Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 472

It is hard to guard against thieves by day and night.

Although Jing Yichen has taken good care of shangguanning, she refused Zheng Lun's invitation, and even Liyu technology's people did not let shangguanning go, but something happened.

Jing Yichen that day to deal with the company's affairs, back home, but sensitive to detect the wrong.

At home, there is no breath of shangguanning!

Usually, as long as he came back, shangguanning would be happy to rush up and rub in his arms for a while, as if only in this way can express her happiness and missing.

Jingyichen doesn't even need to find it. She knows that shangguanning is not at home.

He didn't know why he was so sure. He only knew that he could feel that she was not at home.

She's not at home. Where is she?!

Jingyichen only feels that her whole body's blood is cold in this moment!

He just left for two hours. Can jingyiran and Yang Muyan succeed?!

When did the two of them have such great ability!

What's more, Lijing district inside and outside there are so many people guarding, shangguanning a big living person out, no one can not know!

At this time, the mobile phone in jingyichen's pocket rings quickly, and the mobile phone screen shows "Jibo".

Jing Yichen has a very bad premonition in his heart. He answers the phone quickly. His voice is cold and sharp: "where is ah Ning?"

On the phone, Jibo's voice seemed a little flustered and hoarse: "jingshao, quick, cross the sea bridge, take guns, take more people!"

Jibo's voice was so hasty that jingyichen's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

He didn't care to say anything. He hung up the phone and went out immediately. He called AHU and went up the stairs, then went up the top roof.

Ah Hu didn't know what happened, but jingyichen started to make arrangements by phone while walking. He knew that it was shangguanning who had an accident.

Ah Hu's teeth are going to be broken. Today, he only went out with Jing Yichen for a job. The young lady disappeared. These people are too arrogant!

Where's the fawn?!

Isn't the fawn always following the young lady?

Why is she missing?

Is it, the other side is very powerful, even the fawn is not an opponent?!

Tiger angry and angry, but listen to Jing Yichen calm one after another phone call out.

His face was pale, his forehead was dripping with sweat, and he was going mad with anger, but he tried to keep calm.

"Lao Yu, let the helicopter group take off immediately, go to the cross sea bridge, and take the medical team! The second group went to Mu's house to wait for my order. Don't let Mr. Mu go out! Group three will pick me up at Lijing district! "

"Warhawk, send the best airship to the sea area under the cross sea bridge and wait for the order!"

"Aaron, take everyone with you, follow the eagle's airship to the cross sea bridge and wait for orders. I don't say to shoot, no one is allowed to shoot!"

"Zheng Jing, let your best blockers all go out. A Ning is taken to the cross sea bridge by Jingyi. It may be dangerous! Take your Interpol helicopter. It's too slow to drive! "

The criminal police team of city a originally did not have such a super high-grade helicopter. The two helicopters of the criminal police team, one was given by Jing Zhongxiu to Zheng Jing's father Zheng Guochang, and the other was given to Zheng Jing by Jing Yichen. Zheng Guochang felt that he could not use the helicopter, so he gave it directly to the criminal police team.

Moreover, many advanced equipment and world-class equipment of the criminal police team are all provided by the Jing family. In addition, the relationship between Jing and Zheng is very good, so as long as there is something wrong with the Jing family, the criminal police team will almost move with their nests, many times harder than usual!

Therefore, many people say that the criminal police team of city a is actually the criminal police team of Jing family. However, no one in city a is gossiping about it. Instead, they are very grateful to the Jings. With the most advanced equipment and the fastest means of transportation, the criminal investigation level of city a has been greatly improved, and the detection rate and police speed have ranked first in the country for three consecutive years. As a result, the crime rate of city a has rapidly decreased and is now one of the safest cities in the country.

One by one, Jing Yichen issued orders one after another. After all this, he felt a little less anxious.

Ah Hu is secretly frightened, young master, this is to gather all the strength!

The helicopter is originally responsible for emergency at Jing's home. Once there is anything very urgent, it will be used. Therefore, the helicopter crew is always on standby and ready to take off at any time.

However, in a city like this, the probability of using three groups of helicopters at the same time is very low. If it is not a major event, it will not be used at the same time.

Everyone did not know what happened, but as long as it was ordered by jingyichen, all of them flew to their respective destinations quickly and incomparably.

The cross sea bridge is unique to city a, which is responsible for connecting city a and city F, the two peninsulas facing each other across the sea. Usually, if you don't take the cross sea bridge from city a to city F, you need to drive for a whole day. If you take the cross sea bridge, it only takes an hour and a half.Lijing community is also close to the seaside, but with the cross sea bridge across a city, one east and one west, very far away!

Soon, three groups of helicopters to Lijing District, jingyichen and AHU got on the helicopter, and then the helicopter took them straight to the cross sea bridge.

In the helicopter, Jing Yichen received a call from Jing Yiran.

Jing Yichen looked at the caller ID to remind the number, trying to suppress the anger and killing in the heart, pretending to know nothing about the phone: "are you looking for death again?"

His tone was as cold and distant as ever, and a little disgusted and impatient.

He can't show his flaws, or Jibo's identity will be exposed. If he didn't report today, he would have wasted a lot of precious time.

On the phone, jingyiran's frivolous voice that wants to strangle him is sounded.

"Young master Jing, are you still busy outside?"

"If you want to die, I can help you. If you have the ability, don't call, stand in front of me and talk!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Jingyiran's crazy laughter came out on the phone. When he had enough laughing, he said calmly: "you have lost something. Jingyichen, do you want to know what you have lost?"

Jingyichen just wants to know the safety of shangguanning as soon as possible. He doesn't have a little patience to entangle with Jingyi ran, and says angrily, "fart quickly!"

"Tut Tut, I thought you were such a wonderful person. You are not a God. There are things you don't know. Isn't jingyichen omnipotent? Why don't you know your wife's gone? "

Jing Yichen's anger and gnashing teeth do not need to pretend, he roared: "where is a Ning?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!