Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 468

In the tea club, the fragrance of tea is ethereal and overflowing, which makes people feel as if they are in a fairyland.

On weekdays, Jibo likes tea best. He likes the elegant feeling of tea, just like Shangguanning.

But today, he is not even half of the tea.

I poured myself a cup of Biluochun and gulped it down. I didn't have the noble bearing of elegant and noble childe. In the past, when he saw someone tasting tea like this, Ji Bo must have despised others in his heart. He thought that they had no sentiment and acted vulgar.

He had been waiting in the tea house for more than an hour, but still did not see the figure of jingyichen.

How can Jibo not be in a hurry?

He was so thirsty and impatient that he had to keep drinking tea.

Two hours later, the door of the elegant room was pushed open, and jingyichen, who was full of noble spirit and coldness, came in.

Jibo immediately got up, his tone was no longer calm and arrogant, but some respectful way: "jingshao, you are finally here!"

The tone, manner and speech are all slightly different from those before.

Jingyichen immediately found out, but he did not have any reaction, handsome face in addition to cold, nothing can be seen.

"I don't know what's urgent about Ji. Call me here."

In fact, Jing Yichen has already guessed what Jibo wants to do, but he doesn't point it out. He just looks at Jibo lightly. He can't figure out why Jibo suddenly changes its attitude and is so resolute.

Jibo didn't talk nonsense. He handed over the pages of his briefcase.

Since he intends to seek jingyichen's help, or more realistically, if he wants to turn to jingyichen, he must show his attitude.

Ji Bo has been in a high position for a long time. Although he has never lowered his head to anyone, he is very clear about how the people below can do so that they can trust and reuse them.

Attitude and detail can determine success or failure.

He came with the determination to win, and he was also aware of his position and knew that the gap between himself and jingyichen was not as simple as the first and the second.

Although every time he deals with Jing Yichen, he will be frustrated and trapped by him. However, he is convinced of Jing Yichen's ability. He is so big that he doesn't admire a person. Even when he had the worst relationship with Jing Yichen, he still trusted Jing Yichen's character.

Jing Yichen killed also did not expect, Jibo attitude reversed a very important reason, is his personal worship!

At the same time, Jibo opened his mouth and solemnly said, "jingshao, I want to take Jijia and Jishi group with me to Jingjia. Please do it!"

Jing Yichen took the pages and took a look at the contents.

With his guess is not wrong, this is an equity transfer agreement, Jibo gave him the 20% equity of Jingsheng group in his hands!

In addition to the words of Jibo, jingyichen is not surprised that it is false.

What's more, Mu Yan is too quick to change. Who knows?

However, the equity transfer agreement must be true, that is to say, the equity has returned to Jingjia.

Jing Yichen felt much more comfortable, but his face was as indifferent as ever. His voice was as cool as ice water: "you mean, you can represent the whole Ji family on your own?"

Jibo's face was a little stiff, but then he returned to nature.

He is now used to jingyichen, which is very light.

Jingyichen sits opposite Jibo, but Jibo does not sit, but stands to show his sincerity.

"I know that if I suddenly turn to you, you will be doubted. I can't represent the Ji family on my own, but with Jing Shao's help, I can represent the Ji family in less than a year! "

Jibo's voice is firm and his eyes are clearer than ever.

"Do you want to borrow my hand to help you take charge of the Ji family?"

Jing Yichen eyebrows slightly pick.

Ji Bo shook his head and said, "no, I'm confident that I can get it back by myself. I want jingshao to help support Jishi group and tide over the current difficulties."

He said, and looked at jingyichen's look, but he has not changed a bit since he entered the door. He can't see any joy, anger, sadness and joy. It's like a dark night, which is awe inspiring and hopeless.

"I've done something wrong before. Jing Shao is broad-minded and will not argue with me..."

He did not finish his words, but was directly interrupted by jingyichen: "no, you are wrong, I am haggard, is a narrow-minded person, I think, you should be very clear about this."

Jibo looked a little embarrassed, and then he broke the jar and said, "well, jingshao can punish me as much as he wants. I used to be so greedy that I tried to murder you with others. I deserve it! I and Yang Muyan united, is to make use of her ruthlessness, let the Jing family suffer losses, and then find their own cheap. "As he said this, he felt a deep feeling. In just a few months, he fell from heaven to hell. Now, even when he went out, he would be surrounded by a large number of reporters. When he went home, he would be asked by his parents. When he went to Mrs. Ji, he was even more despised. However, Ji's group, which he had been fighting for so many years, now has no half of his chair!

Those who flattered him and flattered his subordinates, employees, now see him, avoid like snakes and scorpions!

They said everything behind their backs, but none of them said he was good.

Jibo deeply realized the warmth and coldness of human feelings.

"Cheap is not so easy to pick up. I have paid a lot of money and learned enough lessons! It's not other people who have changed my mind, but Yang Muyan, who has been living in my home all the time. "

"I realized today that if the Yang family had not offended the Jing family, the Jing family would never have done anything to the Yang family for no reason. Yang Muyan fell to this point today. It is the Yang family who is responsible for it. My behavior these days is no different from that of the Yang family. I am just looking for death. "

Jibo said this, the corner of his lips showed a bitter smile.

"I have to admit that I can't fight you, and the Ji family is not the rival of the Jing family. My family knows this better than me. When they just learned Yang Muyan's real identity, everyone had only one expression, that expression, called panic! They are all afraid that because of Yang Muyan, the Ji family will be regarded as a deadly enemy by the Jing family. "

For a long time, although the Jing family and the Ji family are in a state of competition, almost all of them are in a benign competition. There is no fundamental and principled big grudge between the two families.

It's Jibo, which completely pushes the Ji family to the opposite of Jingjia. , the fastest update of the webnovel!