Black Bellied President Dotes on Wife

Chapter 462

The old lady of Ji family and Ji Minyu knew that Ji Lili had returned home after reading the newspaper!

There are two very clear photos in the newspaper. One is a picture of Ji Lili slapping her on Yang Muyan's body, and the other is a picture of Yang Muyan cutting Ji Lili's carotid artery with broken porcelain chips.

Looking at the picture, the old lady immediately fainted.

Then Ji Minyu had a heart attack and fainted.

When he got to the hospital, he was told that four of his family members were in hospital at the same time, and all four were unconscious now.

The hospital gave him four critical notices and asked him to sign them.

Jibo looked at four critical notices, and his face was whiter than the white paper in his hand!

Even if Mu Jiba and aunt Yang Wanli are confused, they will never wake up!

Apart from Jibo's filial piety and respect to them, there are other reasons, of course.

Although Ji Minyu is no longer mayor, many people in a city still sell her face. The old lady also has rich resources. The property accumulated by several generations of the Ji family is all in the hands of the mother and daughter. If they have any accident, Jibo will not get any property, and all the property will be transferred to Ji minjue, the successor of the Ji family!

Then it will be cheap Ji Ling and Ji Jiameng, these two people will have more to rely on to deal with him!

Ji Ling and Ji Jiameng, these two idiots, don't know what they were bewitched by jingyichen. Now they are against him everywhere. Suddenly, their two brothers and sisters become intimate, but they treat him as enemies.

Jibo knows that he has robbed Ji minjue's position of president, which makes two people dissatisfied, but doesn't he hate him so much?

Two people's equity has 30% in total, which is more than Jibo. No matter what decision he makes, they both have the same word: against, against, against!

The pressure that Jibo has been facing recently is too big to be imagined, which is beyond his ability to bear.

Now, faced with four critical notices, he even wanted to die!

Jingyichen has been extremely moist. The performance of Jingsheng group has been rising, and the share price is very stable. A series of actions of Jibo have no effect at all. Instead, it is the fire in his backyard!

Jilly will kill him sooner or later!

The old lady of Ji's family is very angry, and her temper is quite irritable. It's common for her to faint in anger, but it's very rare for her to be so dangerous this time. Now have been sent to the hospital for rescue, but not wake up, visible situation is not optimistic.

Ji Minyu's heart disease is even more old-fashioned. Ji Lili is the flesh of her heart. She is afraid of falling when she holds it in her hand and will melt in her mouth. Now that her life is in danger, she is naturally furious. And her heart simply can't bear that load, so her condition is more critical than the old lady.

Relatively speaking, Ji Lili and Yang Muyan are better. Ji Lili lost too much blood. Yang Muyan was beaten all over by Ji Lili. In addition, she is weak, so she has been unconscious.

Ji's family is a woman who is hospitalized at the same time. All the reporters are moved by the news, carrying cameras at the door of the hospital. Some disguise themselves as patients and enter the hospital directly with micro hole cameras.

No matter how disgusting Ji Lili is, Jibo still doesn't want reporters to spread the family's affairs, otherwise it's time for some gossip.

But things are often out of his control.

Mrs. Ji is now the most senior member of the Ji family, and there is an endless stream of visitors. The first to come is the four members of Ji minjue's family.

All four members of the family cried bitterly, as if the old lady had died!

If the old lady really died, I'm afraid the happiest person is Ji minjue. He can immediately get a large inheritance from the Ji family!

Ji minjue is crying and scolding. She is bloody!

Ji Bo gritted his teeth and kept silent. He didn't know how many reporters were hidden around the hospital, and the people arranged by Jing Yichen. Even the doctors were not trustworthy. He didn't want to quarrel with Ji minjue, the uncle here, or he would be disgraced.

Soon, Ji Bo's father Ji Minjun and mother Bai Ru also came.

When the couple saw Jibo, they were obviously dissatisfied.

They all don't like Yang Muyan. At the beginning, Jibo got married quickly, and the couple were not happy. Now something has happened. The Ji family has already occupied all the TV screens and newspaper headlines in a city. People outside have said everything. The most common thing is that Jibo is unfilial and infatuated with a fox spirit, and his work is more and more unreliable.

Jibo has suffering words, bearing the pressure from all sides, the whole person lost ten jin in a few days.

Fortunately, jingyiran did not make trouble for Jibo these days, and the two people had an unprecedented tacit understanding of unity.

Jing Yiran knows that at present, the Ji family must not be defeated, otherwise where does he go to find such a powerful force to confront Jing Yichen?Really fight up, Jing Yiran just found out that he still has Jibo, how big the gap is with jingyichen!

They have done so much, it's better for jingyichen to do one thing!

Only one Jilly was called back, and the situation turned worse.

Jing Yiran and Ji Bo don't know that Ji Lili is not called back by jingyichen, but by Shangguan Ning. Jingyichen's means have not yet been used!

Shangguan Ning is sitting on the sofa of Huang Lihan's house, holding an evening paper in his hand, reading it carefully.

Now almost all the news in the newspaper is from the Ji family. There are more on the Internet. Shangguanning didn't expect that the effect of the event was so good!

Jilili as expected or as always, will not let people down!

Jing Zhongxiu sat down on the sofa opposite shangguanning and said with a smile, "ah Ning, I heard Yichen say that this time, you are the first one to succeed in this matter."

Shangguan Ning put down the newspaper, a little embarrassed with a smile: "Dad, where there is, I just played a role in boosting the flames, the specific operation is actually done by Yichen, where I have such a big ability."

Shangguan Ning knows exactly how much she has. Although Ji Lili was called back by her, Jing Yichen planned the reporter's arrangement, the reports of major TV stations, network news and newspaper news, and the internal turmoil of Ji's group was also arranged by Jing Yichen.

Even the four critical illness notices were made by Jing Yichen. He was so pervasive that he couldn't prevent the Jibo.

Huang Lihan came over and heard their conversation, and immediately said, "Xiaoning, what are you modest about? You don't take advantage of this credit. Isn't it too bad! Listen to my uncle, take all the credit, and exchange some practical benefits with your father! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!