good moral, so she is not angry.

For her, it's the same who gives her son a name. The old man is proficient in the eight trigrams and the book of changes. She is very knowledgeable about the name, so she confidently gives it to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!