Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 467

Yang Muyan did not move. He gently buttoned the lip gloss cover and held his chin with his hand. He said faintly: "I am naturally vicious. I want the heads of all the people in the Jing family. How can I do it without being vicious?"

She said, and she began to laugh. She laughed for a long time. Until the tears came out, she gritted her teeth and said, "we Yang family, now I'm the only one left. So many people are dead. Isn't Jing family vicious? Don't you die? "

Jibo blurted out: "that's because you break the rules first and provoke the Jing family. You should know the consequences better than anyone else."

He said, Yang Muyan don't think so, but Jibo himself is stunned.

Yes, isn't he the most clear about the consequences of provoking Jing family?

Why still do not know how to break in?!

Now he said that Yang Muyan was right, but when it was his turn, he also made a big mistake!

Jibo's cold sweat all came out at once.

Yang's example is vivid and bloody, but he ignored what happened to him!

Again and again, he defied Jing Yichen and the whole Jing family. It is not easy for him to live until now.

Jing Yichen is more ruthless than Jing Zhongxiu. Jing Zhongxiu killed the Yang family without blinking an eye. All the rumors in a city were suppressed by the father and son with fierce means. Jing Yichen is a murderer. More than ten years ago, he once washed the whole underworld with blood, and he did not know how many lives were on his hands!

Tang Yun, Shangguan rouxue, all died in his hands!

Jibo still remembers that night's thrilling moment!

When jingyichen shoots at Shangguan rouxue, he is indifferent without a trace of expression, as if he killed not a person, but a piece of wood!

Kill one, and immediately kill the second without stopping. It's just Jibo himself.

Death has never been so close to him, he did not even have time to do any extra action, the bullet quickly shot into his chest.

Looking back on that moment, Jibo still has a sense of shock.

In his ear, Yang Muyan's hoarse voice still reverberates.

“…… The child in Shangguan Ning's stomach is surnamed Jing. If you don't take the opportunity to kill the child, do you want to wait for him to grow up and become another jingyichen? I will kill him again?! It's exhausting for me to deal with a jingyichen. With one, it's wise for me to run as far as possible! "

Jibo looks at a person who is alone and constantly plotting. Yang Muyan, who has a deep blood feud, suddenly wakes up.

Why does he have to cooperate with Yang Muyan?

Why does he have to fight against Jing Yichen?

He had no other choice but to kill Shangguan Ning, a pregnant woman who had no strength to bind a chicken?

Those who are against jingyichen, one by one, are dead. Will the next one be him?

Human desire. Hope is endless. If you have a dollar, you will want ten yuan, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand

Jibo, you're wanted. Hope confused!

Jibo sighs in the bottom of his heart.

“…… So, which one do you choose to kill? In this way, it will be more difficult to kill Guan Ning, and that's two people. I'll give you 200 million. If you kill Ji Lili, it'll be 100 million. You don't need to hesitate about such a cost-effective business. In any case, these two people are going to die sooner or later. You can make them less painful. If I did, they might die miserably! "

Yang Mu smoke Sen cold voice seems to come from hell, but Jibo did not have the fear of the past.

He slowly stood up straight, his back completely up.

Through the window of Chunbo, the shadow of Chunji's face is shining.

With a little bit of temperature, the sun penetrated into Jibo's thin clothes and skin, bringing him unprecedented warmth.

He said faintly: "well, I have done this business, but I still need to think about which one to kill. After all, you know, both of them are very important and can't die easily."

Yang Muyan did not expect Jibo promised so fast, she was slightly stunned, and then laughed.

Her laughter, like a crow crow, was noisy, and Jibo, for the first time, did not frown.

After laughing enough, Yang Muyan looked at Jibo with some appreciation: "I didn't expect that you grew up so fast that even your sister and beloved woman can go to work, and you can certainly achieve a great career in the future! Men should be like this, no poison, no husband

Jibo took a deep look at her, turned around and strode out of the villa.

Out of the villa, Jibo went to his own five-star hotel.

He took out his room card, opened the door, strode to a safe, turned the password lock, and opened the safe.

In the safe, there is a document lying quietly.

Jibo took a deep breath, closed his eyes, solemnly took out the document, put it in his black briefcase, and walked out of the hotel.In the car, he took out his mobile phone and called jingyichen.

It's been a long time since I heard the phone call. It's very clear that he's been on the phone for a long time

Soft and beautiful voice, through the mobile phone, directly into the heart of Jibo.

Jibo's heart, suddenly a throb.

She is happy, perhaps, only jingyichen can give her that kind of happiness.

Her voice, her beauty, do not belong to his own, but, Jibo does not have any jealousy, as long as Shangguan Ning's happiness, he will feel that the woman he once loved is worth loving, and he does not love the wrong person.

His decision is right!

At least, he can't kill Shangguan Ning!

It seems that after a very long year, it seems that there is only a moment for Jibo to hear that shangguanning's voice is gradually disappearing. On the phone, jingyichen's cold voice: "general manager Ji."

Although Jibo is no longer the president of Jishi group, nor does he hold any position in the group, Jing Yichen still calls him by his old address, rather than by his name.

Jibo felt that he was respected by his opponent. He did not beat around the Bush and said solemnly, "jingshao, I need to meet you. I have something to give you. In addition, I want to tell you that a few months ago, the musk on Tang Yun and Shangguan rouxue was changed by me! Jingshao, see you at the old place. You must come! "

Ji Bo feels the Jingyi Chen on the other end of the phone obviously. He knows that he is right!

A trace of his love, a trace of his kindness, saved himself!

Perhaps, will also save the entire season family!

Jibo did not wait too long, jingyichen still indifferent voice on the phone: "good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!