Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 470

There is still a period of time before dinner, Jing Yichen and Jing Zhongxiu go to the study, leaving Huang Lihan and Shangguan Ning uncle and nephew to talk in the living room.

Huang Lihan is a careful man. He has not only experienced his wife's pregnancy and childbirth, but also his sister Huang Liyu's pregnancy and childbirth. He is no stranger to women's childbirth.

When Huang Liyu was a student of Shangguan Ning, Shangguan Zheng did not accompany Huang Liyu. It was Huang Lihan who accompanied her into the delivery room.

Besides the medical staff, Jing Yichen realized that these people should be the people behind Tang Yun.

It should be that after learning the news of Tang Yun's death, someone was sent.

Jing Yichen doesn't know that Tang Yun is close to his real purpose. Sending her here is really a huge decision-making mistake. Sending a stronger one may fall into the other party's hands. After all, Tang Yun's underworld habit is too heavy, and jingyichen can't fail to guard against her.

Tang Yuntai has no brain and is easy to be used by others. She is impulsive. She can also turn a good thing into a bad one.

As for whether Tang Yun really likes him, jingyichen has never considered this problem. He doesn't care. He didn't care before, and he doesn't care now.

He is a man who must revenge himself. Some people once wanted to destroy him completely and force him to commit suicide. How can this kind of revenge not be revenged!

When jingyichen and jingzhongxiu go out of the study, jingyichen's face has returned to normal, and he can't see any displeasure.

In front of shangguanning, jingyichen is always calm and indifferent. She won't let her know those dirty things and let her worry.

Perhaps, those people can die a little later, wait for his son to be born, wait for shangguanning and the safety of the child's mother and son, he will do it again.

Shangguan is pregnant. He creates too many evils, which is not good for children.

Even if jingyichen never believed in these things, now she would rather believe that there is no trust in it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!