Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 464

This Spring Festival is destined to be spent by many people in an uneasy state.

Like the Ji family.

The capital chain of Jishi group is broken.

Mrs. Ji, Ji minjue, Ji Minyu and others have withdrawn a large amount of funds from the group. Ji's group has been unable to operate normally, and even many employees have not received the salary and bonus at the end of the year.

Jishi group was sued jointly by many employees.

Jibo was forced to hand over the position of president and all the shares in his hands.

Because there is no capital, Jishi group is an empty shell. It can't run at all. Moreover, the losses every day are hundreds of millions, which can't be borne by Jibo or Jijia.

They're just cooking to see who can survive.

Obviously, Jibo doesn't want his group to collapse like this. He can hand over everything first, as long as Jishi group can operate normally!

Jibo's compromise, so that the funds withdrawn quickly returned.

The employees received the late salary and bonus, and withdrew the lawsuit, but the people could not get it back.

Moreover, the decadent trend of Jishi group is too obvious now, the internal has already been panicked, and those who have the ability to change jobs have all changed jobs.

Although Ji minjue took the post of president again, she carried out a series of new measures to win people's support, but the effect was very little.

In February, Jishi group lost more than 70 billion yuan, and the amount of loss is still increasing.

After the new year, Jing Yichen and Ji Bo met once.

He suspected that Ji Bo had something to do with Zhao an's disappearance.

But after he tried, he found that Jibo didn't know about Zhao an's disappearance.

Jibo whole people are a little haggard anxiety, for jingyichen asked, he is confused.

He thought that jingyichen wanted to talk about cooperation with him!

He said, how could jingyichen be so kind!

Now the two people are in the same situation. Jingyichen doesn't meet and goes down to the killer directly. It's already very polite.

According to jingyichen's character before, he would never have any scruples. He should have done it in the dead, and he would certainly not give up.

Now he was careful because of shangguanning and refused to show any flaws.

Jibo is extremely anxious. He didn't overthrow jingyichen, but he took himself in. This kind of thing is absolutely the biggest disgrace in his life!

Jing Yichen looks at Ji Bo's expression all in the eye, raises head indifferently way: "I can cooperate with you."

Jibo's eyes immediately showed hope, but also very alert way: "what do you need me to pay?"

Jingyichen sneered: "what else do you have? What I want is something that belongs to me, the equity of Jingsheng group! "

Jibo's pupils shrank suddenly and said, "it's impossible!"

This is his last card, which can't be used easily!

What's more, he has an agreement with jingyiran. The equity of Jingsheng group here can only be exchanged for the equity of Jishi group held by jingyiran, and it must be one-to-one convertibility under any circumstances.

When this agreement was initially made, it was to prevent the collapse of Jishi group or Jingsheng group and the equity was worthless.

For example, although Jishi group is still in operation, its share price is less than one third of Jingsheng group's share price. It is obviously a loss making business to exchange 20% equity of Jingsheng group for 20% equity of Jishi group.

"You'd better return the equity of Jingsheng now and get my help, otherwise, you won't get anything in the future."

Jibo is in great need of help now, but the equity of Jingsheng group is his most valuable weight now. He needs to think about it carefully to make the most favorable judgment.

"If I hand over the shares, I will have nothing!" Jibo's thin face is full of light irony.

"No Jingyichen's voice is not big, but it has a frightening force. "If you hand over the equity of Jingsheng, I will help you recapture Ji's group. No one can do it except me, neither can Yang Muyan. "

Jibo's heart wavered slightly.

Because he knew that Jing Yichen was right and Yang Muyan could not.

Ji's group is not anyone can intervene, Yang Muyan is now the Ji family's people staring at death, can not do any hands and feet.

What's more, Yang Muyan now feels that Jibo has lost its use value and can't use the strength of Ji's group to defeat Jingsheng and Jingjia. Now, he is more indifferent to Jibo.

And because of Ji Lili's reason, Yang Muyan and Ji's family are in the same boat. Now jingyichen hardly needs any action. The Ji family all want to strangle Yang Muyan!

It was only when she appeared that Jibo began to change. She took the whole Ji family and Jing family together. Otherwise, how could this situation be now!

Everyone in the Ji family knows that the Jing family can't be provoked. Last year, Ji Lili was beaten so badly by Jing Yichen and asked for money from the Ji family. The Ji family tolerated it. Ji Bo was also very tolerant at that time, but now her confidence is expanding and she wants to swallow up the Jing family. It's just a daydream!Jibo is really bewitched by Yang Muyan. He thinks that if there are Yang Muyan who is not fateful and Jing Yiran is a loser, the Jing family will soon be doomed.

He far overestimated his side of the people, underestimated the opponent.

When he repents, it is already late!

He has been pulled to a ship by Yang Muyan and Jingyi. Either he goes to the dark, maybe he will defeat Jingsheng, or he will become nothing at once.

Jibo doesn't know if he can get off the ship in time, and whether Jing Yichen can really help him get back all the things he lost.

He doesn't believe in Jing Yichen.

Because if it was his own, he would never give up such an opponent.

He and Jing Yichen are completely opposite, and he is in absolute weakness.

Jibo did not speak, and Jing Yichen did not urge him. He came to see Jibo today, not to take back the equity, but to Zhao An'an. When it comes to equity, it's just a casual mention of jingyichen.

Now we know that Zhao An'an is not in Jibo's hands, and he has lost the interest to talk about it.

Of course, the equity of jingyichen should be taken back. The equity of Jingsheng is in the hands of an outsider, which is not allowed by him.

Jibo has one thing in mind. Jingyichen won't let him off lightly. Just because he has cooperated with others, he has robbed shangguanning on the night before their wedding, which makes jingyichen very angry.

Shangguanning was protecting Jibo at that time, because she felt that Jibo had not hurt her and had been protecting her.

But Jing Yichen doesn't think so. As long as Jibo is involved in the whole thing, it's already damned! , the fastest update of the webnovel!