Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 471

The Ji family is crumbling and seems to be about to collapse.

This makes Jing Yiran very worried.

If the Ji family collapses, Jishi group goes bankrupt, what's the use of his shares in Jishi group! Then it will be a piece of waste paper!

He had lost money on the deal, but now he is even worse.

The equity of Jingsheng group is worth a lot. If Ji Bolai doesn't want to change back, it will be bad.

Jing Yiran is thinking about changing the equity back, but this is not the most important thing at present.

The most important thing is to get rid of jingyichen!

If the Ji family falls down, he will lose a very powerful helper. At the beginning, he looked for Jibo, but he saw the big business of Ji family. Can he deal with jingyichen!

He needs to do it before the JIS collapse.

With Jing Yi Ran has the same idea, is Yang Muyan.

She also felt that it was difficult to ensure her safety with the appearance of the Ji family. Jili was damned, but she couldn't move her for a while, otherwise jingyichen didn't need to do it. I'm afraid the Ji family would tear her up directly!

If she didn't have a large amount of money in her hand, which is useful to the Ji family, how could she be so safe.

Two people with the same ideas, after the phone call, they hit it off, and then simply decided to plan face-to-face.

When Ji Bo came to look for Yang Muyan, he saw two people sitting in the living room, saying something in a low voice.

You don't have to listen. Jibo also knows that when they are together, they won't think about anything good.

Jing Yiran and Yang Muyan looked up to see him and nodded to him. When he came, jingyiran said to Ji Bo: "we have a plan. We need your help!"

"What plan? What can I do for you? "

"We plan to snatch all the shares of Jingsheng group first, let jingyichen be penniless, and then take his life."

Jingyiran's words are light, but fall in the heart of Jibo, but a fierce surprise.

Jibo quietly frowned and asked, "how do you do it?"

If you say it's robbery, you can't run to jingyichen and grab it directly. It's no different from dying.

Jing Yiran said the plan in general, and Jibo's cold sweat came down.

On the excuse of going to the bathroom, he immediately called Jing Yichen: "jingshao, don't let shangguanning go out recently. Jingyiran and Yang Muyan are planning to kidnap her, and then use her to exchange the equity of Jingsheng group with you! You must guard her, no one can go out

Jibo is really in a hurry.

This is not only because he has taken refuge in jingyichen. What makes him so flustered is that he doesn't want to let Shangguan coagulate anything in his heart.

Last time he talked with jingyichen on the phone, he also clearly heard shangguanning's love and expectation for children. He hoped shangguanning could give birth to a child smoothly and be a happy and happy mother.

If she was kidnapped, those kidnappers would not care whether she was pregnant or not. It would certainly hurt her!

Just now Yang Muyan also said that she has found the kidnappers, and they are the most ferocious.

She always wanted to let shangguanning miscarry. Last time she asked Tang Yun and Shangguan rouxue to go to the villa to find shangguanning, she specially prepared a large number of musks to let shangguanning miscarry in ignorance.

If he had not found out, the consequences would have been unthinkable.

Jibo doesn't want anything. He always knows that shangguanning doesn't have that feeling for him. He just wants shangguanning to be stable.

He has contacted a lot of women, shangguanning is not the most beautiful, but the most simple, the most easily exciting.

Jibo tone of anxiety and concern some obvious, the phone, jingyichen slightly unhappy, but it is important, he did not sentimental, light way: "good, I know."

In fact, most of his time is spent in the group, which can be spent in reading and chatting.

Ji Bo's reminders make Jing Yichen's mind tight.

Looking at the Shangguan Ning beside her, she gently stroked her abdomen and arranged the small clothes that the newborn baby had just bought yesterday. Jingyichen suddenly hated jingyiran and Yang Muyan.

Yang Muyan's life, Jing Yichen is fighting with the season family to tear her face completely. It's not difficult to kill her.

But jingyiran?

He is not only protected by Moran, but also has the blood of Jing Zhongxiu. He is Jing Zhongxiu's son. Even if he makes a big mistake, he can't really be killed.

Jing Yichen looks a little cold.

He regretted that he had promised jingzhongxiu not to kill jingyiran.

Jingyiran has always been an extremely unstable factor.

It's not a way to guard against the scenery every day and night! We must find a way to completely solve this hidden danger.

Shangguan Ning turns his head and sees jingyichen's cold look. He goes forward and reaches out his white fingers and caresses his clear-cut face."What's the matter? Who's looking for trouble again

Jingyichen looks more and more gentle.

He put his hand around Shangguan Ning's waist and told her, "ah Ning, don't go out at will for the time being. Anyone looking for you is not allowed to go there, nor can Zheng Lun."

Jing Yichen is not specially aimed at Zheng Lun, but because shangguanning has contacted Zheng Lun most in recent months. Zheng Lun will come to see her and she will go to Zheng's house to play.

Jing Yichen worried that Yang Muyan would make use of this line, so she said that Zheng Lun called her and could not go out.

When Shangguan Ning heard jingyichen's words, she was a little stunned. Then she said in a soft voice, "OK, I won't go out. I won't go anywhere. I'll raise my baby at home. These days more and more lazy, the baby grew up a lot, I feel tired walking, you do not say, I will not go out at will

Jingyichen only felt that he felt as if he had been pulled up in his heart. He felt extremely uncomfortable!

His wife is not safe and safe!

He remembered that although Jing Zhongxiu was extremely strict with him, few people came to attack him and retaliate against him. It was obvious that Jing Zhongxiu had eliminated all those hidden dangers.

Jing Yichen felt very guilty, he did not do shangguanning around the danger of all eradication, he is not qualified.

And now, shangguanning is still comforting him, saying that he is not willing to go out.

Jingyichen knows her. She doesn't like bustling and likes quiet environment, but it doesn't mean that she is willing to stay at home all day and go nowhere.

She also likes to get together with her friends, have a chat and make a few jokes.

Jing Yichen holding Shangguan Ning, slowly determined.

Some people have the idea of his wife, these people, still do not live.

No matter what the consequences will be, he can bear it.

The only thing he can't afford is to lose shangguanning. , the fastest update of the webnovel!