Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 465

After the new year, shangguanning did not go to work again.

Now her stomach is getting bigger and bigger, her legs and feet are more and more swollen, so it will be very uncomfortable to walk more.

And the office computer and printer, fax machine have radiation, jingyichen has not let her touch the computer.

Fawn chirps with her most of the time, only a few times she is silent.

Shangguanning would go out for a walk every day. She had no female elders to guide her. Zhao Zhao often called her and taught her some tips.

Zhao an still did not have any news, Shangguan Ning heart some uneasiness.

But every time she talks to Zhao Zhao on the phone, she pretends to be calm and comforts him.

Zheng Lun occasionally comes to talk to shangguanning.

She looked at Shangguan Ning's bulging abdomen, and her eyes were full of envy.

Every time Zheng Lun comes, she brings gifts to children. She is also a child lover.

However, she came, Shangguan Ning will inevitably think of Zhao An'an, Zheng Lun is also.

But Zheng Lun does not know that Zhao An'an may have been robbed. Zheng Jing tells her that Zhao An'an is to hide from MuQing and run out to play. So Zheng Lun didn't worry too much. She thought that Zhao An'an had enough fun outside and came back.

March passed quickly. By April, shangguanning had been pregnant for seven months.

Jing Yichen accompanied shangguanning to the hospital for pregnancy examination.

Now, he was accompanied all the way and refused to wait outside the examination room.

Muxin also knew that the couple's feelings were different. After stopping it once, she found that it was no use at all, so she never stopped it.

Through the four-dimensional color Doppler ultrasound examination, you can clearly see the baby in the mother's situation.

At this time, Jing Yichen takes it seriously.

Muxin looked at the couple's nervous appearance, and couldn't help laughing.

She has heard Mu Qing say jingyichen countless times, so her own impression of jingyichen has always been cold and inhuman.

But now it seems that he is just an ordinary husband and father who loves his wife and children.

Muxin has no objection to Mu Qing's leaving the hospital and going abroad to look for Zhao An'an, but she can't say that she supports her third brother more.

My grandfather was almost angry with the third brother. The third brother's parents were even more angry. They felt that their son had been raised in vain. For a woman, everything was abandoned.

Zhao An'an is so capable of tossing and turning. The third brother is too pitiful.

Muxin likes a stable life and a stable family.

Just like shangguanning and jingyichen in front of her, they have a good relationship. They never make a fool of themselves. Their life is very stable. This is the happiest thing.

Muxin likes shangguanning very much. They are both astonishingly similar in many aspects. Shangguanning never makes them. They are very clear about what they want and strive to pursue them.

Women will be very happy when they do these things.

She inadvertently saw Jing Yichen holding shangguanning's hand and gently rubbing it, and her face showed a faint smile: "Shangguan, jingshao, the child's development is very good and healthy. Moreover, it may be because Shangguan drank the medicinal wine made by my grandfather. Obviously, we can see that the child develops better than the fetus of the same age, and he must be a very strong little guy. "

How many times has she visited the maternity and child care hospital? She has not known how many times she has opened a maternity and child hospital.

Just look at the color Doppler ultrasound, she can know the baby's development.

Shangguanning's children are growing up unexpectedly well. She knows that it must be grandfather's medicinal wine that plays a role. Even MuQing can only stare at those medicinal liquor, and she has no luck to taste it.

However, she had drunk the medicinal wine with a short portion of the lunar new year, and was very aware of its value and effect.

The medicinal wine made by laojunzi has the greatest function of health care, promoting cell regeneration, delaying aging and improving immunity.

Shangguanning has been drinking for more than half a year, and her constitution has been greatly improved. She has never had a cold since she was pregnant. She is very healthy. Undoubtedly, the fetus in her womb has benefited the most.

because the essence and nutrition of the mother, most of them will be absorbed by the fetus to promote the growth and development of the fetus.

Shangguan Ning and jingyichen are very happy to hear Muxin's words.

Husband and wife now love to hear such words, they both hope that the child can be healthy and lively.

Muxin hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Shangguan, according to experience, the baby is developing so well, your due date may be one or two weeks ahead of schedule. If you have abdominal pain, don't be nervous, just come to the hospital directly. If you don't mind being hospitalized, you can come to our hospital one month before delivery. "

Shangguan Ning stroked his abdomen and said with a smile, "OK, when you go to your hospital, it's just that you're going to suffer."

Children are more important than anything. Shangguanning does not exclude hospitalization. The conditions in the hospital are very good, and there are doctors all around. The whole person has a sense of security inexplicably.Muxin breathed a sigh of relief. She was most worried that shangguanning would think that the hospital was full of the smell of disinfection water, and the vision was all white, which would be very boring.

It seems that shangguanning is more adaptable to the environment and more rational than she imagined.

"There's nothing wrong with that." Muxin said with a smile: "I love to take care of pregnant mothers. This is the greatest thing in the world and the most fulfilling thing. I witnessed the growth and birth of a small life. I wish I had one right away!"

Shangguan Ning was immediately joked by her, teasing her: "then hurry to have a baby, if the baby is a girl, we can have a family!"

Muxin is in a good mood. When she sees a healthy baby and a cheerful mother, she is always very happy. She laughs and says, "then I have to work hard to make the girl smarter, otherwise your son will definitely dislike her for being stupid!"

Muxin is not modest. She knows that Jing Yichen's IQ is very high. Mu Qing's IQ is the highest of the Mu family's generation. However, every time my grandfather teaches him, he always takes out Jing Yichen and tells him about it. He is a typical child of other families.

Almost all of them live in the shadow of jingyichen!

Although she and her husband are both doctors of medicine and top obstetricians in China, there is a big gap between her and Jing Yichen.

However, Shangguan Ning said that Muxin really moved the mind of having children. She also really likes girls, and her husband also likes daughters.

Wooden heart feels, wait for oneself to finish this period of time, perhaps can start to prepare for pregnancy.

She has delivered so many children that she has long wanted one of her own. , the fastest update of the webnovel!