Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 469

Jingyichen shows his first slightly surprised expression when he enters the door.

He didn't expect Jibo to be so honest!

Most of the time, the face of the family is more important than anything. Jibo is so straightforward that the Ji family is afraid of the Jing family. If this word is spread out, people will look down on the Ji family.

Although it is true, there are few who dare to admit it.

Jing Yichen has always looked down on Jibo. He is too gentle and considerate in doing things. He wants face saving and suffering.

But his impression on jingyichen today is quite different!

It is said that adversity makes people grow up. It seems so.

How long has this been honed, it has made Jibo a complete change.

The expression on Jing Yichen's face in an instant has been restored to insipid, coldly asked: "how can I believe you?"

Hearing these words, Ji Bo's heart was slightly relaxed.

He knew that Jing Yichen promised to help in disguise, but still lacked a certain degree of trust.

"Yang Muyan and Jing Yiran are all handed over to me. I will report to Jing Shao about their movements at any time. At present, I have only one request. I will return the equity of Jingsheng group to you. You can't move Jishi group within one month. When you can trust me, you can officially help the Ji family. One month is enough. After a month, I can definitely gain Jing Shao's trust. "

Jibo said loud, but jingyichen did not have any response at all.

He took the tens of billions of share transfer agreement, stood up and went out.

When he came to the door, he said faintly, "since I have received something, the cooperation has been reached temporarily."

That's the guarantee that we won't do anything to the Ji family.

Jibo is suddenly ecstatic!

When jingyichen's figure disappeared, he came back from ecstasy.

Then he found that his inexplicable feeling in his heart relaxed a lot, that piece of rock in his heart, suddenly disappeared!

Is this what it feels like to find a backer?

This feeling is really novel!

Jibo didn't have a good meal for many days. Now he felt relieved and felt more hungry than ever.

He packed up his own things, got up, went out of the teahouse, entered a noodle shop, ordered a bowl of beef noodles, but did not care about the hot, Hula Hula to eat.

Jing Yichen took the equity back without any effort. He was in a good mood. After returning home, he took shangguanning for a ride.

Shangguan Ning has listened to jingyichen's simple explanation of the matter. She is surprised to learn that Jibo wants to join jingyichen, but she is more happy.

She always felt that Jibo was not bad.

"Jibo has a good sense of vision, and when he bumps into the south wall, he immediately turns back and knows the current affairs."

Shangguan praised him with a smile.

As a result, jingyichen, who was driving beside her, was not happy: "so optimistic about him?"

The tone is dangerous and the tone is not right!

Shangguan Ning cleverly hugs jingyichen's arm and acts coquettishly with him: "no, my husband is my favorite."

On coax a, Jing Yi Chen's face immediately turned from Yin to clear, the corners of the lips even with if there is no smile.

Shangguan Ning can't help but help his forehead. This man is really. He looks so steady on weekdays. How can he still be like a child? It's too easy to coax!

She smile, can't help but touch their own already round belly: big so good coax, small can better coax?

The wind in early spring is still cold. Jingyichen takes shangguanning out and walks a little, then drives her back.

Instead of going home directly, they went to Huang Lihan.

Jingzhongxiu and Huang Lihan went fishing again and called them to have a fish dinner tonight.

Jing Yichen just wanted to tell the story of the equity to Jing Zhongxiu, so he took shangguanning to go ahead of time.

On the way, Jing Yichen called Jing Tianyuan and told him about the withdrawal of shares.

Jingtianyuan is very happy. His grandson is more and more capable. He didn't spend a cent. He took back the equity. He was very relieved!

Jingyichen but light way: "grandfather, this matter son don't tell old lady, Jing Yi Ran there still can't let him know."

Jibo's defection to him is private. He has to go back to perform with Jing Yiran and Yang Muyan. If Jing Yiran knows that Jibo has given the equity to jingyichen, he must be suspicious.

If Moran knew that the equity had been taken back by jingyichen, she would tell jingyiran the first time, and she would definitely ask jingyiran to move back to Jingjia.

Jing Tianyuan thought of Moran's preference for Jing Yiran, and he was so angry that he wanted to scold him. He said: "Stinky boy, you can teach me this! Your father didn't teach all your skills, and I didn't teach all your dad's abilities! "

Hang up the phone, jingyichen then drove straight to Huang Lihan's villa.When we got there, we heard the dispute coming from inside.

"This fish is the biggest. I caught it. I will stew it for a Ning later. You are not allowed to rob it with me! She's pregnant with my grandson now, and she needs to make up for it! "

"Lao Jing, can you be more thick skinned? I caught this fish clearly. How did it become yours? You've taken all the credit. What can I do for my daughter? "

Because Huang Lihan was not angry with Shangguan Ning and calling jingzhongxiu "Dad", he always called Shangguan Ning's daughter, declaring that he was Shangguan Ning's uncle.

"Who asked you to take this big fish by yourself just now? I'll take it for ah Ning first!"

"I have something good to think about ah Ning first, and I need you to remind me?"


Two people in the home quarrel endlessly, Shangguan listened to listen, immediately happy, smile called a "father", and called a "uncle.".

Two people surprised turn around, see her with a big stomach came, immediately did not quarrel, all look gentle looking at her.

"Ah Ning, you are here so early today! Be careful. Don't bump into each other. Yi Chen, why don't you let a Ning duo have a rest at home

Before Jing Yichen had time to answer, Huang Lihan also said: "yes, this spring is still dry and cold. Don't freeze ah Ning. Come in and sit down and drink some fish soup to warm your stomach."

Jingyichen some speechless watching them two squeeze themselves to one side, one left and one right to protect Shangguan to sit down, as if he had how much redundant!

Uncle is not pro, even if you dislike him. Xiuke in Jingzhong is my father. How can I look like I dislike him!

Shangguan Ningzhen was born to please the elders. No matter whether the Jing family or the Zhao family, or even the stinky and hard wood Wen Sheng, they all preferred shangguanning.

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