Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 481

Jingyiran desperately searching in his mind, but nothing!

He knew, he knew, fawn has other identities!

He always feels familiar with fawn, but he can't remember where he saw her!

"I've seen you, I've certainly met you. Who are you?"

Jing Yiran's voice trembled slightly, and I didn't know whether it was frightened or because she was naked and frozen all over.

Fawn: "it doesn't matter who I am. What matters is where the equity transfer agreement and statement are. If you don't say it again, the third leg will immediately become disabled! Then, I'll break all your tendons, cut off one ear and dig out one eye. What do you think? "

Jingyiran's heart was as gray as death, and her pretty face was pale. In addition to her panic, she had no other expression. She could not show any of her previous style. The appearance of flowing evil spirit, in this change of fawn. In front of him, he behaved like a doll.

"You, you, you You are no man! I'll give you everything. Let go

This is the first time in a year that he has felt, which proves that Mu Qing's acupuncture has been ineffective and that he has recovered to be a normal man.

However, Jingyi ran was not happy at all!

He has a kind of being forced by fawns. The shame of adultery!

He doesn't want that!

Jingyi Ran's face rose with an abnormal blush, gritted her teeth and said: "I have given the statement to Yang Muyan. She should have summoned the media now to publish the statement. The equity transfer agreement is in the safe of the bank. No one can take it out except me."

When the deer heard him finish, his movements stopped immediately, then took out his mobile phone and called Jing Zhongxiu.

Jing Yiran had already reached the desire. Looking at the peak, but forcefully cut off in the middle of the road, suffocating him all over the body there is no comfortable place, arm and thigh pain also tormented him, let him want to directly faint in the past!

Falling in the hands of deer is ten times more painful than falling in the hands of Jing Yichen and Jing Zhongxiu!

This is how many evils he made in his last life, so he will be tortured by fawn in this life!

Jingyi is lying on the floor still, listening to fawn call jingzhongxiu.

"Uncle Jing, I declare that he is in Yang Muyan's place, and the equity transfer agreement is in the bank. I'm afraid Jing Yiran needs to get it himself. I won't let him die for the time being, but now he's not dead. Don't be distressed. Oh, by the way, the old lady came here half an hour ago and was knocked unconscious by me. It should not be a big problem. She will be dizzy for three or two days

Jing Yiran heard that Mo Lan was knocked unconscious by the deer. She was so angry that she couldn't bite her.

When fawn hung up the phone, he said: "I don't care who you are. Don't move my grandmother. She's old and can't stand your violence."

Fawn looked down at him and said with a sneer, "I thought you didn't have human nature at all! I am good to you, you do not hesitate to use me, shangguanning is a pregnant woman, you can be ruthless, your mother died did not see you how sad, the old lady this is to you how good, you can remember that she is your grandmother, know to protect her! "

Jing Yiran found out that the deer's mouth was so poisonous that it was even more poisonous than his mouth!

In front of the fawn, he is completely inferior! He can't compare with fawn. He's not as strong as fawn. He's not as good at shooting as fawn. He's not as tough as fawn. He's not as quick as fawn changing his face. He can't even curse people!

In addition to the split personality, deer will become a simple child in a comfortable environment, the rest of the time, there is no weakness at all!

She is totally different from ordinary women. She turned her face when she said that she would turn over her face. In the past, she was obviously in love with him, but once she found out that he used her, she could kill him in a flash! Never mind the old love!

Planted in the deer's hand, Jingyi ran feels that he is not unjust, because he has misjudged the strength of his opponent and overestimated his charm!

But would he be sitting there waiting to die?

Ha ha ha, how can it be!

Jing Yiran laughs wildly in the bottom of his heart. If he is not well prepared, how can he take the great risk of using Xiaolu to confuse guanning and force jingyichen to hand over Jingsheng and the right of inheritance!

You'll be dead soon after you taste it!

I have never suffered such a big loss since I was so big! You're dead!

In addition to the abnormal deer has no weakness, all other people, have weaknesses! And the fawn is not insurmountable, as long as it is safe environment, the deer will become that naive little girl, when the time comes, it will be easy to start!

Xiaolu doesn't know the thoughts in jingyiran's mind. Even if he knows, he won't care.

She looked for gauze, bent down, smooth action to jingyiran bandage the wound, so as not to lose blood and die.

Soon, the doctor sent by jingzhongxiu came to take the bullet from the inner thigh of jingyiran.

Fawn is not afraid to look aside. Although jingyiran's two arms have been removed by her, there is basically no possibility of running away, but if he has another way or has a response, it will be bad.Anyway, jingyiran is naked. She looked at all the things she shouldn't have seen and touched. Now she saw him lying naked on the bed. The fawn was not embarrassed at all.

The doctor examined the wound, determined the operation plan, picked up an anesthetic just to give Jing Yiran a hit, the deer suddenly opened his mouth: "do not play anesthesia."

Jing Yiran's face was pale with pain, and his head was covered with sweat. His eyes were full of hatred and anger. It seemed that he was going to fire the fawn to death.

"Fawn, you have enough! It's going to kill you if you take a bullet without using anesthetic! Haven't you suffered enough today? Give me an anesthetic Jingyi ran roared, but the last sentence was addressed to the doctor.

But this doctor is a person of Jing Zhongxiu. He doesn't listen to jingyiran. When he hears the deer's words, he doesn't frown. He takes a scalpel and cuts open the meat on jingyiran's thigh, ready to take the bullet.

Jingyiran "ah" screamed, and finally couldn't stand the torture of this kind of pain and fainted completely. , the fastest update of the webnovel!