Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 477

Shangguan Ning screams and falls from the bridge. Jingyichen shouts "a Ning" with heart splitting. His mind is blank, and he jumps down regardless of everything.

The turbulent, boundless and bottomless sea water, like a beast, instantly devours them.

The time difference between shangguanning and jingyichen is less than one second before and after falling into the sea, and the position of entering water is very close. Moreover, the sea area is close to the mainland, and the sea water flow is not obvious.

Jing Yichen soon found shangguanning in the sea, holding her desperately upstream.

Shangguanning is able to swim, but she has no struggle. Jingyichen is allowed to take her up. She has a sharp pain in her abdomen, which makes her unable to exert any strength at all.

In the sea water, suddenly appeared wisps of blood.

Shangguan congeals in the water and covers her abdomen. As soon as jingyichen holds her out of the water, she takes a deep breath and then shivers: "Yichen, child..."

Jing Yichen also saw the bloodstain in the sea water. He hugged Shangguan Ning and comforted her with a hoarse voice: "ah Ning, it's OK. The child can hold it. You can hold on for a while, and the plane will come soon!"

On the bridge, there is no sign of jingyiran. In the distance, helicopters and airships are rapidly approaching here.

Shangguan Ning is held by jingyichen, his face is pale and his whole body is sweating.

Abdominal pain is more and more obvious, more and more intense, Shangguan Ning almost fainted from pain.

However, she knew that she must not faint, otherwise the child would be more dangerous.

Jing Yichen holds her, eyes red, eyes are full of tears.

He is so heartache, so heartache!

"Ah Ning, if you hurt, bite me. If you bite me, it won't hurt."

Shangguan Ning hears his words, tears surge and fall in an instant.

But she couldn't bear to bite him even though she was in pain!

She is afraid that she can't control it, and jingyichen will bite her flesh and blood!

In the sea every second is suffering, shangguanning is not afraid of pain, she is only afraid of losing her baby!

This is her first child, the one she and jingyichen have been looking forward to for so long!

Jingyichen seems to know what she thinks in her heart. Tears fall from the corners of her eyes and says softly, "don't be afraid, ah Ning. I've arranged a doctor, and master Mu has already arranged it. He's a miracle doctor. There must be a way. You and the child will be OK!"

Shangguan Ning heard the words "master Mu", and finally a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. It seemed that even the bursts of pain from his lower abdomen were not so painful.

She held back the great pain and said in a hard voice, "really?"

Jingyichen desperately nodded and assured her: "really! It must be OK. His medical skills are the best, and he is good at traditional Chinese medicine. There must be no problem in protecting the fetus! "

Shangguan Ning has a blind worship of Mu Wensheng in his heart. His ability to bring the dead back to life is not boasted. His name as a miracle doctor is accumulated to save countless lives on the verge of death. She believes in Mu Wensheng.

Shangguan Ning has hope in her heart. Even though her lower body is still bleeding, and even though she has unbearable abdominal pain, she can still keep awake and support herself with willpower.

The helicopter soon flew to them, but it was impossible for the above Guan Ning to climb up through the ladder rope. Jingyichen could not hold her in one hand and climb up with the other.

Fortunately, the airship also quickly rushed over, took the two people to the shore, the helicopter landed on the ground, and jingyichen condensed into the cabin with Shangguan.

"Go to Mu's hospital now! As fast as you can

In the cabin, the medical team is ready for rescue. The leading doctor is the female doctor who saw shangguanning last time. She quickly checks the condition of shangguanning, and immediately says to Jing Yichen, "jingshao, the child is very dangerous. The amniotic fluid has broken!"

If the amniotic fluid breaks, it means either the baby is born or the baby is dead.

However, shangguanning is still less than a month, even if born, it is very likely that he will not survive.

Jingyichen held shangguanning's hand tightly, and felt shangguanning's hand shaking. He said with a firm voice: "it's OK, ah Ning, just give birth to your son. Muxin said that his son is very strong? If you insist for a while, we will arrive at the hospital immediately. Before I go to see you, I have already asked her to wait in Mu's hospital. Master Mu will also take over. They will surely keep you and your son. Believe me

Shangguan Ning is sweating all over his body, and his bright red lips are not a trace of blood at the moment.

However, jingyichen's words gave her infinite strength. Her voice was low and inaudible, and she said intermittently: "I believe you Son It's OK. "

Five minutes later, the helicopter crossed more than half of a city and landed in front of the gate of Mu's Hospital, where Muxin was waiting with her team.

Shangguan Ning was quickly sent to the delivery room, even without time to say a word with jingyichen.

Jing Yichen looked at Shangguan Ning pale face, subconsciously wanted to follow in, but was blocked by wooden heart: "give me, you don't go in, first pick up my grandfather, in case."With that, Muxin wanted to enter the delivery room.

Jing Yichen grabbed the door and said: "no matter what happens, baoa Ning first! She can't do anything! "

Wooden heart slightly a Zheng, then nodded: "good, I know! I will try my best to protect the adults and children. If not, I will ask my grandfather for help

She said, then no longer nonsense, quickly turned around, jingyichen closed in the door.

The thick door of the delivery room separates Jing Yichen from shangguanning, just like dividing them into two worlds.

There was a faint voice from the wood heart, but it could not be heard.

Jingyichen stood there with her upper body on, her face no longer calm and indifferent, only deep heartache, urgency and uneasiness.

He was wearing only a pair of trousers that had been completely wet, his shoes had already fallen into the sea, and his hair was dripping, but he didn't feel it.

Ah Hu stood behind him and covered him with a blanket.

He was silent for a moment, and then comforted him, "young master, young lady and young master will be all right. You should take good care of yourself. They still need you to take care of them."

Jing Yichen did not seem to hear the general, straight standing there, motionless.

Soon, there was a cry of pain from Shangguan Ning in the delivery room.

Jingyichen whole body a shudder, raises the foot to want to kick to open the delivery room's door, but born again to hold back.

He wanted to accompany shangguanning, share even a little pain for her, and give her a trace of comfort and encouragement.

She is suffering a lot because of him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!