Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 479

Jing Yiran came home with his booty. As soon as he entered the door, a dark pistol was on his temple.

"Give me something!"

A figure fell behind jingyiran like a ghost, and then a faint sweet fragrance of candy came into his nose.

He did not move, but his face showed a crazy evil smile: "deer, you wake up! I'm sorry, I'm afraid the medicine won't work, so I gave you more. Do you have a headache? Just drink more water! It's a little girl's family who knows how to use knives and guns all day long. It's really not cute! Put the gun down and we'll talk

Deer's gun against jingyiran's temple, and his fingers did not move. He said coldly, "jingyiran, you dare to use me! You are looking for death

Her baby voice is tender and crisp, it sounds very pleasant, but the tone of her voice is cold and cruel, which makes people like jingyiran feel a little nervous.

Her figure is delicate and delicate, in front of the tall jingyiran, it seems a little small.

However, she sent out the killing intention almost as if the essence, relying on her very close scenery, but only in a moment feel that the temperature in the living room seems to have dropped several degrees!

Is this the real strength of fawn?

She seems to be getting stronger and stronger!

But Jingyi ran didn't take it seriously. He believed that fawn would not kill him, so he said with a smile: "I didn't make use of you. I just asked you to help me. Oh, no, no, no, it's another fawn who helped. It has nothing to do with you."

The deer looked at him with the same eyes as the dead and said coldly, "you don't have to quibble. I'm a person with her! You used her, you used me! What about shangguanning? "

"Oh, if you fall into the sea, you should not die for a while, just don't know if the child can be saved! But it's not me who pushed her off the bridge. It's Yang Muyan's people who forced her to die. It has nothing to do with me! If you want to blame, you can only blame her for her bad luck, and she was followed by Yang Muyan. "

Jing Yiran stood there with a look that had nothing to do with him.

"I told you not to provoke jingyichen again! Don't you feel shameless and incompetent when you threaten him with shangguanning? "

The deer's voice is getting colder and colder. It seems that it can freeze people into ice.

Obviously, she was very angry. Shangguan Ning was robbed by Jingyi in her hand. All the responsibility lies in her body. She killed Shangguan Ning!

Who knows Jing Yiran heard this, immediately also angry, sternly said: "how can I not provoke him?! I don't just provoke him, I want him to die! Now that I have the equity of Jingsheng group, I can control the whole Jingsheng, and then I can control the whole Jingjia! You're an outsider, and you're going to get mixed up with something! "

The deer takes back the gun, reaches out to jingyiran's shoulder and pats it heavily, "pa" a crisp sound, and jingyiran's arm is unloaded by the deer!

Jing Yiran immediately screamed and fell on the ground, a beautiful face because of severe pain suddenly rose red!

"You psychopath, are you crazy? Don't you like me? How can you give me such a cruel hand! You are so violent and neurotic, who dares to take it? "

Looking at Jingyi, the fawn lies at his feet with his arms in his arms, and his lips suddenly pull out a cold smile.

"You also said that I am a psychopath, and I do have a neuropathy, ha ha ha, why, if you like a person, you can't kill him? No, you can still kill! If you kill, you will never betray. If you kill, you can only love one person! Anyway, if I don't kill you, you will die in jingyichen's hand sooner or later. It's better to die in my hand, and I can give you a good time! "

Jing Yiran was startled by the sudden change of the fawn, and her eyes were about to fall out!

He even ignored part of the severe pain from his arm, and just looked at the fawn in a daze.

In fact, he always felt that although fawn had personality split, the two fawns she had split up were very normal, and there were no other serious psychological diseases of personality split.

It turns out that she really has, but usually no one found it!

Such a fawn, it's so terrible and frightening!

Did she ever get hurt? Betrayed by her beloved, so it has a huge psychological shadow?

But it's impossible!

Xiaolu's personality split should have been a long time ago. She usually has few people and is not very enlightened about her feelings. If she has been hurt, she will never be so ignorant.

What's going on?

Jing Yiran doesn't know why fawn suddenly goes mad. No matter which fawn was before, she almost never got angry. She could play any joke and say anything. She didn't care. What's the matter today?

"Fawn, what are you talking about? When did I betray you? I have nothing with you. If you hate because of love and want to kill me, it's too bad! I look down on you

Fawn's expression is still a madness, she looked down at jingyiran, and then put the muzzle of the gun at his head, coldly said: "don't look up to you, immediately give me all the things you snatched today, or I'll shoot you!"Jing Yiran was slightly shaken by the ferocity of fawn's face at the moment. This woman is really a madman!

"I'll give you everything. You can't use it. But if you want to return it to jingyichen, I advise you to take a rest. He must have hated you now and is looking for people to kill you! After that, you will mix with me. You can afford to have ten such large groups as Jingsheng! "

Deer did not speak, the pistol moved down, aimed at jingyiran's lower body, "bang", a crisp shot.

The living room immediately sounded jingyiran's extremely shrill howl. He curled up without image and rolled on the ground in pain.

He didn't expect that fawn would actually shoot him!

And it's only a little short of hitting the key parts of his lower body!

He wanted to scold the fawn, but now he was in a cold sweat with pain all over his body. His teeth were about to be broken, and he had no strength to swear.

"This time it's the root of the thigh. The next time it's the root of life."

Deer opened a gun, blood spatter everywhere, but she did not even blink her eyes, cold way: "men really do not have good things, I pity you for so long, the original poor is a white eyed wolf! Turn around and sell me

She said, and then bent down, "click" a sound, and Jing Yiran another arm to unload, causing Jing Yiran is a burst of sad howl. , the fastest update of the webnovel!