Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 463

The first thing that Mrs. Ji wakes up is not to see how her favorite granddaughter is, but to dismiss Jibo from the post of president, take back all his shares, and force Ji Bo to divorce Yang Muyan!

Jibo can't agree to these three kinds.

He stood in front of the old lady's bed with thin cheeks. His suit, which was customized only last month, is a little bigger this month. It can be seen how thin he is.

The emaciated Jibo, the whole person has become a bit fierce, in the past that kind of gentle and elegant seems to have disappeared, even talk and do things are not as scrupulous as before.

"Grandma, I'm the most suitable person to be the president. Uncle is old, and he is not suitable!"

Ji minjue, who has been taking care of the old lady, almost jumped up to beat Ji Bo!

The old lady didn't like to hear such words, but Jibo didn't give her a chance to swear. She then said, "the shares I hold are all accumulated by myself. It's impossible to let them go out. On the contrary, I think the shares of the rest of our family should be handed over to me."

The old lady was almost angry with her grandson. She didn't expect that Sun Tzu would not listen to her now. All he said was to seize power!

she has the final say to win back the power of Ji Bo. She was the last woman to say the final thing, and she was an elder. She thought she would listen to what she said, because that's the way it was before.

"In addition, Yang Muyan and I will divorce, but not now. After this period of time, when Ji's family stands at the top of a city, I will divorce her."

Jibo finished, regardless of the old lady was angry almost fainted, directly left the hospital.

Jishi group can't do without him now. He needs to go back to take charge of the overall situation, otherwise many employees will leave.

City a ushered in another spring festival in turmoil.

The atmosphere of the Chinese New Year is getting stronger and stronger. Many companies have already begun to have a holiday. Shangguanning and jingyichen are no longer going to work. Shangguanning concentrates on raising the fetus at home, while jingyichen is responsible for taking care of pregnant women.

Jing Yichen looks at Shangguan Ning's bulging abdomen and can't help touching it.

"At this time next year, we will be able to celebrate the new year together with three of us, and then we will take our son out to set off firecrackers."

He has not forgotten the tender look in his eyes when shangguanning saw the children in the community setting off firecrackers last year.

When her son is born, shangguanning must be a very good mother. She likes children so much.

Shangguan Ning heard jingyichen's words, her face was full of happy smile, she also thought it would be very good.

However, with a smile, she was inexplicably reminded of Zhao An'an and Mu Qing, who had not come back in England.

"Yi Chen, is there still no news of An'an?"

The smile on Jing Yichen's face also gradually converged, and said in a low voice: "not yet. I'm afraid this girl doesn't know where to go again. What used to happen before, you don't have to worry. She must be OK."

He did not tell Shangguan the truth, afraid she would worry.

Zhao an may be arrested. Jing Yichen did not tell shangguanning nor Zhao Zhao Zhao, otherwise Zhao Zhao would die of crying.

It's not sure who captured Zhao An'an and where he was hiding. Jingyichen can't disclose any information.

MuQing once said that Yang Muyan should not be arrested. Although Yang Muyan also wants to move Zhao An'an recently, she seems to have been preempted by others before she can make a move.

Not Yang Muyan, who else?

Jing Yichen has a trace of speculation in his heart. He wants to start exploring after the new year.

If his guess is correct, Zhao An'an should not be in danger.

As for what to suffer, it is not in the scope of jingyichen's consideration.

Zhao an ran away so quietly and stealthily that his people and Zheng Jing's people searched with all their strength, which had delayed a lot of things. MuQing even didn't want to go back to the hospital, and even didn't return home. She was looking for her every moment.

It's good for Zhao An'an to have a bit of hardship. She will still run around without knowing what to do next!

There are two days is the Spring Festival, jingyichen accompany shangguanning to shopping mall.

Shopping malls are decorated with festivity and warmth. There are many people. Jingyichen carefully protects shangguanning all the way for fear that she will be hit by others.

Shangguanning today wore a loose leggings, a pregnant woman's skirt, the bulge of the lower abdomen appears more and more obvious, do not need her to deliberately avoid, others will automatically not go close to her, lest accidentally hurt her.

Many people are still very conscious that pregnant women are vulnerable groups and need to be protected. No one goes to shangguanning.

But jingyichen is more attractive than shangguanning. Even if he wears a mask, he still can't cover up and down that kind of luxurious bearing.

Many women keep looking at jingyichen, and some even recognize him as Jing Yichen, the president of Jingsheng group, which is very popular recently.

Fortunately, jingyichen is not a star. She is a low-key person and soon gets rid of those women.Shangguan Ning looked at the handsome man who was still handsome even though he wore a mask. He couldn't help but curl his mouth.

This is not fair, she is now a pregnant woman with no image to speak of, but jingyichen is still salivating as always. This gap is not so big!

Jingyichen looks at Shangguan Ning's expression in his eyes, and can't help but smile bitterly.

He didn't want to provoke those women. He didn't like it. He wanted to make shangguanning jealous. He soon became his father. He didn't want to make shangguanning unhappy because of this.

But shangguanning likes the festive atmosphere in the shopping mall during the festival. She likes to go shopping. Jingyichen accompanies her. Otherwise, they can ask the servant to help with the shopping. Where do you need the husband and wife to go shopping in person.

Fortunately, Shangguan Ning was a little tired after a while, and jingyichen quickly took her home.

Back home, Shangguan Ning's feet and legs are slightly swollen. Jingyichen holds her to the bed and gently massages her.

Perhaps a little tired, shangguanning was pressed very comfortable, and soon went to sleep.

Jingyichen see her sleep, gently cover her quilt, and then get up out of the bedroom, go to the study.

He still has a lot of things to deal with, especially the Jishi group and the Ji family. Now it has reached a critical moment. As long as Ji Jia is given another fatal blow, Jishi group will collapse!

Jibo chose a dead end. No wonder jingyichen is ruthless.

The purpose of his combination with Yang Muyan is very obvious, that is to deal with jingyichen together. Now, with jingyiran, they may not only want to overthrow Ji's group, but also want his life! , the fastest update of the webnovel!