Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 466

The stock price of Jishi group has been falling continuously. In March, the group's loss has reached 80 billion yuan, and only half of it has passed in April. Jishi group has been unable to support it.

Jishi group broke out the last wave of resignation, many employees chose to leave, because the group has no money to pay wages.

Ji minjue feels that she is simply a hot potato!

His figure quickly thinned down, from a 180 Jin fat man, in just two months, into a only 130 Jin thin!

In the past, Ji minjue would be very happy even if she lost a kilo. Now she has lost 50 Jin, but she has no sense of joy.

Because it is the group's capital that shrinks seriously with his figure!

If it goes on like this, Jishi group will declare bankruptcy in two or three months at most!

Jijia launched all the relationships that can be launched, so that those who have received the favor of the Ji family will help, which can stabilize the situation.

Jijia also sold a lot of ancestral property, in order to obtain funds to support the group through the difficulties.

Moreover, the Ji family has also begun to show weakness to the Jing family. If they want to get their support, only the Jing family is willing to help. Of course, the Ji family can tide over the difficulties.

Just, how can jingyichen help the Ji family? It's very good if he doesn't fall into the well!

Jibo knows that it is useless to ask for jingyichen. Unless he is willing to return the equity of Jingsheng, jingyichen will definitely not sell.

However, in addition to Jing Yichen, there is a person who may be able to help.

Jibo drove back to his villa.

In the villa, Yang Muyan, as usual, sat in front of the dressing mirror and painted her eyebrows.

It seems that the Ji family is facing the dilemma of bankruptcy, which has nothing to do with her.

Jibo suppressed the anger in his heart and went to her. Without detouring, he said directly: "the Ji family needs your help."

Yang Muyan looked at him faintly, put down the eyebrow pen in his hand, sarcastically said: "how, now I think of me? Don't you all want me to die? Your good cousin, you come to make trouble in two or three days. She wants to kill me and commit suicide. Her acting skills break out

Jibo's eyes were a little cold, but he slowly regained his former gentleness. He said in a soft voice, "my cousin is not sensible. She's spoiled by her aunts. Don't worry about her. Besides, you beat her. She was cut off her carotid artery by you, and she almost died. You're both wrong about this, so don't get involved

"The Ji family is also your shelter. If you don't have the protection of the Ji family, can you escape the fierce hand of the Jing family? Jing Yichen has been staring at you all the time. We can only go along the road of cooperation. You can invest, and Jijia will give you shares. "

Yang Muyan has never planned to leave the Ji family. What Ji Bo says is the truth. Only the Ji family can give her shelter. The Ji family is deeply rooted in a city and has a lot of influence in the whole country. This is a force that can not be ignored. Otherwise, Jing Yichen would not have spent so much effort to defeat the Ji family group.

If you want to get rid of a family, you should not only make all the family members disappear, but also make the family bear huge debts, so as to eliminate the roots.

Jingyichen is obviously trying to bring the Ji family down, so everyone in the Ji family will not be afraid.

As a matter of fact, jingyichen did not suppress the Jishi group too much. All the contradictions of the Jishi group came from the interior of the Ji family.

Although the internal contradictions are also picked up by Jing Yichen secretly, this method is too clever to find any evidence and flaws. In the end, if the Ji family falls down, everyone will think that this is the result of the internal struggle of the Ji family, rather than that it is the harm of the Jing family.

Yang Muyan doesn't want the season family to fall like this, but he won't help easily.

She doesn't have a stake in Jishi.

"My investment can be considered."

Yang Muyan casually spits out a few words, reaches out to pick up a box of peach rouge, gently brush her cheeks with a brush, and soon, her face looks better, not that kind of morbid pale, but a kind of ruddy feeling.

Yang Muyan looked at the delicate melon seed face in the mirror and was very satisfied in his heart.

She has been very, very obsessed with the mirror, every day to sit in front of the mirror make-up, until their beauty is impeccable.

Jibo watched her narcissism to the point of disgust.

But he still said in a calm voice, "what do you need me to do to invest? As long as you're willing to invest, whatever you want. "

Yang Muyan raised his head and looked at Jibo: "Oh? Then I want Jilly's life, is that ok? "

Jibo frowned and looked unhappy.

Ji Lili, like Yang Muyan, is very unpopular, but after all, it's his cousin and aunt's daughter. She's a bastard, but Jibo certainly can't kill her.

Yang Muyan frowned at Jibo and sneered: "why, can't I give up? It's also true. Jilly has a good leather bag. She's a beauty. It's just that I hate beautiful people most in my life. If you can die, there will be one less. Are you going to let me do it, or do you do it yourself? "Jibo has known Yang Muyan's cruelty for a long time, and now she will not be affected by her vicious language.

He did not keep silent for a long time, then he refused: "this condition is not good, jilili can not die, otherwise my aunt and my grandmother will not be able to explain it. Last time she was in a coma, my aunt had a heart attack, and my grandmother was in a coma for many days before she woke up

If these two people knew that Jilly had been killed, they would have gone mad and retaliated, so they would not care about any investment.

"Oh, Jilly can't die? Who can die? If I spend hundreds of millions of dollars on investment, I can't even buy a human life? "

Yang Muyan unscrewed a rose red lip gloss and began to wipe his lips in front of the mirror again.

With the beautiful rose red lip gloss, her whole person immediately appeared a bit spirited and charming. Yang Muyan was obsessed with looking at herself in the mirror. After a long time, she turned to Ji Bo: "otherwise, let shangguanning die? She died more cost-effective, these are two lives! Moreover, in this way, we can thoroughly crack down on jingyichen, and we can be sure that we will win. "

This time, Jibo refused faster than the last time, more firm: "no! Do you still have humanity? She is a pregnant woman, and the child in her belly is even more innocent. You don't even let go of a unborn child. Don't you think you are too vicious? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!