Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 480

"Deer, don't bully people too much! I didn't do anything to you. I just let you sleep for hours. I didn't hurt you at all! I've been so nice to you, and you're torturing me like a madman. Do you deserve me

Jing Yiran's face has been distorted due to severe pain. The deer's eyes hate to eat her!

Fawn has beaten him before, but he has never been so terrible and has no emotion and humanity!

Although he used fawn today, he didn't hurt fawn one and a half. He wanted to come back and buy her chocolate. As soon as he entered the door, he was almost killed by the madman!

When he came back, he actually wanted to apologize to fawn and wanted her not to be angry. As a result, it turned into an endless deadlock!

The wound at the root of the thigh is bleeding ceaselessly. The burning pain of the bullet makes jingyiran almost unable to support. He wants to keep screaming. His two arms are not his own at all!

Jing Yiran thought that fawn had feelings for him and was willing to take care of him and follow him. He would not completely break up with him because he was used.

This is a small thing, but fawn is serious!

The deer took off jingyiran's two arms. It seemed that he was a little relieved. Some disdained to look at him: "you're too clever. I'll take your arms off just in case. I don't have any interest in torturing you. Your anti torture ability is too poor. It's not shameful to shoot a gun and cry and howl!"

She seemed to know jingyiran's inner thoughts, and said faintly: "besides, it doesn't matter how you fight with jingyichen. Next time, if you make an idea of shangguanning, I won't give you any chance and send you to hell directly! It doesn't matter if a person is cruel and violent, but if you don't have the minimum bottom line, you are not a person, even a dog! Why can't you compare with jingyichen all the time, because he is a man and you are a dog! "

"Shut up, you and him. Mom is the dog! You are better than a pig or a dog

Jing Yiran was shouting in anger, but the fawn looked as if he had not heard anything. He said in disdain: "I am not some infatuated woman. Someone has sold me and forced me to die. I will follow a 252 like asshole! Jing family is not willing to kill you, how can I not give up, it is ridiculous! What is emotion? It's the most unreliable thing in the world! Love? You are not worthy of my love

"Who said they were reluctant to kill me? They all want to kill me

Deer looked at him coldly: "if you don't think the king family won't do to you, how can you be so arrogant! You can live to this day, jingyichen is really soft hearted! Don't delay my time, just hand in all the things quickly "

she said, and began to pick up the clothes of jingyiran neatly, and soon took off all his underwear.

In the process of undressing, he will naturally encounter jingyiran's two arms that have been removed, as well as the gunshot wound on his inner thigh. Fawn doesn't know what is gentle, rude and powerful. Jingyiran almost faints in pain.

After taking off his clothes, he was lying on the floor with a pale face.

"You madman, what are you taking off my clothes for?"

The deer is completely red at the scene. Naked body, face did not have half of the shy girl should have.

She checked jingyiran over and over twice and found that there was nothing hidden in his body before turning over his clothes.

Jing Yiran felt extremely humiliated!

Naturally, there were women who took off his clothes before, but every time they were fragrant and gorgeous, which made people's heart beat faster!

But today, nothing but humiliation!

Like a rag, he was looked over and over by the fawn. However, the fawn only regarded him as a piece of wood. No woman saw the man naked. Body consciousness!

Although he is injured, although he can't move, but his figure is better than many top male models! How can the fawn be allowed to spoil like this!

Did he owe this madman in his last life? Why should he be humiliated!

However, the more humiliating, is still behind!

After looking through all his clothes, Xiaolu can't find the equity transfer agreement and the declaration of giving up the inheritance right that jingyiran snatched from jingyichen.

His shrill voice echoed in the empty living room: "deer, you and him. Motherfucker, let me go! I'm going to kill you

But now he is only frightened, the whole body is constantly sweating!

Looking at Jingyi Ran's beautiful face, the fawn looked at her face and said coldly, "what about things? If you don't say so, I'll give it to * * "

Jing Yiran finally couldn't bear it. She spat out a mouthful of blood!

He vomited his blood because of this crazy woman!

How can there be such a shameless woman!He wanted to slap fawn on the face and scold her for being shameless!

However, the lifeblood is in the hands of others, and he can't even curse a word. For fear of infuriating the abnormal fawn, she really put the following * *!

Her strength is amazing and more than enough!

However, fawn is born to be his nemesis. There are always ways to make him furious and spit blood.

"Tut Tut, it turns out that you are so small below you, and your atrophy is so serious. No wonder you haven't been looking for women recently. It turns out that you can't be hard up! Retribution, deserve it

"You are a pervert Jing Yiran finally couldn't help but scream in horror.

How did the deer turn into this one night! Look at her appearance, it is really a symbol of killing people without blinking an eye, ready to crush men!

The deer suddenly burst into laughter. There was no smile or temperature in the laughter.

"Witch head?" Her big eyes stare at jingyiran like a poisonous snake, and said coldly: "yes, this is one of my names. Perhaps, you should have heard of my other name. When you remember my name, you won't be so disobedient as now

Another name?

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