Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 478

In the delivery room, Shangguan Ning's face turned red, and the sweat on her face continued to slide down. The severe pain made her cry hard to control.

She heard Muxin speaking to her in a steady voice.

"Ah Ning, lower body hard, you can do it, baby, it's up to you! He's fine now. Hold on and take a deep breath

In fact, shangguanning's situation is not very good, even can be said to be very critical, but Muxin knows, this time absolutely can't say so, otherwise shangguanning may immediately faint.

Muxin told his assistant: "blood transfusion 400cc, hit a oxytocin."

Shangguan Ning felt that she had no strength. She even wanted to close her eyes and sleep in the past. The voice of wooden heart in her ear was far away.

Can't sleep, absolutely can't sleep!

She's going to give birth to the baby!

She has been pregnant with him for so long and has said so many things to him. She doesn't know what he looks like!

Jing Yichen must be waiting for news from her and her children outside. She must hold on!

Shangguanning mobilized her whole body strength and wanted to send the child out.

Wooden heart has been constantly encouraging her, told her how to force.


Outside the delivery room, jingyichen has been standing there, without moving.

He heard the voice of Shangguan Ning gradually weak, a heart was tightly lifted up.

There was a series of rapid footsteps in the corridor behind him.

"Yi Chen, how is ah Ning?"

It's the sound of jingtianyuan.

Jingyichen, who is as motionless as a sculpture, looks back at the sound.

But he did not look at his grandfather jingtianyuan, but looked at the wood around him.

Jingyichen did not answer jingtianyuan's words, and asked the wood with a hoarse voice: "Mu grandfather, you go in and have a look at a Ning!"

Mu Wensheng shakes his head and goes to Jing Yichen and says, "Muxin is no good at anything else, but she has always specialized in obstetrics and gynecology. She has rich experience in this field. If she doesn't come out, it means that the situation can be dealt with, and I don't need me. Your daughter-in-law is certainly not at its worst. Just sit here and wait. "

Jing Yichen is still very impatient. Just about to persuade him again, Mu Wensheng goes on: "it's not a good thing to go in and interfere with the production at this time. The fetus has been more than seven months, and if there is no big accident, Muxin will surely make their mother and son safe. I believe that Muxin is the child I taught by myself, and I know her level!"

Although Jing Yichen is still anxious to suffer, she believes that Mu Wensheng will never make fun of Shangguan Ning and the child's life.

He said that wooden heart is sure, that should be sure!

Part of the endless panic in his heart finally dissipated. He looked at jingtianyuan and said, "grandfather, Jing Yiran took the equity of Jingsheng and the declaration I wrote about giving up the right to inherit."

Jingtianyuan said faintly: "it's OK. He can't take any money. Your father has gone to deal with him. He may think that we really won't kill him. It's just that he has the blood of Jing family. Now he's done away with this blood. He can die! "

He said, looking at jingyichen's appearance, slightly frowned: "go and change clothes. After a while, after your daughter-in-law gives birth to a child, can you feel better? Clean yourself up and don't catch a cold and infect my great grandchildren! "

Jingtianyuan's words are more effective than anything. Jingyichen immediately asks AHU to get clothes for himself.

A Hu quickly took the clothes back, jingyichen quickly changed clothes in a ward, then continued to guard in front of the delivery room, waiting, suffering.

Mu Wensheng and Jingtian did not go far away and sat down on the chair in front of the delivery room.

In fact, jingtianyuan is also very worried and nervous, for fear of shangguanning what's wrong with this fetus.

However, he solved the wood to ask the student, the wood asks the Sheng absolutely not to see the death, he did not enter the delivery room, which shows that the problem of shangguanning is not very serious.

As time went by, I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, a baby's cry came out from the delivery room. Through the heavy delivery room door, the cry was not real at first, but became more and more clear.

Jingyichen's whole body was shocked, and her eyes burst out with joy, and her face was full of ecstasy.

Jingtian yuanteng suddenly stood up from the chair, looking more excited than jingyichen: "Oh, my little great grandson is born! Born, born, that's wonderful! Listen to the cry. It's so loud. It looks strong

He was so happy that he could not close his mouth. The whole person was walking up and down the corridor, not as calm as Jing Yichen, the grandson.

Mu Wensheng glanced at him, discontented and said: "OK, OK, don't swing around, my eyes are dizzy! I taught my granddaughter's medical skills personally. She has delivered thousands of children, and none of them has any problems. It's very serious! "

Jingtianyuan waved his hand to Mu Wensheng: "bang, of course I will remember your granddaughter's contribution, but how come my little great grandson hasn't sent it out yet!"Jingyichen heard jingtianyuan's words, also turned his head to look at wood to ask Sheng, he now wants to go in to have a look.

Wood asked a white old friend: "the older you are, the more idiotic you are. After giving birth to a child, you should hold it to the child's mother first, let his mother carefully look at it and identify the gender. Then he will bathe the child in front of her, and you can see after the bath! No culture

In fact, although Mu Wensheng is scolding Jingtian for his lack of culture, he also wants to see the newly born kid.

When people are old, they all like children. They are happy to have children.

They didn't wait too long, and soon a doctor came out with the baby in his arms.

Jing Tianyuan and Mu Wensheng immediately got close to look after the children.

Jing Yichen didn't even look at it, and strided directly into the delivery room.

Although the delivery room has been roughly cleaned up by the doctor, but still can see a lot of blood.

The sweat on Shangguan Ning's face has been wiped clean by Muxin. Seeing jingyichen, she smiles at him weakly.

Jingyichen's heart finally calmed down completely. He took Shangguan Ning's cool hand, put it on his lips and gently kissed him. His red eyes and eyes said, "ah Ning, you've worked hard!"

Shangguan wanted to talk to him, but found that he had no strength at all.

But she has been very satisfied, she saw her baby, heard his clear cry, she has done it!

She closed her eyes with satisfaction and fell asleep.

Seeing Shangguan Ning close his eyes, Jing Yichen immediately cried out: "doctor, doctor! Come and see her

One side of the wooden heart is startled by jingyichen's sudden voice. Turning to see shangguanning's eyes closed, she immediately picked up shangguanning's wrist and touched her pulse. Then she relaxed her mouth and airway: "she's too tired. She's gone to sleep. It's OK." , the fastest update of the webnovel!